Icy Prison Cave

The lizard who called himself a dragon looked like a giant ice sculpting with two big legs and smaller arms , the dragon twisted his neck and looked toward the broken pillar as he felt something was off."Not bad... Your stronger than the other lifeforms I met yesterday.." Said the young man as he pat the ice crumbs off his uniform. Before the tail hit Nodus , he was already prepared for it and lifted his right arm to block the swing but the strength of the dragon still made him slip into a ice pillar. " Interesting.." The dragon turned around his big body and he changed his focus entirely on the tiny human. Nodus lifted his right arm , exposing his white silky skin from the ripped sleeve of the uniform and suddenly , the sleeve slowly returned to normal. " I see... you are wearing a magical armor , it felt more like a cloth.." Said the dragon , he couldn't believe that the tiny human could wistand a full swing of his tail with pure physic.

Seeing that Nodus was too young to be a threat , the dragon still puzzled that the tiny human did not show a hint of fear. Hearing his remark , Nodus looked at him in disdain. "What armor , hmmp , stupid lizard." The furry in the dragon eyes could be seen as it shun in blue , extending his broken wings , the huge chunk of ice scale underneath his neck also emitted a bright glow. The blue dragon lifted his head toward up and released a thundering roar. The howl caused the closest ice pillar to chip away with the wind but did not affect the young man in black who was standing in front of him. "You tiny human , you dare call me a lizard! I shall devour you without leaving a single bone!" With his jaw open , the dragon sent forth a torrent of blue flame toward Nodus , feeling the intense heat , the young man quickly disappeared like a ghost and stood on top of the dragon's head.

The heated flame magically left behind a floor filled with sharp ice spears."What you stupid lizard , are you mad? wingless dragon , what a funny one?" Said Nodus as he taunt the dragon. The dragon was enraged and swung his claw toward Nodus as if he was trying to squash a mosquito but the little nimble human was too slippery for him to catch. The mad dragon could not do anything about it has it was restricted by the cave , or else it would of flew into the sky and unleash his powerful magics as most of his magic now would just make the cave tighter for him.

Crack ~ With a punch on the lower jaw , Nodus left a small crack on the dragon , with a surprise he decided to hit it with qi this times but before he acted , a robotic voice could of heard from the wrist. " Beep , Trace of Mitiscis detected. " Not knowing what the voice said the dragon suddenly halted in fear as it heard one word , the Mitiscis. The face of the dragon was covered with worried and anger as it stared at the rooted human. Nodus who was on top of a pillar in front of him suddenly glowed in white , BOOOM. A sudden surge of energy shook the entire cave and cracked the ice floor. With his glowing eyes he stared at the dragon with hatred , Nodus slowly levitated in mid air and pointed at the dragon.

With the sudden change , the dragon trembled in fear in front of the tiny human that released a monstrous amount of energy. "I..I-" Before he could finish , Nodus nudged his finger forward. The invisible force pierced through the dragon , destroyed his entire shoulder as his right arm felt onto the ground. The dragon felt onto his knees and looked at the ground as blue blood gushed out like a fountain. "Please wait!" Nodus looked down and saw two gigantic eyes glowing in orange from within the depth of the sea. " Who are you." If Nodus fought with this giant creature , he was sure he wouldn't be able to beat it without his throne. " It's a misunderstanding...The ones you mentioned , those bastard bugs , trapped us in here." Said the voice in his head. Nodus slowly extended his finger toward the ground. Cracks! Lines appeared on the ice floor as Nodus tried to crack it , but the floor repaired itself in a instant.

Confirming the voice words , he gently landed on the ground and the gust of energy disappeared. "Tell me more , where are they now?" Knowing his enemies love to destroy everything they come across , there was no way this old technological world could withstand them. "Sir , you are very smart , please allow me to introduce myself first... I am Norach... and for your answer... I am not sure where they went but they were forced to leave 100 000 years ago.." Nodus , filled with doubt , looked at the eyes under the sea. "This world may not be advance but the cultivators here are not to be underestimated.. I heard from those bugs themselves when they were escaping , leaving us trapped behind... That a Ancient magician was coming for them.."

