Sick Abilities

Sorry for not updating for three days, as I said, it is extremely hectic as it was the first week, and our workload might increase in the following weeks. I am busy, but if I can, I'll try updating it at least once a day. Please be understanding, I'm very sorry as this is the best I can do. Let's get to the story!


Jett wore the armor. To wear the Phantom Assassin Suit, it was actually like Iron Man's suit that opens up.

Jett commanded the suit to open up and it opened, just like Iron Man's suit. After that, he commanded the suit to close up.

The suit was extremely light that even a 15-year-old kid like Jett can move since it was made out of a light material called Jorium. Jorium, although light as a feather, is extremely durable and is stain resistant. Jorium's toughness is 10 times that of the toughness of diamond, so even modern world tanks of the Artistic Universe can't destroy the suit. Heck! Even a nuke won't be able to break it, since it wasn't made out of carbon like diamond and can withstand temperatures of 5000 degrees celsius without breaking!

Inside was also extremely comfortable. After the Jorium layer of the suit was another armor that was made from hide of an unknown being from another universe. The hide was immune to fire and is stronger than steel by at least five times, but was still extremely soft when touched.

The hide was like oobleck, soft when gently touched, but becomes extremely hard when attacked. No, actually, it's more of like a mirror without reflection, the hide becomes tougher the stronger the force applied to it. Of course, there are certain limitations. There was also air conditioning on the inside, making it cold, which was what Jett liked since the Philippines is so hot.

"Awesome." Jett's voice sounded out and was modified to a certain extent. His voice was like Iron Man's.

Jett tried to move and surprisingly found that his movement was as light as a feather. He moved around their house, like the wind.

"This will be useful in the future." Jett said to himself. The armor was beautiful as well as extremely useful, it is definitely to Jett's tastes.

Jett actually doesn't care about flashiness, he just cares about practicality. But of course, he still prefers better looking and practical equipment over an ugly yet practical equipment.

He got out of the suit and stored it in his storage again.

He finally laid his eyes on the last lottery card, the Starter Ability Lottery Card.

He used it without hesitation.


[Ding~ Singing Skill Book Set received]

[Video Gaming Skill Book Set received]

[Desolate Heaven Fist Skill Book Set received]

[Fitness Base Stat Stone Set received]

[Vocal Chords Ability Stone Set received]

Jett read the description of each.

Name: Singing Skill Book Set

Origin: Artistic Universe's Human's Skills/Abilities

Grade: Intermediate Minor-Class Skill

Description: Contains 100 Singing Skill Books. First time use: Unlocks the Singing Skill. Main Effect: Adds one point to Singing Skill, which allows user to be able to be better at singing, controlling one's voice's pitch, and other singing-related skills.

Requirements: None (Starter Ability)

Jett was disappointed with the skill book as his voice was pretty bad. How the hell was he supposed to use and apply this to his life if his voice was bad? Jett read the second one.

Name: Video Gaming Skill Book Set

Origin: Artistic Universe's Human's Skills/Abilities

Grade: Superior Minor-Class Skill

Description: Contains 100 Video Gaming Skill Books. First time use: Unlocks the Video Gaming Skill. Main Effect: Adds one point to Video Gaming Skill, which allows user to have faster apm, think of better gaming strategies, and many other game-related skills in any genre, even VR.

Requirements: None (Starter Ability)

Jett's eyes showed excitement but he contained it as he rad the next one.

Name: Desolate Heaven Fist Skill Book Set

Origin: ???

Grade: Apex Ethereal-Class Skill

Description: Contains 100 Desolate Heaven Fist Skill Books. First time use: Unlocks the Desolate Heaven Fist Skill. Main Effect: Adds one point to the Desolate Heaven Fist Skill which allows user to use the Desolate Heaven Fist.

Requirements: None (Starter Ability)

Jett was shocked when he read the Desolate Heaven Fist Skill Book Set's description. Although the origin says '???' he knows that it came from a cultivation world of some sort.

Clues? The name screams it is a fist technique from a cultivation world. It is an Ethereal-Class Skill, which, by inference, cannot occur in Artistic Universe's skills. And Jett is a nerd when it comes to these type of shit, so of course he knows a fighting technique if he sees one!

