When the day was getting darker Milo and Renjamin finally arrived to where their dorm was located. Oddly enough when it got dark the stars also disappeared from the sky. They did not slowly fade away, but it was a sudden and abrupt departure. It seemed as if the stars themselves were scared away for whatever reason.
Milo looked over to where they would be staying and couldn't help but exclaim.
"My goodness, it really does look haunted!"
This was taxing on Renjamin's already fragile demeanor, with everything that had happened he was not of a stable mind.
The building did look extremely haunted though. It might sound weird to say it "looked" haunted, but that is really the best way to describe how it actually looked. The building had that cliché "haunted" look. It looked just like it was pulled out of a horror movie. There was a very good reason for this too. Some horror movie directors had actually gone to this school. Because of this they had tried to emulate apart of the school in there works. The piece they usually decided to go with was this school; therefore, this school was the original and defining "horror house"
Neither Milo nor Renjamin knew this though, so they could only gasp when they saw how it looked.
Renjamin turned, looked to Milo and said.
"Milo... There is no way this building is actually haunted right?"
Milo didn't look at Renjamin and kept on studying the building, when he responded with.
"I would imagine so, I can't understand why a teacher would lie to their students over such a petty thing. The teacher also seemed genuinely scared to come here, this further, makes my idea more likely."
Renjamin didn't respond to Milo. What Milo had just told him seemed to be horrifying to know and still be able to stay calm.
The both of them had nothing to do except go find their room.
As they were both walking towards the building, they needed to push a large steel gate that said.
"Litost Dormitories Est. XC~~"
When they opened this door to enter the courtyard they heard a soul reaching sound.
The loud noise of the gate that hadn't been oiled in eons made Renjamin jump in fright. To Milo it seemed like a normal sound of metal rubbing against metal. To Renjamin's imaginative ear though, it seemed like the screeching call of a crying banshee. The reality of this situation was, that it was entirely possible for it to be either of those....
Walking through the courtyard they could see twisted trees on either side. They appeared to have been growing for almost eternity but were chocked at the base by vines that tried to grow up their trunks. The trees looked to be twisted like a length of rope and had spikes protruding from its trunk. The spikes seemed to keep the vines at bay and prevented them from overtaking the trees.
The path to the duos surprise was impeccable. It looked like it was swept and cleaned every day. There were no pieces of cobblestone missing, there were no tree roots protruding from its surface, and it appeared to be bleached white by ages of use. This astounded the two as they expected it be in disrepair after countless years of never being used.
All of these sights were visible to the both of them because of a slight glow that came from the building directly ahead. It glowed with an ambience that reached the farthest corners of the courtyard. This light was only visible when the both of them had entered the courtyard. Strangest of all was that the light reached all areas but was the same brightness everywhere. Another thing was that there were no shadows cast anywhere, even though the light defiantly came from the building and not directly above.
Milo and Renjamin didn't know how to describe this sight except one word that they both said unanimously.
One simple word that seemed to encapsulate this beautiful yet somehow tragic scene.
Renjamin quickly said after seeing all of this.
"We should probably hurry up and get to our rooms. I doubt the school would know, but there is technically a curfew we have to follow. Also, we should find our rooms before it gets any later tonight. I don't know why but I have this growing feeling that we need to hurry, it oddly enough feels like our life depends on it."
Milo looked at Renjamin and said.
"I have also had the same feeling for a while. It's odd that we have felt the same feeling, the only difference I I feel like if we stay we could see and know things that we could not see or Know otherwise. If you think we should go then let's go then."
When the both of them arrived before the door of the building, they put their hands out to open it. Before they could open it the door just opened on its own.
Renjamin jumped back when he saw this. He was just about ready to run away and could barely prevent himself from doing it.
Milo held back from laughing when he saw this, He said to Renjamin.
"Renji you need to calm down, it's not like there is anything dangerous. You need to act "alive", don't cower in fear just because you're scared. Use that fear and adrenaline to act smart and get things done."
When Renjamin heard this, he started to get upset and retorted back.
"Well, why aren't you scared? Isn't this scary, what is wrong with you?"
Milo looked at Renjamin with fear in his eyes and responded with no emotion.
"I can't feel fear. Ever since I was young I have never known or felt such an emotion."
He then walked into the building right after saying this to Renjamin.
Renjamin felt terrible after hearing this. There was no way to respond to such a statement. No matter what he could think of none of it was able to actually add to what Milo had just said.
After Milo walked into the building Renjamin saw something sweeping down from the ceiling. He saw a metallic "Blob" that swung down and slammed into Milo. After seeing this everything become bloody, there was blood absolutely every were. Renjamin couldn't help but scream out.
Milo had died.