To clarify with what had happened in the previous chapter, milo is not dead. Milo is not dead now that is, but that does not mean that he did not die, confusing?
As Milo walked into the building he saw giant "printer" fall from the floor above. There was no way to dodge from this impending disaster, so he suffered the fate of being squashed. When all of this was happening though, Milo had a strange stirring feeling in his head. Milo assumed this feeling came from the printer falling on top of him.
What this feeling came from was drastically different than a printer. It was his elusive third singula that had awakened. He didn't know this at the time, but he would see the benefits of it in the future. What actually did happen was that the printer did squish him flat.
Milo noticed that when the printer fell on him, that he could see himself getting slowly crushed under its weight. He then noticed soon after that the printer was defying gravity. It started to go back up in the and fell down to the side of him. Milo wasn't sure how any of this happened, but he was overjoyed that he did not die to a stupid thing such as a printer.
Renjamin during all of those was scared out of his mind. He had no idea what was happening and why Milo had died. Renjamin was continuously yelling out.
"Milo, Milo, where are you? Oh, Milo I'm so sorry please just please come back."
Milo didn't know what to think of all this. Renjamin was seeking about him like he was a long-lost lover. It was pretty weird to hear him speaking like this, when he had seen him trying to flirt with a girl earlier. Seriously, the kid was only thirteen, why was he flirting with someone?
Renjamin was to scared to go into the building because of what he had seen happen to Milo. He thought that he should go back and tell the school, but he was to scared to walk back in the dark.
He wasn't sure what was going on with everything, but he knew it wasn't wise to walk back to the school when it was dark out. Renjamin was confused with how Milo acted earlier especially with the sign that he claimed to see. Renjamin wasn't sure how to deal with what Milo said but he knew Milo wasn't stupid. He also had this gut feeling that what Milo claimed to see probably wasn't just an illusion.
Finally, Renjamin worked up the guts to go into the dormitory. When he walked into the building, nothing happened. It was extremely anticlimactic, he expected some "otherworldly" experience to happen, but nothing did. He felt like he was being a little paranoid with everything, but with everything he had seen today he realized he wasn't.
When he got through the door what he didn't see was Milo. He was petrified when he didn't see Milo, where was he? Was he dead, he wasn't sure, but he knew it couldn't be good.
There was no real reason for Renjamin to get upset though, after all Milo was completely fine. Renjamin started to have strange day dreams, or they were night dreams because it was dark now. He kept on replaying in his mind what he saw earlier. He wasn't entirely sure what he had seen, and it almost seemed like he didn't see any of it. It was defiantly a strange feeling to say the least.
He kept on calling out Milos name hoping to hear something or anything that would signify that he was fine. When he kept on calling he finally heard Milo exclaim.
"Renjamin, you need to get up here right now, this is amazing."
He was put into a stupor when he heard this. Milo was yelling for his name and he sounded completely fine. Did he really see anything earlier or was it all a dream? He couldn't tell what was real and what was not, he was so confused everything seemed to be illusionary. Renjamin looked around trying to find were Milos voice had come from.
When looking around he got a good look at the building he was in. There were large double stairs in front of the door. The stairs had a slight turn to them as they went up to the top floor. They were made out of curly mahogany with Patagonia rosewood balusters. The handle was a creamy maple that had a beautiful aged look.
He looked down and saw that there was knotty pine with deep gouges and scuffs. He could only imagine the story this building and floor would say if they could talk. When he looked to the side and saw the wall he was taken back by the sight.
The entire wall was full of hand prints. They were extremely small but looked identical to a young adult's. They were all arranged in lines under different symbols that seemed to separate them all.
Renjamin slowly walked to the wall and set his hand up against it. He then started to scream profusely.
"AHHHHH, it burns, my skin it's going to burn off."
Milo was upstairs when he heard this, he ran down the stairs calling out to Renjamin.
"Renjamin are you ok, where are you? What happened for you to scream like this?"
When he made it down the stairs he could see Renjamin holding his hand while he was on the floor passed out. Milo could smell a slight burnt wood smell, he looked at Renjamin's hand, but it looked complete fine. He then looked at the wall and saw all of the small handprints, except now there was an out of place large one.
This handprint was the same size Renjamin's even down to the slight turn of his ring finger. Above this hand was "YC~~."
There weren't any other handprints that had this above them. The first set of handprints only had two with, "XC~~" hanging above them. One of the handprints under it also had a slight turn in the ring finger also. The two handprints started to light up with a slight golden glow, but it soon disappeared. Milo then saw a slight almost intangible redline linking these two hand prints together, but when he blinked it disappeared.
Milo felt like the saying, "I'll believe it when I see it" to be laughable right now. It seemed that his eyes were the only thing he couldn't trust in today.
Milo was unsure why, but he had a feeling that he also should put his hand on the wall. When he put it on the wall there was no burning feeling, at least not right away. When it did start to burn though, it wasn't painful. When he took his hand off the wall. A similar thing happened to him as it did Renjamin, a hand print started to light up then two, then three, all of a sudden, they all started to shine with a splendorous gold.
Milo was forced to close his eyes because of how bright it was. He started to pass out from the sheer brilliance of it all, while he was blacking out he could hear a trembling voice say.
"How is such a thing possible? Who are you... Why are you here?"