Searching treasure weapon

In that night Mahesa Wulung and Gangsiran were summoned by Master of White Land to have a conversation.

"Wulung, tomorrow is the good day we have been waiting for. Are you still interested in investigating the snake heirloom Kyai Naga Geni?" asked the old man.

"I'm still interested, the teacher", said Mahesa Wulung, was eager to prove the story about the heritage.

"Well, then you can leave tomorrow morning. From the hermitage here, you both ride horses towards the West through mountainous land. Bring water and rations, you might not later meet the village on the street. Remember, everything I have taught you should be used as well as possible".

Thank you, Master. Are we permitted to prepare everything right now?"

"Yes…yes… That is better. In this way, you can begin the journey early. I will always pray that your ideals and duties will be fulfilled! Wulung"

The old Master ended the evening conversations, and give chance for Mahesa Wulung and Gangsiran to immediately arrange the items they will bring tomorrow. Actually, they are still tired because they have been working and practicing all day, but even then they don't feel very much, because they are people who like to work hard.

Morning air was very bright, as bright as the faces of those that stood in the yard of White Land compound. The Old master and several students were now shaking hands with Mahesa Wulung and Gangsiran who were standing near their horses.

"Goodbye Mahesa Wulung and Gangsiran. May God protect you on the road"

said White Land master, while his old eyes looked teary.

"Goodbye Master, and all brothers here. Hopefully, we will meet with no accident", they exclaimed while jumping on their respective horsebacks. Old Master approached Gangsiran while saying.

"Gangsiran, keep Mahesa Wulung good and I forgive all your sins."

"Good teacher, I will take good care of him like taking care of my own life" , Gangsiran said full of emotion, then his bridle was pulled and struck to the horse's neck to catch up with Mahesa Wulung who had walked before him.

They left the hermitage soon, spurred the horses immediately westward through the mountainous land full of the ravines. Along the way, there were weeds and other wild grasses growing here and there like ripples of seawater swept by the wind. Everywhere they see, large trees grow not too densely located, such as the pines trees that look lined up to thrive.

"Brother Mahesa Wulung, I feel like I will never come back to White Land compound"

Gangsiran's voice breaks the silence.

"Why is that, brother? "Mahesa Wulung asked in surprise.

"I don't know, why I can't explain brother. I just did it feel it suddenly."

"Don't worry about that. Leave it to God. To Him, we take refuge and also to Him we plead"

"True to your words. Thank you for your advice."

While the two of them headed to the west, far up there, the brushes on the cliff over the road unfolded by the fingers and a pair of eyes sharply watched the journey of Mahesa Wulung and Gangsiran.

"Hmm, they spur the horse to the west. Apparently, they are heading to Mount Brintik and are interested in the heritage of Kyai Naga Geni. Ha ha ha good! When they managed to get the heirloom, immediately at that moment the Naga Geni must have moved my hands."

The shadow flashed quickly to get some of his friends who had been waiting for him from behind the bamboo clump.

"Let's hurry up to your horse. We trail them from afar! This time Sima Gereng will make calculations with Mahesa Wulung, ha, ha, ha!"

Immediately they jumped and climbed on their horses, then raced down from the top of the cliff following in the footsteps of the two preys.

They intentionally let Mahesa Wulung get the Kyai Naga Geni's inheritance first after they succeed, they will take it. That is why they will not disturb their prey first. Sima Gereng and his people were actually less interested in the heirloom, even though they never knew their form. All they knew was that everyone, even his own men who had tried to enter the cave and look for the heirloom, was dead silly with charred bodies after fighting a large snake that lit a greenish-blue. Until then no one dared to try to enter the cave again. Now suddenly Sima Gereng knew that Mahesa Wulung will try to get the inheritance.

"Heh, heh, heh, this is the chance to make merit for Sir Singalodra and to hand over the heirloom to him, he is willing to exchange with abundant gold, diamonds, and money. This is called of fishing in muddy water",

Sima Gereng thought quietly in his mind, then told his men.

"Beware don't disturb them, before they get the heirloom."

They quietly followed Mahesa Wulung and Gangsiran, while they kept their distance so that they were

always far enough away and their horse steps were not heard by Mahesa Wulung, who has a sharp ear. After a while, they walked through the mountainous land which was covered with cliffs and cliffs that arrived at the Bergota village. Meanwhile, Sima Gereng together with his men took another way to stay away from Bergota village so as not to know by anyone. Mahesa Wulung and Gangsiran stopped in the village for a while to release their fatigue before continuing their destination to Mount Brintik which was located in the west of the Bergota village.