Settling in

"Jayde as a first-year student, you are required to take Magic Fundamentals, History of Magic as well as Governance and Law. For physical studies, you will attend defensive and offensive earth and fire magic. You have to choose three elective subjects," said Elder Citro as he picked up a scroll on his desk and handed to Jayde. "Here is a list of subjects that you may choose from."

Jayde eyebrows rose as she looked through the extensive list.

"Elder can I only chose three subjects?" Jayde asked.

Scratching his head, Elder Citro said, "Well I wouldn't advise you taking more than four subjects," then giving a slight chuckle he went on to add, "There are only so many hours in a day and you still need time to cultivate."

Smiling at the old mage Jayde then put the scroll on the desk.

"Then I would like to sign up for Rune Magic, Healing Magic, Formation Magic, and Pill and Potion Refinement."

It was really a pity that I can't take more, Jayde thought as she had also been interested in Conjuring, Poisons, Beast Master, Portal Magic, Scrying, and Blacksmithing.

Elder Citro rubbed his eyebrow, "Jayde are you sure you want to take those four subjects, they are the most difficult courses that Damonia has to offer?"

"Yes. Definitely." Jayde said firmly.

"Alright, but I must warn you the study load on these subjects is very heavy. You also need to be aware that our standards here at Damonia are very high. Our passing grade is seventy percent."

Jayde gave Elder Citro a small reassuring smile, as she could see just how concerned the old mage was.

Seeing that Jayde was determined to take these subjects, Elder Citro scribbled down her choices. Although he was worried about how she would cope with such a heavy study load, he was pleased with her choices. Most students avoided these subjects as they were too difficult and required dedication to studying to master.

Taking a fresh piece of parchments, Elder Citro then worked out Jayde study schedule. After he had finished jotting down her schedule, he handed it over to her to have a look at.

6am-7am Breakfast, 7am – 8am Rune Magic, 8am – 9am Magic Fundamentals, 9am -9:30am Magic History, 9:30am – 10am Government and Law, 10am – 10.30am Tea Time, 10.30am – 11.30am Fire Defensive Magic, 11.30am – 12.30pm Fire Offensive Magic, 12:30pm – 1pm Lunch, 1pm – 2pm Earth Defensive Magic, 2pm – 3pm Earth Offensive Magic, 3pm – 4pm Healing Magic, 4pm – 5pm Formation Magic, 5pm – 6 pm Pill and Potion Refinement, 6pm – 7 pm Dinner, 7pm – 9 pm Mediation and Cultivation.

The students were required to attend school classes for five days from Oneday to Fiveday, Sixday was set aside for school social activities, the school had various social clubs set up that students could join, but the most popular activity was combat fights. Students were ranked according to their position on the schools battle board.

All students were encouraged to participate in the weekly combat battles, as this was a way to earn school points which could be exchanged for valuable goods and resources. On the seventh day of the week — Restday, students were allowed to visit Aeris.

After Jayde signed her acceptance for her class schedule, Elder Citro then bought up lodgings and school fees. The annual cost of an outdoor student was a hundred gold pieces. Noticing Jayde surprised look at how expensive the school fees were, Elder Citro was quick to assure her if she couldn't afford it, with her qualifications the school would be more than willing to cover the cost for her, but as a subsidized student Jayde would then have to sign a contract with the school that she would partake in various missions and other assignments on the school's behalf.

"No, fees are fine," Jayde said.

With regards to the accommodation, the school had numerous different options available. A standard bed in a dormitory of eight other girls would be ten gold pieces per month, twenty gold pieces for a bed in a dormitory being shared between four girls, thirty gold pieces to share a twin room.

A single room was forty gold pieces, and a small private cottage with a garden was sixty gold pieces. All accommodation options included a student's meals, the only difference being that the quality of the meals improved with which room you took, and also single rooms and private cottages had their meals delivered to them, whereas all others had to eat in the large dining hall.

Since Jayde wanted to spend her nights in the Protoss artifact, she elected to take one of the private cottages. Now that she was serious about concentrating on increasing her power, Jayde wanted to take advantage of the time distortion, and a single night spent in the artifact was equivalent to five days outside.

Seeing that Elder Citro was surprised that Jayde could afford such luxurious accommodation, Jayde informed him that as the sole heir left of the Centauri clan, she had inherited all her families holdings. Satisfied with Jayde's answer Elder Citro handed Jayde a slip of parchment and then directed her to the treasurer to pay for her school fees.

Saluting the old mage and thanking him for all his help, Jayde left the small room and made her way over the to the treasuring department. After Jayde left, Elder Citro hurried over to the headmaster office to talk to him about Jayde.

After handing over eight hundred and twenty gold pieces, and receiving her payment receipt, Jayde was then instructed to go to the school storeroom to collect her school tunics and supplies.

It was already mid-afternoon by the time Jayde had collected her supplies, the school had generously supplied Jayde with five school tunic outfits, as well as basic herbs, parchments, quills, and ink. Her school books would be given to her when she attended her classes. The old mage in charge of the storeroom informed Jayde that servants would deliver her supplies to her cottage. He then called for a young servant to take Jayde to her cottage.

Jayde followed the young servant girl to her private cottage. The cottages were set up in a small secluded area, close a large lake, although the cottages were located away from the general dormitories, they were not too far away from the classrooms. It would only take Jayde about ten minutes to walk from her cottage to her classrooms.

