Remembering Old Times.

After a while, both Zhihao and Shuan went out of the coffee shop, and as usual, there's a lot of people that was brought outside by the internet.

Zheng Shuan held Zhihao's arms as she waved at her fans.

"Thank you all for coming, we're just having a discussion since I haven't seen my fiance in a very long time."

Hearing Shuan's words, the crowd immediately cheered on.

"Woah! Go for it our Goddess, you should live outside the circle, don't let others bring you down!"

"Yeah, every person deserves love, why should a Celebrity be excluded with that."

"We are cheering you on!"

"Yeah, even if you ever had a child, we will continuously support you!"

"Yeah! You are China's number one Superstar!"

Hearing their words of thought, Shuan felt warm as she smiled and bowed.

"Thank you all for continuously supporting me, I deeply appreciate it."

Then out of nowhere, someone screamed.


A Fat guy that looks like he's in his early 20s screamed, he then threw something towards the both of them.

Everyone saw it, big rotten tomatoes, five of them, scattering through the air as it flew towards Shuan.

The Fat guy also noticed that the direction the tomatoes are going isn't towards Zhihao's, but instead it flew to Shuan's, he became shocked, he was aiming at Zhihao, but he's not really good with throwing.

He wanted to run but was stopped halfway through by a lot of bystanders, he was immediately surrounded by a group of men that was cheering Shuan earlier.

The onlookers screamed as they tried to make Shuan evade it.

To Shuan and Zhihao, the tomatoes are like in slow motion, Shuan was about to evade it but as soon as she was going to, Zhihao held her arms as he stretched his hands.

Like a knight in shining armor, Zhihao protected Shuan as he gently slapped the tomatoes down to the ground.

The rotten tomatoes didn't explode with his slaps, instead, it actually felt like the tomatoes were going with Zhihao's flow.

Seeing Zhihao's action, everyone was silent for a few seconds before they people screamed.


"Prince! A Knight in shining armor!"

"Shuan! your fiance is so cool!"


"Such great reflex! Are you an Athlete?"

With the commotion, anyone wouldn't be able to ignore but, and try to act as someone really cool in front of these many people, but to Zhihao, who's used to be followed by millions of people, it felt nothing, but instead, he walked.

Zhihao walked towards the surrounded man.

One of the onlookers had been video recording the whole event since both Zhihao and Shuan had gone out of the coffee shop.

Zhihao sat in a squat position as he looked at the fat guy.

"Why would you do such a thing?"

The fat guy realizing that nothing had happened to Zheng Shuan sighed a breath of relief as he glared at Zhihao as he spoke.

"You are stealing our happiness! How dare you take our Goddess away?!"

Hearing the Fat guys words, the people nearby frowned, preparing to beat the hell out of the fat guy's b*tt.

But Zhihao, on the other hand, is calm, he looked at the fat guy and asked.

"If you harmed someone close to Shuan, would that satisfy you?"

Hearing this, the fat guy was about to speak, but realizing the meaning behind it, he felt shocked.

Would he be happy if he actually made their Goddess, Zheng Shuan, sad?

Zhihao then asked another question.

"If those things that you had thrown, hit Shuan, what would you feel?"

The Fat guy immediately felt enlightened, he was enraged before due to his selfish want, if it actually hit Shuan, he might've even committed suicide.

"Then, you are her Fan right?"

The Fat guy looked at Zhihao as he nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Then, what do you guys, the Fan of your Idols does?"

The Fat guy hearing this was shocked, as he asked himself, what do fanboys do? shakingly, he spoke.

"We... we... we support our Idol, our Goddess..."

Zhihao smiled as he asked further.

"Then, if she wants to obtain happiness by being selfish, does that count as not being your Idol?"

The Fat guy was speechless as he looked at Zhihao in sudden realization.

"If you see your Idol hurt, doesn't that hurt you all as well?"

Hearing this, not only is the Fat guy shaken, even the people around them is.

Zhihao then added.

"Like you all, Shuan is also a human being, she also wants to live, so tell me, is, your Idol, Zheng Shuan, doesn't deserve to love?"

Everyone was speechless.

Zhihao then stood up as he spoke to everyone.

"We shall be leaving, We need to eat with our family after all."

Zhihao bowed to all of them as he waved his hands and escorted Shuan to his car.

Everyone was still, not speaking, nor moving, not until Zhihao's car was finally gone from their vision.

"So cool!"

"Such a good person!"

"Why are there people even preventing such heavenly couple from emerging! They suit each other so well."

"Yeah, some people just want to see the World burn."

The one recording immediately uploaded the video on the internet while smiling in satisfaction.


Zhihao drove towards the Mansion, but then his phone rang.

Zhihao immediately answered as he spoke.

"Yes? Ah Mom, what's the problem?"

Ye Bing Bing replied: "We're already at the restaurant, So you don't have to return to the Mansion and pick us up, head here now, we'll order the food."

"Okay Mom, I`ll be there in a few minutes."

"Okay, don't rush, we won't feel good if you get into an accident."

"Okay, I`ll be caution."

Zhihao smiled as the both of them turned off their phone.

After a while, Shuan asked.

"What happened there? I could've just evaded those tomatoes."

Zhihao pondered for a bit, he then smiled as he replied.

"There are no evil person alive, only selfish ones, if you make them realized that what they are doing is extremely wrong, they might change for the better, and I pity men like those too, I can see in their eyes that, you were their only light."

Shuan nodded in understanding.

Zhihao then added.

"And, If someone stole you from me, I`d be like them, selfish, but more dangerous as I won't be throwing tomatoes."

Shuan chuckled as she replied.

"Well, I think you`ll be throwing your shoes then."

Zhihao smiled as he replied: "Maybe, but I want to see something."

Shuan looked at Zhihao and asked.

"What do you want to see?"

Zhihao chuckled as he replied: "If your popularity will increase because of what I did."

Shuan was speechless, Zhihao had always been clueless about things like these, but he actually knew some stuff.

Zhihao then added: "I kind of saw myself in him, a long time ago, but that's when I found something to hold on to."

Zhihao remembered the time that he was working to pay for some information about his parents, and he had the same eyes as the Fat guy when he fell from the bridge, something he selfishly wants to hold, something he felt that should at least happen as he wanted.

Seeing Zhihao's sad expression, Shuan smiled as she patted his shoulder.

Zhihao smiled as he replied: "Well, everything turned out for the better, I got reunited with my Family, and..."

Hearing Zhihao's words not continued, Shuan asked.


"I met you."

Hearing this, Shuan blushed extremely as she covered her face.

After a while, Shuan smiled as the both of them laughed.