Our Journey Together (Vietnam 02 - Still in HCMC)

They spent the next day looking for a motor bike to buy so they can start the motorcycle looping in the Northern part of Vietnam.

Unfortunately, it's expensive in the South City and they end up planning to just fly to Hanoi and look there. They talked to few backpackers and they were advised that its more convenient to buy the motorcycle in Hanoi as it is nearer to the loops that they are planning to complete for a month.

After spending the day walking and it's sunset already...

"Shin, would you like to go the place where we met?"

"yeah sure.. I miss their banhmi anyway... It's delicious" She smiled glancing at him.

"Ok let's go then, but let's walk there hand in hand now" He sounded like a young boy asking for lollipops.

{OMG! Jungye! Don't do that! you are melting my heart...with those sparkling eyes, those boyish smiles and sweet voice} Lee Shin talked in her mind but didn't refused instead she took his hand and initiate that they go there directly..


Few minutes before they arrived at the stall, it started to rain. The stall wasn't on its usual place so they ended up asking the people around. Turned up, the stall owner pulled the banhmi stall inside the alley few meters on its usual place. Thank goodness they are second in line and not much crowded since it's raining. After few minutes people are starting to line up.

Shin: " I think I will order 2 banhmis because we only had breakfast today and we skipped lunch"

Jungye: " Me too! It's cheap here anyways just 20000 dong each unlike my expenses in Singapore"

Shin: "Yeah...this place is amazing.. a bread almost the size of my arm full of meat and vegetables...wow! I am drooling"

When Jungye heard the word drooling, he suddenly pulled his t shirt and wiped Shin's mouth and started to laugh and then other people on the line looked at them thinking what is the reason he laughed which made Shin embarrassed.

Shin: " why did you do that?"

Jungye: "because you said you are about to drool..so I wiped it for you... you're welcome by the way" and he still did not stopped laughing.

Shin: "it's not funny! stop it! " but she started to laugh with him not because of the joke but because she is seeing him so happy for a little reason and she is part of it.

When they got their banhmi, they stayed just near the stall and waiting for the rain to stop while eating. Then someone approached them and asked for directions. It's a Caucasian woman and she seems to be lost.

"Excuse me, do you know this hostel... because I've been going around in circles and I can't find it"

Jungye: "Yeah I know that place. That was my hostel last time. It's hard to find because you have to walk through the alley but you will find it. Just walk straight."

Lee Shin just stared at the two people talking. When was about to leave " Jungye, why not go with her and send her to the hostel. I will wait for you here" she said.

The woman stopped and looked at them "no it's ok thank you so much!" and she walked past them to find her own way.

Jungye:" seems like you are giving me to her. You even volunteered for me to be a gentleman" sulking voice of Jungye while looking sad at Shin.

Shin:" no one owns anyone. So I don't have the right to give you to her or anybody"

Jungye:" Aren't you afraid of me being snatched away? Or are you even jealous?

She suddenly stared at Jungye when she heard the word jealous and was puzzled why there's a need to be jealous about. "I am not jealous.. if you want to help her it's fine.. it's just me being friendly."

(AUTHOR: Lee Shin you are somewhat stupid and not getting the hints of man that is interested in you! No wonder you've been single for so long)

Jungye fell on deep thought, he has something he wants to say but changed his mind before he uttered the words. He just smiled at Lee Shin and they walked back to their hotel hand in hand without anyone saying a thing.


That night at the hotel room...

"hey Jungye, I got drenched from rain water, I will just have a quick hot shower and go to bed. Will you take shower first or me?.....or want to shower together?" She naughtily asked but blushed with the words she said.

Jungye:"no you take shower first. I will just update my blog and shower after you." Jungye was busy already updating his blog so he did not noticed the invitation...the last sentence that Shin said... which made Shin somewhat disappointed and relieved at the same time...

(AUTHOR: My god! Shin you are the one making the moves! I actually can't believe this!)

Because she was thinking about what she said few minutes ago, she went abruptly in the bathroom taking her towel inside, After half an hour of showering (AUTHOR: Shin is taking too much time showering..in real life)

"OMG! I only have towel and all my clothes are outside... what can I do?" She is a little on panic and opened the door slowly to glance at the man who is busy typing while seated on the bed...

"Jungye, can you turn over and not look at me?" she said with a very low voice but enough for him to hear her. Then he looked at the bathroom door to know what's the reason.

"why are you asking me to turn over?" his brows is slight crooked.

"Eh....Jungye.....I am just wearing a towel and I am completely....you know....all my clothes and undies are there...i left it in the bag...." she was averting his eyes and not looking at him so she did not see the slight naughty smile on his lips.

"No, I will not! If you want to walk out like that it's fine. It's just you and me here in the room! Don't worry, it's not in my nature to take advantage of women... I am the one being taken advantage of"

"You're conceited! As if....duh?" Shin walked out the door stomping her feet and took her clothes and went back inside the bathroom to change clothes. Then she heard Jungye's laugh and it made her smile while getting dress.


They slept peacefully that night...again nothing happened... But after midnight, Jungye actually steal kisses from her and holding her hand before he go to sleep...

(AUTHOR: seriously, Jungye! you are so sweet!)