The Hunt

Devon Stein ran through the forest and was trying to escape the demon that was pursuing him. Earlier on he had heard that the new transfer student in the year below him was extremely handsome and charming. That didn't annoy him but the fact that his childhood friend and that also happened to be his crush, was infatuated with him caused Devon a great amount of anger and jealousy.

He continued to run through the forest passing many different trees and undergrowth while trying to find a place to hide. All he meant to do towards Kai was keep him in his secret hideaway and torture him lightly before warning him to leave the campus grounds and never return.

All of the torment that he had planned for Kai was a result of the need to protect his love and not allow her to be tainted by others with bad intentions. With one look at his photo, Devon knew that Kai was a bad person. But before his plan had started it was completely destroyed. Not only had his friends been killed, but now he was being hunted by that demon.

Devon had no idea what he was doing in the school, but he knew that the goal that the demon had given him was impossible to achieve. The demon had pretended that he was a second generation vampire, but he knew that he must have some ulterior goal that caused him to infiltrate the school.

He couldn't escape the forest because the demon was as strong as his father if not stronger. His father was a first generation vampire turned by the progenitor.

The only possible way for him to survive was by surviving and then somehow escaping the forest and rushing to the administrative building and acquire the upper management's help and protection.

While running he found a small cave and cut himself with his fangs and let his blood drip onto the rocky floor before his wound closed. He then left and tried to find another hiding place while constantly leaving traces of his blood on various pieces of undergrowth.

While he appeared stupid and arrogant in reality, he was taught how to survive when be tracked by supernatural beings when he was younger.

When he was still a child father Stein and his father's friend would come and talk in his study in their mansion. Father Stein's friend would always bring his daughter Regina with him and she would play with Devon. They became good friends and started to play with each other. Due to them merely being naïve children, they would have sleepovers and talk to each other.

During one night while Regina was sleeping over at Devon's house, she cried and told him how the rest of the children at her school didn't want to talk to her, not because she was bullied but because her social status was so different from the rest of the other children.

Over the years he slowly discovered that he was falling in love with her. After a few months of bottled up feelings, a young Devon managed to gather enough confidence and finally confessed his feelings towards Regina.

But she rejected his confession under the excuse of him being like a brother and she couldn't love her brother in a romantic way. Devon was heartbroken, but he pretended to act like it was nothing and their relationship continued on like before, at least for Regina.

Every day Devon would have to calm himself and during this year after spending the following years after his confession slowly changing Regina's view of him, he was prepared to ask her out for dinner and then hopefully have a romantic relationship with her.

But Kai had to stick arrive exactly at the wrong time and caused all of his attempts of a relationship to crumble. This was the main reason that he had planned to attack Kai.

He had silently been counting the amount of time that he had left and at that moment he discovered that his escape time was up. He jumped into a deep hole that had a small exit in the back of the cave and lay there waiting.

After a minute he felt extremely tense surrounded by only the darkness in the claustrophobic hole but even then, he didn't move, silently waiting for Kai to pass.

Patience was a crucial element that an heir to a large business had to have. If he didn't he wouldn't be able to get very far and most likely would fail. For example, if he was in the middle of a meeting with all the shareholders and feeling impatient he could lose focus or simply leave and that would cause him to be misinformed and have a bad relationship with them.

But the tension was killing him, and he wanted to escape Kai and this nightmarish forest as fast as he could. Over the few minutes that he had hidden in the forest, he had the feeling that he was being watched, causing him to be extremely shaken.

In the end, he decided to come out of the hole and climbed out cautiously looking left and right. Just as he was about to escape from the forest he heard the nightmarish voice that he didn't want to hear the most coming from behind him. "So, you have finally come out of that hole. It was getting annoying staying there behind you."

Devon turned around and saw the two crimson eyes peering at him with a crazy expression. "You…You…You were with me underneath the ground." He asked Kai while panting and a terrified expression painted on his face. He understood that everything that he had done was under the watch of Kai.

"Yes of course otherwise how would I be able to see that terrified expression on your face. It simply fills me with delight." Kai said with a twisted expression on his face.

Devon wasn't ready to give up on life and took out a small piece of tattered paper filled with many unreadable scribbles. He then pointed it at Kai and smudged some blood that was on his thumb from earlier onto it. The page lit up with a gloomy black light that seemed to symbolise death and fired a light at Kai. Kai tried to dodge it but much to his surprise he couldn't, it seemingly moved slowly but somehow followed him wherever he went.

In the end, Kai let it hit him and braced himself while activating [Fortify] and [Vitalise] at the same time. (For those that forgot Fortify increases his defence and vitalise increases his regeneration).

He, however, felt the impact from the mysterious light and felt a sharp pain in his gut. He looked down and saw that his stomach had been pierced by the spell. Luckily, he had been wearing one of his red windbreaker jackets that were made of the skin of a powerful beast. The windbreaker managed to absorb around half of the strength of the attack.

The spell had a gaping hole in his skin and around the wound, there were signs of corrosive poison. Kai felt that the poison had a slight aura of death, something he had come in contact with every day in the arena. He knew that he wouldn't be able to heal the wound before the poisoned flesh was either healed or removed.

Kai opted for the second option and without much care ripped out his flesh. After that momentary distraction, his flesh healed back to his optimal state and he decided that he could continue with his hunt.

After Devon had released his last ace the mysterious page with the corrosive spell he instantly left without looking back and seeing the results. He ran towards the exit and could see the moonlight coming from the exit to the academy grounds. But just as he was about to escape a hand pierced through his chest and ripped his heart out.

After that Devon's body exploded and chunks of his body were thrown onto the surrounding plants. Kai was standing behind Devon with his Runic Eyes activated and were glowing eerily. On his handsome face was a twisted grin that caused his face to appear demonic.