Jett finally couldn't contain his happiness and shouted in bliss. He screamed excitedly, but not that loud so that the neighbors will hear him.

He controlled himself from immediately using the skill book set and read the next one.

Name: Fitness Base Stat Stone Set

Origin: System's Stats Function

Grade: Apex-Minor Class Ability

Description: Contains 100 Fitness Base Stat Stones. Adds one point to Fitness Base Stat. Fitness is a stat regarding the host's physical health, cardiovascular health, muscle to fat ratio, and other stuff like that. It also includes organ/internal health and the immune system.

Jett didn't show a sliver of anything when he read the description of the Fitness Base Stat Stone. He proceeded to the next one

Name: Vocal Chords Ability Stone Set

Origin: Human's Earth Skills/Abilities

Grade: Superior Minor-Class Ability

Description: Contains 100 Vocal Chords Ability Stone. First Time Use: Unlocks Vocal Chord Ability. Main Effect: Adds one point to Vocal Chords Ability, which develops user's vocal chords.

Jett's eyes turned into slits. He wondered if it was coincidence that he got the Vocal Chords Ability Stone Set with the Singing Skill Book Set.

He then remembered the Heaven's Luck Pendant. He forgot that he had this item because of all the excitement he experienced.

He touched the Heaven's Luck Pendant, and looked at it with respect. His life changed because of this one item! Well, of course his life changed because of the Supreme Shopping System, but other than that, it was because of this pendant!

Jett thanked the god and Prontadynamus in his heart for giving him the Supreme Shopping System and allowing him to gain the Heaven's Luck Pendant.

He then let go of the pendant and used all of the sets.

[Ding~ Stats Function Unlocked!]

[Ding~ Singing Skill Book x100 used]

[+100 Singing Skill Book]

[Extra Effect Unlocked: Perfect Singing Knowledge and Control]

[Ding~ Video Gaming Skill Book x100 used]

[+100 Video Gaming Skill]

[Extra Effect Unlocked: World-Class Gamer Mind]

[Ding~ Desolate Heaven Fist Skill Book x100 used]

[+100 Desolate Heaven Fist Skill]

[Subskill Unlocked: Myriad Phantom Hands]

[Extra Effect Unlocked: Iron Fist]

[Ding~ +100 Fitness Base Stat]

[Extra Effect Unlocked: All Physical Base Stats Increase]

[Ding~ Vocal Chords Ability Stone used]

[+100 Vocal Chords Ability]

[Extra Effect Unlocked: Own Voice Manipulation]

When Jett heard the extra effect of the Video Gaming Skill, his face showed a confused expression.

'World-Class Gamer Mind? Why does it sound so familiar...' Jett reminisced and searched his memories about World-Class Gamer Mind.

After a few moments, his memories clicked. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry! It came from the freaking webtoon, The Gamer!

Jett opened his stats.

Host: Jett Valdez

System Level: 1

[Base Stats]:

Strength: 0/100 +50

Agility: 0/100 +50

Toughness: 0/100 +50

Stamina: 0/100 +50

Dexterity: 0/100

Fitness: 100/100 - Extra Effect: All Physical Base Stats Increase

Reflexes: 0/100 +50

Intelligence: 0/100

Wisdom: 0/100

Memory: 0/100

Senses: 0/100

Vitality: 0/100

Charm: 0/100

Looks: 0/100


Vocal Chords: 100/100 - Extra Effect: Own Voice Manipulation


Singing Skill: 100/100 - Extra Effect: Perfect Singing Knowledge and Control

Video Gaming Skill: 100/100 - Extra Effect: World-Class Gamer Mind

Desolate Heaven Fist - Extra Effect: Iron Fist; Subskills: Myriad Phantom Hands

Jett nodded in approval when he saw the clean stats screen. It was extremely neat but nothing to be surprised at. It's just a typical RPG-stat window, in real life though and much more stats.

He knows that he can read the description and information of an extra effect, he immediately checked the information of the World-Class Gamer Mind.

[World-Class Gamer Mind]

Type: Passive

Category: Extra Effect

Source: Video Gaming Skill

Effect: Allows user to stay calm at any situation in the game, be aware of everything on what's happening in the game, able to grasp the control of any console instantly, create strategies that no one is able to ever think of and many more. It can also apply in real life, allowing user to treat real life as a game, allowing one to have absolute calmness in any given situation.