From the voice story , Nodus was surprised , although he did not know what a Ancient being is or what is the ranking system in this planet he did know how strong those bugs were. Those Mitiscis reproduced so fast that they call it a gift from gods , with an enormous population they sacrificed more than hundreds of trillions lives to excavate and study every technology or training technique. With the lack of energy , the bugs could only focus on technology and it made them so dangerous that they invaded 2 universe completely , until they tried to invade the Yanrose universe and got beaten completely by their powerful armies. Hearing the praise for his universe , Nodus mood got slightly better and said. " Hmmp , those bugs are running for their lives across the universe.. when we find their home universe , we will obliterate it." Said quietly as he picture those pesky bugs being destroyed until extinction.

Hearing the young man , the orange eyes was also surprised. " Could it be.. you are sent from the army that made them flee to their home world?!" Hearing the delighted change in the male voice , Nodus nodded as there was no point keeping it secret since those bugs already said so much around him. "T..That means.. those bastard are truly on the run for it , HAHAHAHA attacking one of the strongest universe , those dumb bugs will sooner or later be gone from existence. " The laughter sounded out loud from the water and Nodus could even hear it even though he already scanned 4 km down the water. How big is this fellow.. "Then.. You are a savior for stopping those bastard from ruining other worlds.. please help yourself with the energy in the water." Nodus looked at him confused but noticing the dragon sudden movement , he saw it going close to the gap and with the water around his wounds , it began to slowly heal and a minute later , the entre arm was generated back to normal. A new source of energy! Before Nodus went toward the gap , he looked at the eye and said. " Why am I your savior." Feeling the doubt from Nodus unchanged face , the big creature slowly shut his eyes.

" Those bugs captured me when I was a child , and Neve up there was also brought in later with many more down here.." Norach's planet was invaded by the bugs and after an intense battle with the beast from the planet , the bugs , with surprisingly determination ,could not accept defeat and destroyed their sun , sacrificing themselves to destroy their planet. With surviving life form floating around the dark space , another army of bugs came and captured them one by one. With many outpost and planet conquered under their names , the Mitiscis built millions of laboratories to create living weapons that will follow every orders and with the controlled monsters who could cultivate , and their strong technology , the bugs ruled their entire universe in no times.

The young Norach at that times could not fight back and was experimented in this prison and after their retreat from this planet , the Ancient magician destroyed their base and made a tiny gap in the water prison to release the experiments. The Ancient magician rallied other ancient beings around the world and pursued the bugs in space. "They were defeated , why did they not come back or destroy the sun? " Said Nodus as he looked at the big eyes. " It's because , closer to the sun , there is a much stronger existence there." With the shocking revelation , Nodus revealed a smile. Interesting... I need to get stronger.. strong enough to conquer this universe. He tightly gripped his hand and walked toward the dragon." I cannot break the prison now , not yet that is , but I will return to set you free as soon I can." The dragon trembled and bowed toward Nodus. "T..Thank you savior!" With a flash of light , the device slowly scanned the water surface. "Beep...Pyrokinesis element detected , water densely purified by pyrokinesis confirmed." Nodus looked at Norach and asked. "What is your race?" The beast stared at him in surprise as he did not answer yet. " I am simply curious , you are also a esper , a esper beast.. No wonder they sacrificed so much life just for your kinds." The beast was shocked as he said. "C--could it be sir savior is also one?" Seeing Nodus nodding , the beast calmly said. "We are called the God Beast.." One of the strongest beast race in the galaxy. "You are right.. I am proficient in fire , whenever I breath , the water absorb my energy , leaving me with almost nothing , or else I could of broke through this damned place." The big eye explained that when the prison was broken , many of them left and escaped without him since he was the biggest one , he could not fit through the gap , so Neve stayed behind with his friend. As he was smaller back then , he flew to the ocean , caught many fishes and brought them back to the water tank to breed them and also for a source of food. But one day , he encounter a powerful sea dweller that broke his wings and spared his life with humiliation.

Nodus found out from questioning that there is many different races in this planet and the sea dweller were the strongest since they were the oldest life form in this planet. " Z1 , Can the energy be converted?" Asked Nodus as he was also new to this type of energy. "No , but White Jade will be able to absorb the energy from the liquid." Without a moment to lose , Nodus happily threw the white bead into the air and the White Jade appeared as it gently floated above the surface. T..Technology... The dragon took a step back as it was afraid of the spaceship that was slightly bigger than him. "White Jade , Absorb energy from water " A white tube slowly extended from the ship and made it's way toward the water. White Jade energy gauge was slowly going up as it converted the energy into a purified one. 3.1 , 3.2 , 3.3... This will take hours.. Said Nodus as he decided to board his ship while waiting.