First Night

After Lucia left, Jayde walked into her bedroom at set up her own shielding ward. Then walking outside the cottage she set up a perimeter warning ward, which she tied to a small crystal that she attached to a bracelet. Should anyone approach her cottage while she was in the artifact the crystal would vibrate and lit up warning Jayde.

Once she was satisfied with her security arrangements she contacted Isha and asked him to set her bedroom as an anchor for the Protoss Artifact. While Isha could scan the area from the artifact, Jayde felt more secure knowing that she had an extra layer of protection while she was in the artifact.

Lucia returned carrying a basket full of food. Again Lucia was shocked by her mistress, as Jayde insisted that Lucia dish up for both of them as well as a plate for her pet snowkitten. Servants were given the most basic gruel to live on, seeing the honey roasted meats with roasted yams and steamed vegetables Lucia's mouth watered, she had only ever seen these delicious meals.

Sitting opposite to Jayde, Lucia quietly observed how her mistress used her eating utensils, even though seeing and smelling the food on her plate, made her want to grab it with her hands and stuff the food into her mouth, she copied how her mistress ate.

Oh by the gods, it is so yummy, Lucia thought as the first mouthful hit her taste buds, her eyes misted at the divine flavors flooded her mouth. She had never in her life tasted anything as good as this. Quickly she reached under the table and pinched her legged.


Wow, I am really awake, Lucia thought as she fought herself to eat as slowly as her mistress. By the time the two girls had finished their dinner, which included small loaves of bread and different cheeses as well as some sort of delectable strawberry pudding, Lucia stomach was bulging, she had eaten more in this one sitting than what she would normally eat in four days.

While Jayde sat down on one of the couches enjoying a cup of tea, Lucia prepared her bath. After adding some scented oils and flower petals to Jayde hot bath water, she returned to the sitting room.

"Mistress your bath is ready."

"Thank you, Lucia," Jayde said as she got up from the couch and walked into her bathroom.

While Jayde would have preferred to bath in her bathroom in the artifact, she realized that she would have raised Lucia suspicions if she never bathed. Eyeing the potty in the corner of the bathroom Jayde wrinkled her nose in disgust, she was going to have to use that as well if she wanted to waylay any suspicions.

While Jayde was bathing, Lucia cleaned up the cottage and turned down Jayde's bed for her. Giving the cottage a quick look, she nodded her head in satisfaction. Once Jayde exited the bathroom, Lucia emptied the bath, then bidding Jayde goodnight she retired to her own room outside.

Once Jayde was alone, she activated all the wards, giving Takara who was lounging on her a bed a quick pat, she whispered to him.

"See you tomorrow."

Huh, Takara thought, then he yelped as Jayde disappeared in front of his eyes. What the hell, he thought as leaped to his paws glancing around frantically. Where did that maniac disappear too? Oh, gods how am I going to explain this to my lord?

After half an hour of frantically searching, Takara finally gave up and reached out to Fahmjir, his stomach was tight with dread, his one eye had developed a twitch just thinking about how his lord was about to scream and shout at him for losing his charge.

But really, it is not my fault, he thought in despair, how was he suppose to guard someone that could just disappear into thin air.

After Takara explained the situation to Fahmjir, he nearly fell off Jayde's bed when instead of ranting at Takara for losing his charge, his lord only response was to say.


Milord shouldn't you be more upset, Takara thought.

Chuckling in delight Fahmjir said, [Well, well, well, looks like that girl has some interesting secrets.]

[Um, Milord what am I suppose to do now?] Takara asked, really befuddled why his lord was so happy.

[Guard her den properly, make sure no one enters.] Fahmjir ordered sharply.

[Yes Milord,] Takara responded promptly.

Blasted woman, he cursed silently. After eating such a delicious meal, he had been looking forward to sleeping on this comfortable bed, why did she have to vanish like that and leave him all alone guarding her den.

