A Cliche Moment

Kai entered the library and looked at the enormous number of books that were organized on shelves. The library itself was enormous and Kai felt that it was the place that gathered the most books he had ever seen in his life. Kai walked up to the counter and was about to ask the librarian where the comic books were.

The librarian was a young woman in her twenties at least Kai assumed that she was in her twenties according to the amount of life force he sensed in her blood. She was wearing some relatively cheap clothes compared to the rest of the high-quality clothes the rest of the students were wearing, and according to her working in the library, she was also at the library to pay her school fees.

Of course, Kai himself wouldn't actually work at the library, he would instead find a quiet place to sit and read.

"Hi, where is the comic book section in the library?" Kai asked the librarian. She looked up and once she saw his appearance she blushed and then pointed in a certain direction. He could see that she didn't know what to say and he couldn't be bothered waiting for her to tell him exactly where to go so he didn't bother waiting.

Instead, he just left in the direction that she had pointed at. After he had left, a bossy looking girl rushed over to the counter and asked hurriedly "Where did that guy go?" Once she saw that the librarian manning the counter didn't reply still apparently thinking about Kai, she clapped right in front of the librarian's face loudly causing her to wake up from her daze.

The librarian said quietly "in the graphic novel section." "What!" The girl said loudly. "Say it again," "In the fantasy genre's section." The librarian said to her maliciously after seeing the girls rude and disrespectful behaviour.

The rude girl quickly messaged "Kai has come to the library and is in the fantasy section" into the Fanclub's group. The group instantly erupted in lots of texts that were replying and saying that they were rushing over.

Kai was aware of the pandemonium that was going on behind him after his departure from the library counter. He walked quickly and selected a large number of comic books and put them into his storage space.

After getting his selection he quickly ascended onto the second floor of the library and looked for the wuxia section. He quickly found the section and selected two of the classics- "Demi-gods and Semi-devils" and "Legend of the Condor Heroes as he still hadn't had the time to read them."

After taking these books he left the second floor and then the library altogether. Kai stopped running after escaping the library, he had seen many fangirls and even a few boys running into the library with a crazed look on their face.

He then walked slowly to his dorm while seeing a couple of owls on the outskirts of the forest. He ignored their creepy gazes and instead continued walking to his dorm.

When he arrived, he saw a couple of students standing in front of his dorm's building and seemed to be waiting for someone. He didn't think that they would be waiting for him as only the girls and a few boys were chasing after him.

So, he just walked up to his dorm without much care and didn't spare them a glance. The group of students were made up of a few vampires. Again, he didn't think that there would be anybody that would try and attack him because he was a "second generation" vampire.

But as he passed the students with the intention of making his way to the dorm the leading vampire suddenly moved in front of him. "You new kid stop!" Kai didn't care much for these dumb occurrences and simply moved a little to the left and almost passed him.

But just as he was about to pass them, the leading vampire pushed his hand out in Kai's direction and stopped him. Kai who was annoyed at the fact that he was getting chased as soon as he had left the class was getting irritated at the dumb vampire's interference with his schedule.

"Did you hear me, new kid? Did you not understand what I said to you." The leading vampire said in a threating tone. Kai looked calmly at him and asked him "what do you want?"

"So you did hear me punk," he said and motioned for his vampire goons to circle around Kai. "Well Kai, as you know as soon as you appeared on campus almost all the female students have started to chase after you and my soon to be girlfriend is one of them. You have caused her to want you and thus you have gotten in my way. So, you will have to disappear from here and as a benefit, I can even get a second generation bloodline perfect for her." He finished explaining his "master plan" to Kai and then told his vampire goons "beat him till he's an inch from his death."

The goons unsurprisingly followed his orders, and each released their auras. Their auras were at least that of the fourth generation while there were even a few that were of the third generation.

Kai who was annoyed and frustrated was happy when the vampire commanded his goons to attack himself and thought to himself. 'I should really thank this vampire canon fodder for sending me some tools for blowing off some steam. Also, doesn't this seem like a typical wuxia plot, where the young master sends his goons to attack the mc and then gradually his entire family attacks him.'

He then jumped right at them and started to slaughter them with a happy gaze on his face as well as a tremendous amount of bloodlust was being released from him. A few seconds later the large group of goons that were about to attack him were merely body parts that were ripped apart and strewn on the floor.

The vampire "young master" was trembling and stared at Kai with fear and terror. "Wh..wha…what are you?" The "young master" had never seen such a brutal scene in his life as he usually had his goons attack his targets and give him the results later.

He was an heir to one of the most influential companies in the world, in addition to having a father who was a first generation vampire who was sired by the progenitor directly. He wasn't used to these acts of murder and therefore was ignorant of what truly happened.

"I'm sorry please forgive me" but when he saw that Kai wasn't going to let him off he collapsed on his knees and begged him and repeatedly said forgive me.

Kai was surprised at the "young master's" grovelling as he was sure that he would attempt to attempt to stop Kai by saying his family background. But when he didn't, Kai got a slightly better impression and considered letting him off… Of course, he only considered that he wasn't actually going to do that as he was never going to let somebody off the hook after attempting to take his life.

Instead, he thought of another way to relieve stress, instead of killing him directly he could make him run into the school's forest that was behind the facilities and then hunt him down.

"Listen up, considering that you have repented I have been thinking of letting you go." The "young master" who was on the ground was silently breathing in relief and then thought that once Kai let him go he would call his father and get him to take care of Kai.

"But of course, in the end, I have decided to let you have a chance to escape with your life. You have the opportunity to escape my hunt and only then can you survive. I will let you escape into the forest with a 10-minute head start and then I will enter after you and hunt you down.

Of course, if you don't want to take this opportunity then I will kill you right now and while it will cause an anticlimactic and boring ending to this fiasco but I'm fine with that as well. So you decide."

"I… I choose to go into the forest." Kai smirked and grabbed the "young master" and sent him to the edge of the forest. "You have 10 minutes use them wisely." After that, he let go of the "young master", and he scurried into the forest after looking at Kai's cruel expression.