Our Journey Together (Vietnam 03 - Hanoi)

They woke up mid morning that day and Lee Shin woke up first. She was hugging Jungye and her face is deep resting on his chest and cuddling tightly with him...she is on top of Jungye. She doesn't know what happened that night or if she will move or not, she is simply afraid to make movement because it will definitely wake him up but little did she know, Jungye was already awake and just kept his eyes shut to not disturb her sleep. He just simply enjoying the situation that she is sleeping on top of him, cuddling him tightly. All he remembered was he kissed her and held her hand and he wasn't expecting that she will end up doing the things he thought he will do last night.

"hmm...seems like it is going to happen again" Jungye spoke "as I've said, I am always being taken advantage of...we just slept and suddenly you are on to me like this" his voice was like he was a victim of harassment with a hint of teasing her.

"excuse me! I was asleep and you are in my bed side..who knows you arranged me like that" she blurted defensively...

"then why are you still there and not moving?" he raised his left eyebrow looking intently at her.

"because....because..." she doesn't know what to say, she actually don't want to leave on top of Jungye because it feels comfortable feeling his warmth contrasting the cool breeze of the air condition. Then she moved swiftly, took her towel and went straight to the bathroom, few seconds after she closed the door, she opened it again to open her bag and take her clothes with her.

"better to be fully clothed when I come out, you might accuse me of seducing you!" she said with her lips pouted which made him laughed and teased back.

"hey I can scrub your back if you want"

"no thank you!" then she locked the door and proceed taking shower.

Jungye took shower after her and they started to pack their things on their bag because they are about to be checked out and need to be at the airport to fly to Hanoi.


They reached Hanoi after lunch and they checked in first to their hotel room at Viet Family Hostel because the first choice of hotel they want to checked in was fully booked which is the Golden City Hotel. Their room is at the 3rd floor. They settled their things first and walked together outside to find a place to eat. There are a lot of people around and even way crowded than Ho Chi Minh. They found a banhmi place again...Banhmi 25 and started eating they breakfast and lunch altogether. The place is crowded and a lot of people are on the line waiting for the other patrons to finish so they can also sit inside the place.

Shin: "I love to taste that strawberry yogurt"

Jungye: " Go take it! We haven't had anything for today so its good that you have something you like to eat"

Shin: " their servings is huge, we can share if you want but its a yogurt on stick...if you're"

Jungye:" I don't mind eating whatever you left on that stick" he spoke cutting whatever she will say.

Shin: " ok then so we share the yogurt on stick"

They finished eating their banhmi bread and the last is the yogurt on stick. Lee Shin was slowly licking the frozen yogurt on stick while staring at Jungye, Her mind was wondering about something regarding their plans to buy motorcycle and the places they will go while riding the motorcycle. Then Jungye look intently towards her and he thought of something....adult something the way Shin consume the frozen yogurt on stick.

(AUTHOR: I actually find this funny. How can you lick a yogurt on stick while looking at the man in front of you! of course there will be misunderstanding)

Jungye:" Stop seducing me Shin! That will not work on me, even if you lick a lot of frozen yogurt on stick in front of me today. We are busy! we need to find motorcycle soon so we can start our looping. Remember we have just a month here and we have a lot of provinces we will pass by to finish everything until Ban Gioc." He was actually serious saying these words while looking at her.

She suddenly went back to her senses and trying to analyze what did he say and blushed with extreme embarrassment because the place is too crowded and people are eating near each other. His voice is enough for the next table to hear them and they glanced at her.

Shin: " Jungye!!! Oh my god! I wasn't.....hey I wasn't thinking of anything green or seducing you! I was thinking of the itineraries that we will have for the looping! " then she feed the remaining yogurt on stick on Jungye's mouth then covered her face. She doesn't know how to react because there were few people who glanced at them when they heard what he said towards her innocent daydreaming about their looping together.

Jungye: "oh! I am sorry, I thought you are trying to do something to me... as I've said, women loves to take advantage of my body so I thought" he innocently stated the sentence though he is being playful inside.

Shin: "if I will do that....it will not be like that!" and she already stopped talking because she knew Jungye will have another thing to say that will make her feel more embarrassed of the situation.

Jungye was actually laughing inside and he is enjoying how Shin reacted on the things he said. She looks so adorable blushing.