While Takara has cursing up a storm back in Jayde cottage, the culprit was happily greeting Reiko, Isha, Yinxin and the wyrmlings. Although it had only been three days for Jayde since she last saw Isha, Yinxin and the wyrmlings, it had been nearly a month for them.

Jayde oohed and aahed over the little dragons, they had really grown over the past month in the artifact. The rich Qi and the abundance of milk from their mother had really helped their development, they had now caught up to dragons their own age.

Shenxin had overtaken his sister's and was now bigger than both, although unfortunately for him, this wouldn't last as female dragons were bigger than their male counterparts.

Isha informed Jayde that the Afeaso that he had planted had already been harvested and sold, and a new batch was nearly ready. In another six days (2 months inside the artifact), some of the mid-level herbs would be ready for harvesting.

While Jayde had not earned much from the Afeaso she at least now had two hundred points available, much better than the miserable five she had when she left the small cave.

Spending a couple of hours chatting and playing with the wyrmlings, Jayde retired to her own courtyard, where she slept in her own bed, at least sleeping in the artifact only meant spending forty-five minutes 'real' time.

Jayde spent the next five days in the artifact cultivating, only stopping to eat and sleep. She did spend two hours a day with everyone, especially the wyrmlings as they were quite clingy. The last month without Jayde was distressing to them, it had been the longest time they had been apart from her since she was barrelled into their lives back on Telia.

Even though Reiko, Isha and their mother had patiently explained the situation to them, but thirty sleeps had been too long not seeing their other mother. On the fifth day when Jayde was about to teleport back to her small cottage, the wyrmling wailed in distress, it was only after Jayde promised that she would return in five sleeps time, did they finally calm down and let go of her so she could leave.

Takara has just finished his umpteenth patrol when Jayde suddenly appeared in front of him. Giving a yelp of surprise he glared at her. Seeing the cute snowkitten looking at her with his eyebrows furrowed, Jayde leaned down and patted his head gently.

"Hey little guy," she said.

Hmph, Takara snorted, I am not talking to you, he thought and he flicked his tail high in the air and about turned to show Jayde his butt.

Chuckling at the disgruntled kitten, Jayde took out a large slab of barbecue meat that she had saved for him.

"Hmm, see what I got for you," she said kneeling down and holding out the slab of barbecue.

With his back still turned to Jayde, Takara raised his nose higher in the air. Blasted woman, I am not talking to you, do you really think I am that easy to bri—what is that delicious smell. Taking another deep breath, Takara swiped around, saliva pooling in his mouth.

Pouncing on the piece of deliciousness he held it down with his paws and he ripped smalls chunks out of it.

Still, think you a pain in the a...oh by the gods what is this you know that I had to...oh my this strange tart but sweet taste it heavenly...oh milord I must thank you forever for giving me such a wonderful charge.

Chuckling over the strange growling-purring noises coming from Takara, Jayde got up and walked over to her wardrobe and dug out one of her new school tunics. Deactivated the wards and messing up her bed to show that she had slept in it, Jayde walked into the bathroom, after closing the door, she peeled off her everyday tunic.

Stepping into the navy blue pants, Jayde slipped on the navy blue shirt, shoving her feet into the leather boots she then tied her hair into a French plait. First years uniforms were plain navy blue, the second-year student wore navy blue pants with a sky blue shirt, third-year students wore red shirts and fourth years silver shirts.

When Jayde had confronted the student outside the main gates, she hadn't realized that they were senior students of the outer doors.

Inner door students wore black tunics, with different color threaded runes to designate their seniority.

Pouring water from a porcelain jug standing on the wooden cabinet in the basin, Jayde washed her face in the cold water and brushed her teeth. After toweling her face dry, she exited the bathroom. Takara was lying on her bed cleaning himself, looking very satisfied.

Jayde had just walked into the kitchen when Lucia arrived with her breakfast. After the three of them ate (Takara smelling the delicious smells came running). Jayde left Takara in the cottage, students were forbidden from bringing their pets to the classroom. She strolled out of the cottage, ready for her first day of school.