Fighting Death Himself

Reiko knew Jayde had failed and he felt his heart drop into his stomach, like Jayde he had been excited thinking that her idea would work.

Jayde could see that Yinxin scales were growing dim, she only had minutes to live. Rubbing her burning eyes Jayde cursed everyone — the humans who had driven the silver dragons to extinction, the Direwolves for harming Yinxin, the shitting Protoss Divine System for sending her here. She had never felt so helpless in her life.

Damn it, NO! She thought she refused to allow this to happen. She had fought bigger battles before against tremendous odds — if she had to take on death himself then she damn well would she swore to herself.

There was one last thing she could do, it was damn dangerous but thankfully Isha wasn't there – if he knew was she was about to attempt he would be screaming in her mind. Entering her body she rushed to her dantian, looking at the sealed-off area where the powerful energy from the fire spirit was still safety warded off, she took a deep breath, then without hesitating she directly her mind and energy into the ward, and tore it open.

All the energy stored within the ward, poured into Jayde body, the overpowering Qi burned as it tore through Jayde, closing her mind off from the pain, Jayde watched as her dantian filled up, as she reached the barrier to breakthrough to Knight of the 2nd Class, she resisted the breakthrough — with no where to go the energy within her dantian began to overflow, like before with the fire spirit, the energy began to turn on her, spilling into her meridians and veins.

Her blood was starting to boil from the pure energy invading her veins, watching Jayde could see her veins bulging, using her magical sensing, Jayde directed her magical tendrils to grab that excess energy and she directed it to her hands.

The energy refused to move, but Jayde refused to give up, concentrating every once of her power she commanded the energy to obey.

Initially, the energy fought her command, Jayde didn't give up, she sent more and more tendril out – her magical senses where stretched to the absolute limit.

Finally, the energy capitulated and followed her command, it surged into her hands, Jayde could feel her hands starting to heat up, but she did not dare break her concentration to look, forcing the energy in her hands to exited through her skin she directed it to enter Yinxin.

Jayde could feel the energy leaving her and entering Yinxin, her hands were burning like she was holding molten metal, but Jayde ignored it and carried on directing all the excess energy to Yinxin.


While Jayde was battling the energy, Reiko had no idea what was going on. He had felt Jayde despair through their bond, then the next thing he had felt her unwavering determination.

A couple of seconds later, he felt a split second of pain shoot through their bond, then the bond suddenly shut down.

Scared and worried about Jayde, he stood up and rushed to her side, all of a sudden Jayde hands started to glow first, it was faint, but the light kept on getting brighter until he finally had to shade his eyes.

He wasn't sure how she was doing it, but somehow she was succeeding, she was transferring energy to Yinxin.


After what felt like hours, Jayde had managed to transfer all the excess energy in her body to Yinxin, opening her eyes tiredly she looked at the dragon in front of her, Yinxin scales where shining brightly, and her breathing was normal.

She had done it!

She had successfully transferred the energy stored in the seal to the silver dragon. With that thought, Jayde finally relaxed, and with her relaxing the terrible pain in her hands registered. Looking at her hands that were still cupped to the side on Yinxin face, Jayde saw that they were shredded, not a piece of skin remained —just raw meat showed.

Jayde's blood coated Yinxin face.

[Jayde, your hands] Reiko horrified voice echoed through Jayde mind.

[It's okay Reiko] Jayde tried to reassure him.

Lifting her raw hands away from Yinxin face, Jayde let her arms fall limply to her sides. She knew that she had to take out a healing potion from her storage ring, but the pain in her hands was making it difficult to concentrate.

She could feel her eyes going dark. I must not faint, she thought. If she did she would most likely bleed to death.

Fighting to stay awake, she tried to clear her mind so that she could enter her storage ring to get one of the healing potions stored.

[Jayde!] Reiko called anxiously.

Reiko's voice helped Jayde to clear the blackness crowding her mind, quickly before she lost consciousness Jayde directed her mind into her storage and grabbed one of the intermediate healing potions she had, then clenching her teeth, she used her left hand to lift the bottle to her mouth, the pain was excruciating, Jayde felt like vomiting from it.

Somehow she managed to pour the potion into her mouth, but it took the last bit of energy that she had. Jayde face paled even further — even her lips looked as they were barely there anymore as the color drained from her face. Then she fell backward as her world went dark.


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