Sigh, Letting You Guys Down Again

As a guy attending school, there's too much of a workload on my shoulders. I can't seem to find the time to write these past few days, actually, weeks. I love writing, but I'll be honest, gaming has consumed me. As a normal teenager, I love playing games, and with the workload, plus playing games, my time was cut off. I blame myself for bringing disaster to my own novel. I blame my laziness to do these things.

Well, there are other reasons for me not to continuing this novel. First, my idea was pretty good. But I can't seem to refine it early on. The ideas that I had on this novel was just too messy, I can't express myself. Secondly, I just don't want to. This is the most important reason. I can't put this indescribable feeling into words, but my motivation to continue this novel, and my other dead novel, Ability Wielders, is just isn't there anymore. This is such an irony to be honest, I was the one who urges Filipinos to show the world their writing abilities, yet, was the one who will go against this. Sigh, such an irony. I hate myself for doing this, but it's time to let go.

I'm sorry guys.

On the bright side though, I'll be doing another novel. Not sure if I will be able to actually hold onto it this time. I don't want to promise as I'm afraid I might break it again. This time, I won't read the reviews on that novel, I will read comments though. I'm just gonna do that novel for fun now, and will do my best to update it regularly.

Also, look forward if I will revive this, and the Ability Wielders novel in the future. I am very sorry for letting you dear readers forward again.

Again, I apologize for the things I've let you down.

Oh, yeah, about the cover of this novel, I wasn't able to get one, and I'm not very good at drawing, and I don't know someone who can draw that good, as I am still a student. And yes, I'm a high school student.

Once again, I'm sorry.