
Nodus walked past the short hall way and went into the door closest to the pilot area , with the door sliding upward , the young man stepped in a room and felt onto his big soft bed. Used too much of my power... He quickly felt asleep in the White Jade while the big orange eyes stared at the ship."I can't see through it... that should be what they call a Space Ship... Really odd shape but even I can't see through the materials...Those bastard really hit a strong hive." Norach closed his eyes and sat back down on the sea ground. The blue dragon dove into the water through the gap and swam all until he reached the head of the giant god beast. "What's wrong friend?" Opening his eyes and staring at the tiny dot , Norach smiled and took a deep breath. "Neve , you should go with that young man and assist him as much as you can."

Neve looked at his friend in surprise."How can I leave without everyone? Besides.. I can't fit through the tunnel and you know how hard it is to break the ice prison... Beside if I leave , what if those bugs find me again." Neve was more worried that if he left without Norach , he would be easily captured and that they would torture him to find the prison whereabouts. The giant beast chuckled as he look at his friend."Silly , the bugs has billions of laboratories.. they wouldn't risk it to come back for us.. And beside , their world is really , really far away." The dragon was in deep thought but Norach knew that he wasn't convinced yet."You see that white artifact? That is actually a space ship , I can't actually see through it and you know what it means... If he used that , I am sure even I will have hard times escaping with my life." And before the blue dragon could talk. " I know what you are going to say , he must have his reasons.. beside would you instantly trust when someone stronger ask you for help?..." After a long talk , the dragon was finally convinced , he said he would help the young man if he can bring him out. "That is a good decision young lizard." "Yea! and if you see those bastard , make sure you make them suffer painfully!" "Bring us back some souvenir." Said the other creatures that were in the water , one could see hundreds of glowing eyes of all sort , one of the many creatures even had more than 10 eyes! while most of them either had 2 or 3. "Everyone... I promise ! I can achieve the ancient hood and set everyone free!" "We believe in you!." "Yea if you stayed here , who knows when you will achieve that rank , maybe when we all die from age? HAHAHA" " You are the youngest , so don't disappoint us , elderly!"

The youngest among them , Neve , made up his mind as he swim back to the surface as crystal tears felt from his eyes. "Be safe.. and I am sure , you will become a Ancient dragon.. even a Ruler dragon won't be impossible for you!" Neve knew that Norach , who was the strongest among them wouldn't lie just to make him feel better. With moral supports , the dragon want to become something even stronger than a ruler and rebuild his world. Neve quietly stood in front of the White Jade as he held his body straight with his head high.

"That was delicious!" Said the cute little brown girl as she held her bowl toward Lati. "Thank you Ali and don't worry about the dishes , we can wash them later" As she put the plates away in her spatial ring , lifting the wooden table back into the wall ,Lati sat down in front of the 3 girls and she held onto Lili hands. "Lili , your sister will be find.. when she will just need to eat a lot when she wakes up , alright?" The young elf began to cry as she kneel onto the floor. "Thank you.. thank you so much..How can I ever repay such kindness-" Before she could finish , Lati bend down and held her up onto the seat. " Don't worry ...I already said , I won't let anyone harm you two ever again and just call me aunty alright?" After being held for a while in the quiet room , the elf finally calmed down and look at the blue haired woman eyes."Thank you aunty" With a smile , Lili sat back and blushed when she faced the two girls who was younger than her." I.. I- am sorry for that embarrassing moment." The two little girl laughed and stood up as they each held the elf soft hands. " Don't worry sister Lili , I will become a great warlock and protect you!" Said Ali who was confident of herself , making Lili laugh. "I believe Ali can become the best warlock in the entire continent!" "Booo , just the continent , how about the entire realm!" The girls laughed as the front door opened slowly , revealing Naire who was smiling with his manly face. "Hi there little miss!" Lili quickly hid behind Lati but as she stutter in reply."H..h-hi.. Mr Naire.." The middle aged man finally left the room and stood beside Lati as she wasn't that scared of him anymore. "Just call me uncle , like this aunty over here." Lati pinched his arm and said angrily " Who are you calling aunty?! Am I so old now that I became your aunt?" " Ouch ouch! Please forgive me your majesty!" Naire pretended to be hurt as he crouched on the floor with a pained expression making the entire room filled with laughter. The middle aged man sat beside Luru with a serious expression as he looked at Lili. "Miss Lili... Could you tell me what happened?.. Normally elves are not supposed to be enslaved unless a war happened.."

