Rescue - 1

The couple and the two little girls looked at the worried elf and laughed. "Don't worry sister Lili , with this storm they won't be able to make it far... and with Sasha , we will find them in no time." Luru confidently stood up and held the beautiful elf hand. "Will you come with us?" Knowing what her daughter was doing , the mother stared at her."Don't worry mom , I will hide and beside , I would like to see how you fight for experience purposes!" The mother let out a sigh as the father happily nodded. " That's my daughter! Brave like her father HAHAHA" Lili nodded with a solemn expression as she thought of her friends. "I am a intermediate beginner magician and I am well rounded with recovery spells!" The elf knew that she would be useless but at least , she did not want to bother Lati any further and help her friends recover by her own magic crafts!

Naire excitedly slid the door open while the wife turned around and before she could tell Ali to stay behind , the little girl already stood by the hall. "Don't worry aunty , I will stay behind and take care of Mimi with Shishi!" The blue haired woman smiled and gave her a magic talisman like the one she gave to Nodus who god knows what he did with it. After explaining how to use the talisman , Luru closed the door as her friend waved at her."Don't worry Luru , mother will set up a barrier before we leave." The mother was really kind toward people who deserve her kindness. As she held her hands together , the mother looked like she was praying for something , while whispering a magic chant her palms shun brighter than usual and a blue magic sphere expanded until it covered the entire ice walls. "Mom , your mana barrier is amazing!" Said the daughter while holding onto Lili's hand. "That's right aunty , you are so fast! No wonder you are the best from your kingdom." Lati giggled as she covered her mouth and led the girls to the entrance of the wall where the husband was standing. "So that's the situation , would you be willing to help us find them?" The middle aged man was talking to the big white leopard and as the girls approached them , Sasha looked at the elf and sniffed her. "Ah! it tickles!" Said Lili as she felt the nose rubbing all around her. "Let's go." After hearing her voice through their minds , they happily looked at each other and thanked Sasha. Noticing that they were going to walk , Shishi let out a meow and rubbed the back of Sasha with his paw while sending his voice to Luru. "Big sis Luru , get on!"

Sasha crouched down and let Luru climb on her back. "Um... aunty Sasha?.. Could they also come up?" Luru plead for her family as she did not know if Sasha was fine with it. Seeing the big white leopard nod , the couple happily hoped on her back while Lili was unsure how she should proceed. "Don't worry , just climb normally!" Said Naire as he was happily sitting with a big grin on his face. I can't wait to fly!! If Lati knew the childish thought of her husband , she would just push him off and let him run after them through the blizzard."Mhmm , I am thankful miss Sasha" The elf bowed at the leopard as she slowly made her way up the back. Sitting on the broad back , Lati chanted another spell and created a mana shield around the entire leopard. Sasha looked at the mana shield , thinking it was unnecessary and as soon she walked out of the exit , she remembered that Nodus could sit on her without any protection while Luru and Ali was suffering through the winds.

The white leopard stood still as she focused on her thought made Lili a little bit confused. "Don't worry , the fun part will start soon." Said Naire as he was jumping in excitement while sitting. 'Sigh' The wife blushed as she face palmed her face. This will be my first times flying too you know.. As a advance magician , she could already levitate slightly up the air but it was only for a couple meters and she could not move around , so she did not really experienced real flight either. Lili tilted her head , suddenly , she felt bumpy as Sasha quickly ran and jumped high into the sky. The elf held onto the the short fur on the back for her dear life as she felt the leopard movement."Wah!!!!!!!" How is this possible.. could it be this magical beast is a rank 8?! As Lili was surprised that they were in the air , Luru looked at her and smiled."This is the work of Nodus." Lili snapped from her thought and looked at the little girl turned back. "I heard of Mr.. Nodus? Who is that person?" Lili wasn't sure if Nodus was a male or female since she never heard a name like that at all. " Those black pieces , they are magic armors made by Nodus!" Lili was shocked as she never heard or saw anything like this , if a armor could make a ground magical beast fly then no one would had to suffer going through the process of taming a flying beast! This was a genius invention!! "Th-..Then Mr Nodus must be a genius master magic crafter!" Luru held her chin with her index finger as she contemplate , since the technique Nodus used to make the door and carriage was something she never heard off either and she even witnessed a rank 4 magic craft forging her dad's weapon and that took 10 hours for the great sword..

