The Direwolves Den

The Direwolf hit Jayde full on and sent her flying, she crashed into a nearby tree, hitting her head hard, she fell like a broken doll onto the ground. Reiko let out a thundering roar as he leaped onto Direwolf.

Jayde sat up and pressed both hands against her head. The world was spinning drunkenly, and she was so dizzy she could barely sit upright. Jayde spat out dirt and blood, then wiping the back of her hand against her mouth and took inventory of her injuries.

Long, bleeding scratches scored the exposed skin of her hands and face, but her leathers had saved her from more serious wounds from the fall. Her hair bristled with leaves and splinters from broken tree limbs.

Jayde started to draw her legs up in order to stand, but pain seared up her right leg. Jayde muffled her cry and clutched her thigh. Her hand came away covered in blood. A broken branch still attached to the tree had pierced through her thigh and been pulled back out when she fell.

She held her hands over the bleeding gash in her leg, while she searched her storage ring for a healing potion. Quickly taking the potion, her wounds began to heal. The instant that her leg was healed enough to stand on, Jayde got to her feet and rushed to help Reiko.

The fight was brutal but quick — between Jayde and Reiko they quickly killed the Direwolf. Standing over the slain Direwolf, Jayde turned to look at Reiko.

[Are you okay?] she asked him, worried that he might have been injured.

[I'm fine — but something is wrong — there was no smell when the Direwolf attacked, it should not have gotten so close without me knowing] Reiko answered.

[And now, how does it smell?]

Reiko leaned closer to the Direwolf and took a sniff.


[Strange, how?]

[Faintly like Direwolf, but like something else] Reiko shook his head confused about the weird smell.

[Can you track the other two?] Jayde asked, as they had lost time during the fight with the dead Direwolf, and the other two Direwolves had escaped.

Lifting his head Reiko sniffed the air for a bit.

[Yes] and with that, he took off running, Jayde quickly followed him.

After an hour of tracking the two remaining Direwolves, Jayde and Reiko came upon a small cave opening.

[Must be their den] she said to Reiko.

Sending her magical sensors out again, Jayde tried to see if she could sense the Direwolves, but again the tendrils of her magic rebounded back as though hitting a wall of some kind.

Turning to Reiko she asked: [Can you sense how many Direwolves there are?]

[Only smell two of them, but the strange smell is stronger here] Reiko was feeling very frustrated he felt like he should know this smell, it was like a small itch at the back of his mind, like he should remember it.

Summoning her Fire Magic, Jayde and Reiko entered the cave, the Alpha and his packmate were waiting for the two of them and leaped to attack them as soon as they entered. Jayde leaped to the side, while Reiko smashed into the smaller Direwolf, instantly his fangs pierced the smaller Direwolf throat.

While Reiko and the smaller Direwolf fought, Jayde and the Alpha squared off. The Alpha eyes were crazed with bloodlust, the pupils glowing an eerie orange-red. Saliva dripped from his gleaming fangs.

Jayde sent a burst of Fire Magic, and as the Alpha jumped to avoid it, she rushed to were she calculated he would land, with a mighty thrust of her sword she pierced his side, then channeling all her Fire Magic, she fed it into her sword. The blade of her sword instantly ignited, the fiery blade slicing through his flesh like it was butter and sliced the Alpha in two.

Watching the light fade from the Alpha eyes as he quietly breathed his last, she looked to see how Reiko was faring, seeing him standing over the corpse of the smaller Direwolf, she breathed out a sigh of relief.

Leaning down and resting her hands on her knees she tried to catch her breath. She had drained her Fire Magic with the two battles she had fought. Sweat lightly dripped down her face as she felt a wave of fatigue suddenly hit her.

With her legs shaking from exhaustion, Jayde plopped down on the ground. Reiko came to stand beside her and gave her a small lick, as he watched her with concern, he could feel how drained Jayde was.

Smiling victoriously at Reiko, Jayde gently rubbed his head. Just then a small whimper echoed in the cave, and the sound of sharp claws scraping on the stone floor sounded.

Something was moving its way closer to them.


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