Rescuing the Wyrmlings

When Jayde regained consciousness, several hours had passed. Opening her eyes Jayde stared at the stone ceiling above her, her mind was feeling groggy, like it was filled with cotton wool. Blinking several times she tried to clear her mind when she suddenly remembered that she had passed out just after she drank the healing potion.

Remembering the state of her hands before she passed out she lifted her hands to see what condition there were in now. While her hands hadn't recovered fully they no longer looked like fresh meat. The healing potion had done wonders, about ninety percent of her skin had regrown, the new flesh was still pink and tender but the excruciating from before had become a dull throb.

Reiko had been staring at Jayde for hours, when he saw her lift her hands he was ecstatic, he still wasn't sure how Jayde had done what she had, but from the state that her hands were in before she passed out he knew that she had paid a terrible price to save Yinxin.

[Jayde, how are you feeling?] he pathed [1] to her using their bond.

Hearing Reiko voice filled with concern, Jayde smiled softly.

[I'm fine Reiko, how is Yinxin?] Jayde asked sitting up, she really wanted to know if she had succeeded in saving Yinxin life, while she knew that she had been successful in transferring energy to Yinxin, she wasn't sure if it had been enough.

[You did it Jayde! You saved her] Reiko exclaimed happily.

Looking over to where Yinxin lay, Jayde was surprised to see the drakaina awake, Yinxin was looking at Jayde her eyes expressing her gratitude. She had awoken from her coma just after Jayde has passed out, and she had seen the terrible shape that Jayde hands were in.

Reiko had detailed Jayde extraordinary efforts to save her, and Yinxin had seen the terrible price that Jayde had paid. She was truly astounded that this human had saved her, and had been willing to sacrifice her life to save her. In all of Yinxin life, humans had been monsters that had hunted and slaughtered her kin and her beloved mate. She was unsure what to think of this human child in front of her.

"Lady Yinxin, I am so happy to see that you are looking better," Jayde said.

While Yinxin was grateful to Jayde for saving her life, she was still distrustful, so she didn't want to open her mind to speak to her. Turning to Reiko she pathed her response.

[Jayde, Yinxin wishes to express her gratitude for saving her] Reiko said softly to Jayde.

"You are welcome Lady Yinxin, I am really happy that I was able to help."

Jayde noticed that the two little wyrmlings were still lying listlessly by their mother's side.

"Lady Yinxin, is there anything that I can do to assist your two wyrmlings?" Jayde inquired.

Yinxin eyes filled with pain as she gazed at her two hatchlings. Due to the stress that her body had been placed under, she had been unable to care for them, with only enough milk to provide for one child, she had been forced to make a decision that no mother should ever undergo — she had to choose one child over another.

Yinxin had chosen the strongest of her hatchlings, and every time the other two had cried pitifully from hunger, she had felt as though her heart was being dug out of her chest will a dull knife. Now the two were so weak, that they could only lie there waiting for death to claim them.

Even though Jayde had saved her life by transferring energy to her, Yinxin was still very weak it would take her many months to recover her strength and to make matters worse due to her weakness she couldn't hunt which would only delay her recovery. Yinxin doubted she could even provide for her eldest hatchling.

Yinxin gave the bare facts to Reiko about the condition of the two little wyrmlings. Reiko hadn't realized that the situation was so dire, quickly he related their conversation to Jayde.

[Jayde is there any way to save them?]

Jayde thought about the situation, she didn't know if healing potions could help the wyrmlings, and even if it could, the biggest obstacle would be nursing Yinxin back to health quickly so that she could provide for all three wyrmlings.

Jayde wasn't willing to sit back and do nothing. First thing was to pull those wyrmlings from deaths clutches, then she would figure out a way to nurse Yinxin back to health.

"Lady Yinxin, would intermediate healing potions help your two hatchlings?"

[You have more healing potions?] Yinxin was so surprised by Jayde's question that she reach out to Jayde's mind. Alchemists were extremely rare on Telia, that there were on a handful of potions produced every year, and those potions were commandeered by the most powerful of warlords on Telia.

It was mainly due to the lack of potions that the humans on Telia had hunted her kind to near extinction, just a liter of their blood was worth enough gold for a man to live comfortably on for the rest of his life.

Jayde was startled hearing the beautiful musical voice in her mind.

"Yes, would it help?" Jayde answered quickly.

[The potions will definitely help] Yinxin said excitedly, but then thinking about her situation she said after a moments reflection [but I am still too weak to care for them.]

"Lady Yinxin, let's cross that bridge later, right now it's more important to save these two," Jayde said with determination, then reaching into her spatial ring, she withdrew two healing potions.

Walking over to the two wyrmlings, Jayde sat down on the ground, then lifting the one limp body, she gently open its mouth, and taking care not to choke the small hatchling, she slowly fed it a healing potion, ever so gently she rub the wyrmling throat to help stimulate the little dragon to swallow the potion.

After the first wyrmling drank the potion, she then lay it down next to its mother, and picked up the other wyrmling and repeated the whole process again.

Once both wyrmlings had been fed a healing potion each, Jayde then started to think about how to nurse Yinxin back to health. She knew nothing about dragons, she needed more information before she could come up with a plan. After questioning Reiko, Jayde found out that silver dragons were omnivorous.

Jayde had some provisions on her, but not enough to feed a starving dragon. She would have to go hunting, she would also need to find a way to get water for the dragon as well, she thought. Jayde didn't know much about caring for young, but she did know that lactating mothers needed to drink a lot of fluids to help with milk production, she figured it must be the same for dragons as well.

Thinking back to the old history books she had read, she remembered reading that in ancient earth human would use goat milk as a replacement, she wondered if there was something that could be used as a supplement — just until Yinxin regained her strength.

Explaining the ancient practice of using supplement milk for human babies, she asked if there was anything similar that might help the wyrmlings.

Yinxin was really surprised at Jayde's question, she had never heard of such a practice, thinking about it seriously Yinxin thought about all the beasts on Telia, but she couldn't think of any that might be used.

Although disappointed that there was no beast on Telia that could be used, Jayde tried to remember what else human would do.

"Lady Yinxin, how about if we ground up meat very finely, would the wyrmlings be able to tolerate that, I could add some healing potion to the mixture as well?"

Thinking about Jayde suggestion, Yinxin wasn't sure if it would help, but she didn't think they had a choice.

[We could try it] she said a little bit hesitantly.


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[1] Spoke telepathically, going to using this term from now onwards,