Slavery was normal in this continent , but not anyone could become a slave. They either had to be a criminal , left overs from the war or the if parents sold them for money or because of debts. The reasons he asked that question was because the elf race was one of the strongest ones from the continent as they were almost as ancient as those sea dwellers and unless they lived in a hole , there was no way he wouldn't heard something about the war against the elves. Lili looked at Naire as she gathered her confidence to talk to a opposite gender. "I..It's because we were in a small village.. our group was sent to the borders for an exchange of goods and suddenly , a group of mercenary attacked us.." Lili cried as she thought of her friends being killed in front of her as they tried to buy some times to let them run away. Although elf slaves were rare and expensive , it confused Naire as he knew that elves would never sell out their own people , but with Lili explanation , they figured out that , because of their strong feelings for their kin , the captor would take their family member as hostage to blackmail them. The elf would then commit a crime in public and be caught by 'Chance' by the slave trader or his accomplice or they could blackmail them to sell themselves but it was riskier as the sold one could be bought back by any of their family members. So instead of going through all the work to kidnap the entire family tree , they could just kidnap two or more siblings and sell one while the other one has to pretend to be a maid and do cleaning services.

The merchant would sign a soul contract that the sibling will not suffer any harm from them and be released in 100 years , while that was short for the elves , it was more than enough for the merchant to enjoy his entire life and die by then. The risk was high but the reward could feed many families for life and that was the only reason why the merchant with his hired mercenaries came all the way to the northern land. They thought that no one would be patrolling the northern lands and with enough guards to defend against the savages , they could slowly make their way until they reach the western side of the continent and sell the elf in a auction then live their entire life in wealth. If they were caught , every race will not spare any of them and their families , with all the experts looking for you , there was no way to escape unless one magically became a fish and merged in the ocean forever.

"Those bastard! Tell me where are they , I will capture them myself!" Said Naire as he stood up angrily with his qi all around him. Suddenly the carriage was shaking a little bit as they heard a growl from the outside , hearing the leopard woke up and ran toward the door to slide it open. "Could it be , Nodus is back!?" Said Ali as she hurriedly and helped the little cub to open the door fast but was greeted her was a big pink nose that gently poked her face. Lili let out a yelp as she hid behind Lati , the blue haired woman comforted her , telling her it was just Shishi's mother. Ali who was in front of Sasha nodded and with a 'hmm' she turned around toward Naire." Uncle , Sasha said if there was any trouble?" The big leopard could not help to notice the aura from Naire so she poked the carriage with her big face. "Ah! I am sorry Sasha , no trouble here , but I will find it soon!" Confused , Sasha just went beside the entrance and stared at the blizzard storm with Shishi on her head.

"See , even Sasha wants to help , with her , those bastard won't escape for sure!" Said the middle aged man as he sat back down and looked at Lili. "Uhm...The merchant hired 10 mercenary and.. One magician! That mage is proficient with fire elements.. it's dangerous Mr- Uncle Naire." She was worried about her saviors and she did not want to ask to much.. Before the siblings escaped , her friends told her not to come back for them at all cost until she reported the criminals to the Azael kingdom. The manly Naire stood up and punched his chest."Hmmp so what , my wife here is known as the ice goddess from our kingdom! She also inh-" Lati pushed her husband and looked at Lili. " Don't worry.. With me here ... especially in this kind of weather , unless that fire mage is a intermediate ultimate magician , he won't stand a change against me." Looking at the goddess confident expression , Lili nodded and told them that they are most likely west from here. The elf was smart enough to understand what Lati meant , a ultimate being could enjoy richest everywhere they went , there was almost no way that fire mage would be willing to risk his entire life just to sell some elves. "B..but aunty.. By now they are probably gone.." Thanks to a group of wild magical beast , 5 of 10 escaped from the broken carriage and ran for their life through the blizzard storm but against the fire mage , they would surely finished the wild pest and be on their way to the auction since even one elf could feed them for their entire lives.