When Jett read the description, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry once again. 'Damn! This is plagiarism! The effect was took out of the webtoon The Gamer straight out! The description was only modified a bit and the name was changed from Gamer's Mind to World-Class Gamer Mind! What the hell is wrong with the system! I thought that the God of All-Creation's naming sense was impeccable, but damn...'

In the end, Jett calmed down and thought rationally. 'It is true that even if it was the Gamer's Mind and the World-Class Gamer Mind, both can't possibly exist...'

Jett was struck by a realization. It was like he was enlightened.

"But what if there was really a The Gamer's universe or world or something!?" Jett exclaimed.

He calmed down again in an instant because of the World-Class Gamer Mind's effect. Jett opened the description of the Perfect Singing Knowledge and Control, and the Own Voice Manipulation at the same time.

[Perfect Singing Knowledge and Control]

Type: Passive

Category: Extra Effect

Source: Singing Skill

Description: Allows user to hit any note perfectly, and sing any song perfectly the first time one hears it. One can also mimic any sound of any animal perfectly like they were a parrot mimicking an animal. And because of this, user also has Perfect Pitch, which allows them to hear and differentiate each type of pitch without fail.

[Own Voice Manipulation]

Type: Active

Category: Extra Effect

Source: Vocal Chords Ability

Description: Allows user to manipulate their own voice, enabling them to mimic any voice, even nigh impossible ones. It can also hack into a voice recognition system by mimicking authorized members' voices.

When Jett read the information regarding the two extra effects, he was floored. 'So, I'm already a world-class singer because of these two skills and abilities? Damn! This is too overpowered! Plus the fact that I can increase my looks and charm... I'd be the perfect heartthrob and superstar in the world, where any girl will fall heads over heels for me!'

Jett's mouth crept up into a pretty creepy grin that emits lewdness. But that thought instantly vanished as he continued opening descriptions of the last extra effects.

He didn't open the All Physical Stats Increase because that'd just be a waste of time as the name was already pretty self-explanatory. Instead, he opened the Myriad Phantom Hands.

[Iron Fist]

Type: Active

Category: Extra Effect

Source: Desolate Heaven Fist

Description: Turns the user's fists into extremely hard material like iron, hence the name Iron Fist. The color of the user's hands become shiny, glossy, and silver, like actual iron. User's fists can parry against blades made out of diamond even though it's name Iron Fist and can even shatter them with enough strength. The strength of the user is also doubled with the Iron Fist.

???: ??? - Replaced by using SC for 1 hour, which can be divided into different times. For example, host can use the Iron Fist 20 minutes this day, then 10 minutes tomorrow, and so on and so forth.

Jett was surprised by the [Iron Fist] and activated it instantly. His fists turned into the color of iron and was extremely hard. He punched the air, and created a ripple, a very large ripple! It even created a ripping sound, but not to the point that it created a sonic boom.

"Goodness..." Jett looked at his hands, he did not believe that he was the one who created that. He then looked at the wall.

He immediately trashed the thought that arose in his head, which was to punch the wall while Iron Fist is activated. He then turned [Iron Fist] off.'

Jett didn't wonder about the '???' at the bottom of the extra skill description as he knew that it was Qi Usage or something along those lines.

After that, he read the Myriad Phantom Hands.

[Myriad Phantom Hands]

Type: Active

Category: Subskill

Source: Desolate Heaven Fist

Description: The first technique of the Desolate Heaven Fist which allows user to create innumerable hands that is separate of the user. The hands can be used for punching, lifting like telekinesis, blocking, and many more. It can also use other fist techniques, albeit, at 50% power. The hand can float and can be rode on, it can also travel 10 times as fast as the user. The hands' visibility is semi-transparent and the color can be manipulated by the user's thoughts.

Strength Portrayed: 100% of the user

Maximum Size: The size of the Artistic Universe's Earth's Sun (2 Hands Only)

Max Hand Count: 25 Trillion Hands the size of the host's hands

Maximum Distance From The User: 1,000 Kilometers

???: ??? - Replaced by SC like the Iron Fist.