The rocky shoreline was covered in small grey and white gravel stones. There were small flocks of flat-billed ducks floating among the reeds, and Jayde could make out silver-tipped wing geese preening their elegant wings on the shoreline. Large-leafed trees bowed over the lake casting their reflections over the crystal clear water.

Jayde could hear the gentle lapping of the water hitting the shoreline, as well as small insects buzzing through the air and the gentle breeze whispering through the trees.

The young servant was chatting away pointing out various sights to Jayde as she led Jayde along the stoned path. Coming to a small path leading off the main stone road, she pointed and said.

"There is your cottage, Mistress."

Looking in the direction the servant was pointing, Jayde saw a small thatched cottage, with whitewashed stone walls. The glass windows were framed in a dark wood that matched the door. The cottage was surrounded by a three foot stone wall. Opening the latched gate, the servant led Jayde into the private enclosure.

The beautifully manicured garden added a sense of serenity and elegance to the cottage. Removing a large brass key from her pocket, the servant unlocked the wooden door, then turning to Jayde she beckoned her to follow.

Entering the cottage Jayde was surprised at how comfortable the inside of the cottage was decorated. The cottage had five rooms, a large living room, kitchen, study, bedroom with ensuite bathroom, and a tiny kitchen.

The living room had two large brown leather couches, with small tables next to each side. A large intricately carved wooden table sat in the middle of the room. The wall was covered with a large bookshelf, that was currently empty. There were two large pot plants on either side of the bookshelf.

The bedroom contained a single bed with a small nightstand next to the bed and a large wardrobe. The bathroom had a porcelain tub and potty, a servant would be assigned to Jayde to fill up her bath and empty the potty, as well as to clean the cottage daily.

The tiny kitchen had a small wood stove, ice storage box to keep foodstuff fresh, small table for eating with two chairs. While Jayde was inspecting the study, there was a knock at the door. The young servant opened the door. Outside there were another four servants carry Jayde supplies.

The servants hurried in carrying various boxes, Jayde bed was made up with brand new linen and blankets, her kitchen was stocked with basic necessities, the servant who had led Jayde to her cottage then introduce Jayde to her own servant.

"Mistress this here is Lucia, she had been assigned to look after you. She will live in the servant room out back."

Jayde appraised the young girl standing in front of her. The girl looked as though she was thirteen or fourteen years old, which long red hair and soft green eyes, her heart-shaped face was pretty, and she had a cute dusting of freckles over her nose.

Lucia bowed low then she straightened up and saluted Jayde.

"I am honored to serve you, Mistress," Lucia said softly.

"Nice to meet you, Lucia," Jayde said smiling at the young girl.

The servant who had led Jayde then showed Jayde the shielding and privacy ward, she then instructed Jayde on how to activate the ward. After handing over the brass key, and checking that Jayde was happy, she left with the other three servants leaving Lucia and Jayde alone in the cottage.

While Jayde inspected the garden, Lucia unpacked the rest of Jayde supplies, her tunics and clothes were hung up in her closet, and her school supplies were packed away in her study. When Jayde returned to the cottage she instructed Lucia on her duties.

"I am very strict about my privacy," Jayde said sternly, "You are only required to serve me during the day, during the night I do not want to be disturbed."

Lucia was a bit surprised at Jayde request, she had heard that these rich young people were very demanding and expected their maids to be at their beck and call at all times.

Jayde also informed Lucia that she was only responsible for collecting her breakfast and dinner, she expected Lucia to clean the cottage while she attended school and she would require a hot bath after dinner.

"What you do in your free time is up to you, but you are not allowed to have friends or guests over," Jayde instructed.

"Yes, mistress," Lucia said quickly, Lucia was happy that her duties were so light, she had been prepared for a demanding mistress, but her mistress seemed very nice.

"Serve me well, and I will pay you an extra gold piece per month," at Jayde offer Lucia's eyes lit up, she only earned a gold piece per year. A gold piece per month was unheard of. Lucia choked up just thinking of how much a gold piece month would help out her family.

Her mother was sickly and couldn't work, and her father had died years ago. Lucia had six younger brothers and sisters to look after, only she and her older sister could work, and their family struggled every month to feed themselves. Lucia swore she would work hard and not disappoint this generous mistress.

Jayde was satisfied seeing the look of determination on Lucia's face, Jayde knew that servants were not paid well, and she was sure that a gold piece per month would buy Lucia loyalty. When Jayde found out that Lucia could bake, she smiled in delight. At least now she would be able to get Reiko and Yinxin off Isha back, as she knew they had been giving him a hard time demanding their daily treats.

Jayde handed over a small pouch of coins to Lucia and instructed her to buy baking ingredients as well as extra clothing and necessities for herself. She had noticed that Lucia had bought no luggage with her and knowing how people in the Lower Realm treated their servants, Jayde realized that Lucia only had the clothes that she was currently wearing.

When Lucia tried to decline the offer, Jayde turned to her, "Lucia please note that as my servant you represent me, I will not tolerate someone who serves me looking shabby. This only means that I will never tolerate anyone who bullies you either."

Lucia again had to swollen down her tears, she had never thought she would ever be so lucky as to gain a mistress like Jayde.

"Mistress, I swear I will serve you loyally, I promise I will never disappoint you."

"Good, well since it nearly sunset, run along and fetch both our dinners."

Hearing Jayde's instruction Lucia sprinted out of the cottage, her cheeks nearly cracking from the huge grin on her face.


Quote of the day

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." — Albert Einstein