Inspecting the cave

Mahesa Wulung and Gangsiran who stopped by in the village also had conversations with Mr. Waru, the Bergotta village head, and also a longtime friend of Gangsiran,.

"Is that true that gentlemen insisted careful to investigate Heirloom weapon Naga Geni from Mount Brintik?"

Asked Ki Waru with the face full of doubts.

"That's true Ki Waru."

Answer Mahesa Wulung.

"If I may advise, you gentlemen should not have to continue on that purpose. How many people already fall victim to trying to get the Kyai Naga Geni Heirloom that nobody can't count the real amount"

"Thank you for the advice, sir. But we will continue to investigate the Heirloom seriously, so we know whether it really exists or just a hoax. Whether we will be succeeding or not, it doesn't matter to us. We humans must try but God will determine. Thus we will not be discouraged if we do not succeed in getting the Heritage".

Mahesa Wulung said that words calmly and Ki Waru nodded because he was so amazed by the strong will and determination of his guest.

"Ah, bro, you really have the spirit of a warrior. I was proud to get acquainted and chat with a mutter".

The three of them are very closely, various things they talk with friendly manner but for Ki Waru really feel pity because the time is very short and the guest must excuse their selves to immediately continue their journey to Mount Brintik. Mahesa Wulung and Gangsiran now continue their journey west and spur the horse.

"We should try to get there before sunset. Because if you stay late, it's hard to find the location of the cave in the dark",

Said Mahesa Wulung while increasing the speed of his horse running.

"That's right, Wulung". Said Gangsiran, "let's hurry".

Then both of them spurred the horses who were now running fast like being chased by the devil, and shortly after they turned southwest they arrived in the area of Mount Brintik.

After both of them descended from the horse, they immediately headed to the bushes below the Oak trees and tied the two animals to a tree hidden in its location. The sunlight that still shines was bright enough gave them assistance to find the location of the cave.

At the mouth of the cave grew bushes like protecting the place from sight, while the walls of the cave's mouth were full of moss wild greenish-brown interspersed with the growth of ferns here and there, adds to the excitement of the atmosphere.

"Brother Gangsiran, you waited for me outside my cave until I came out carrying the inheritance. If anything happens, tell me immediately".

"Good, Wulung, be careful".

"Alright, I came in now "

Said Mahesa Wulung, then hurried into the cave. The shape of the cave somehow is frightening. Next to wild moss, on the wall, the moisture by the water also appeared tree roots hanging like snakes waiting for their prey. From the direction of the cave's interior was the sound of rhythmic drops of water like a death song. When Mahesa Wulung has entered the cave deeper, suddenly his legs stumbled on something white. And when the soil that covered the white thing dredged, a human skull appeared!

Mahesa Wulung's nape's hair stood instantly, but after makes a silent prayer, the feeling immediately calms down. After five more steps Mahesa Wulung moved forward, there was a large black stone, with a flat surface. Next to the stone in some distance away, it looks like a human skeleton! Apparently, the stone was commonly used by people for seating in the vast cave room.

Mahesa Wulung then sat cross-legged on the rock calmly to take a break and scrutinize the surroundings. Now dusk has arrived. Soon this cave will get darker and to investigate the inheritance it is no longer possible. He didn't bring any lighting equipment and stay in dark caves is not a good choice. Who knows what will happen inside the dark cave at night.

"Well, I just continued my investigation the next morning"

Mahesa Wulung thinks by not forgetting to put his mind on the current situation inside the cave. After making up his mind, Mahesa Wulung leave the cave and with Gangsiran, return to Bergotta village to take a rest.