The Hunt for Direwolves

Since it was already late in the afternoon, Jayde decided to spend the night with the Ryunzo's and set out early the next morning. After enjoying a delicious meal, Reiko and Jayde retired for the night.

Early the next morning Jayde and Reiko set off for the forest. Elder Ryonzo and Mrs. Ryunzo insisted on providing Jayde with food for the journey. After two hours Jayde entered the forest, the trees around Jayde were calm and beautiful really natures wonder. No one entering would think, looking at the splendor around them that it hid such terrible danger.

Jayde ears could faintly distinguish the echoing sounds of forest animals far away, and various birds' and insects' chirping and buzzing. She took a deep breath; the earthy scent of the trees and blossoms mingled with the soft breeze.

Walking silently Jayde and Reiko walked deeper into the forest, following a narrow path that Behro had mentioned, after a while the trees grew closer together, their thick canopy blocking out most of the sun's bright rays. An eerie mist started to cover the forest floor, growing thicker the deeper the further they went in.

As they walked deeper into the forest, the more nervous Reiko became — noticing Reiko's strange behavior Jayde asked him what was wrong.

[Strange smell, it smells wrong] Reiko answered.

[Direwolves?] Jayde asked Reiko through their bond.

[No... Yes... Maybe — it doesn't smell right] Reiko answered confused.

Stopping Jayde cautiously looked around, sending her magical senses out, she tried to see if she could sense anything, but the area around her felt strange, there was a weird buzzing sound — it seemed to bounce her magical senses back to her.

Jayde noticed that the forest around them seemed deadly quiet, as though everything around them was holding its breath. Suddenly Jayde sixth sense tingled, giving her a sense that she was in immediate danger. Pulling her sword and activating her fire shield she readied herself for battle.

Just then emerging from the strange mist came the Direwolves. At first, they were little more than dark shadowy silhouettes, their deep vicious growls sent a chill down Jayde's back. As the pack neared their fur became discernible — it was thick and silver. Jayde could see that they had the hunting instinct of a wolf pack but their eyes shone with the intelligence of a human. Their strange barks, yaps, and grunts sounded like they were communicating, next thing the pack spread wide, some of the pack members began to circle around, cutting off any means of escape.

Quickly realizing the danger they were in, Jayde called for her magic. Pure power — hot and violent filled her being. Jayde threw back her head as the glorious Fire Magic rushed to fill her. Jayde swept one arm forward, and a fiery weave of Fire Magic shot from her fingertips.

A large, charred black hole appeared in the Direwolf chest nearest to Jayde as the Fire Magic burned through him, Jayde saw the look of absolute disbelief in the Direwolf's eyes as he realized his prey had killed him, then the Direwolf's flesh bulge outward as Jayde's magic ignited the blood and magic within the Direwolf's body, the Direwolf exploded in a violent burst of light, heat, and vaporized flesh.

The Direwolf's final howl echoed as more tendrils of Fire Magic shot out from Jayde's fingertips and scorched through the Direwolves closest to her, opening up the trap they had tried to set. The Direwolves bodies flamed like kindling, the smell of burnt meat and fur filled the air. The Direwolves who were still alive scattered in fear and confusion, howling as tongues of Jayde's Fire Magic rained down on them, decimating their numbers in seconds.

The largest Direwolf let out a screaming howl, calling for retreat, he must be the Alpha Jayde thought as her hand shot out. The Alpha Direwolf jumped aside just as a sizzling bolt of Fire Magic incinerated the spot where he had just been standing.

The three surviving Direwolves turned and ran, rushing to escape the fiery hell. Jayde and Reiko quickly gave chase, following them they dashed through the trees, leaping over a thin winding brook and the slippery rocks.

The Direwolves raced through the forest, dodging and zipped past rotting trees and under lowered and snapped branches, Jayde and Reiko were hot on their trails, everything around Jayde blurred into a dizzying blend of rich earthy colors.

The trees in the forest began to widen and thin layers of leaves and rotten branches disguised the perilous and rocky terrain. Jayde ran beside the twisted brook which mirrored the deep greens of the trees around her.

Suddenly a shadowy figure leaped out at Jayde, gleaming ivory fangs glistening in the sun.

[Jayde!] Reiko roared in Jayde's mind.


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