"Euhmmm... I don't think so.. Nodus is only 16 years old"

The elf froze in shock as she almost fainted and after recovering , Luru giggled and said " It's fine , I was also shocked!" Luru was shocked because he looked too young for his age while Lili was different and that made Lati chuckle as she turned around. " Silly Luru ... , you can ask Nodus when he gets back if you are curious , Lili." Said the blue haired woman as she turn back as she scouted around for the enemies. Lili calmed down and focused on her the matters at hand first since she could just ask that Mr Nodus later..Even though she is shy around mens like most elves , she couldn't suppress her curiosity toward magic crafts.

"Achooo!" Ugh.. Extreme psychic mode takes plenty of energy.. I must train harder! "Z1 , show White Jade Status" 40% , Nodus stood up from the bed with a rare smile on his face , leaving the room , he noticed that the White Jade finished the energy resource from the water since it could not detect it anymore. 40%... it's more than enough to open and sustain the ether storage. "White Jade , Open Nether Gate." On the front screen , above the wall where the pilot room lies , a icon flicked from Saving to Full , following up by a soft engine sound that could be heard with light shining more brightly than before. " Starting up , Full Mode." Nodus closed his door manually with a the hand print scanner on the side of the door way and while holding his palm on the scanner " Set as Gate." The green light from the scanner switched to pink.

As soon Nodus took his hand away , the door slid open and instead of his bed and furniture , it was instead , a wide open space , the size of a football field with many organized stack of materials around. Stepping inside the metal surface that stretched out around 110 meters long and 50 meters wide , the surrounding was covered with stars , making it look like it was a floating platform in the space. Walking straight with his arms behind his back , Nodus looked side to side , skipping the stacks of materials , he arrived at a big rectangle metal bar that was almost as wide as the floor. The metal bar was about 20 meters high which made Nodus like an ant infront of it.

On the lower center of the bar , it was a screen with a physical keyboard while on the side of it was a big closed frame. Tap tap , the young man in black was quickly typing onto the keyboard as the screen flashed constantly and after a while , the big frame slowly moved up , revealing a big square hole. On the bottom of the square space lies a human figurine , the figure has no hair , the eyes socket were completely made out of white glass and it was two times the size of a fully grown man. This is what I need for now.. Nodus held his arm up and commanded his A.I to take over the body. "Requesting to transfer Pure energy instead." "Transfer 10% and change the appearance to a male with a matching voice." With the commander's permission , the android eyes shot out a flash of light while making a engine noise on start up. The black robot stood up and slowly morphed into a bearded old man with white hair and long brows. The old man had a black jacket and pants while his inner shirt was white. "A butler? Good thinking." Said Nodus as he turned back onto the screen and typed something else while the butler android stood arms crossed behind him like a security guard. Going through many items in the catalogs , Nodus stopped upon seeing a silver ball. " Dimension net.." Switching his plans , Nodus took the silver ball when it appeared on the platform and put it in his pants pocket as he left the Ether field with the butler. Looking at the screen in the space's living room , he saw that the ship had 25% left...10 for the butler and 5 for the ether.. I'll save at least 20% for emergency purposes.

"Let's go Z1 , no.. Your android name will be B..Bu.. Bu One!" Even though the young commander has a terrible naming abilities , the robot could only just nod."Yes commander , from now this body is Bu One!"

"Mhm , Bu One , you will temporarily replace Lydia and be my secretary during her absence , I need to focus on myself while you manage all the little problems or situation." Bu One which was a part of Z1 A.I quickly registered every single task he has to do and if the situation was out of his capabilities , he would had to turn in to Nodus , other than that he just has to report only the important information and standby for order. I will need a big amount of wealth ... I should see the city first before deciding. Nodus had a plan to open a general store with his modern technology or a simple company depending on this world's modern technology and his android would be the one managing it.

When Nodus reached the stairs , he saw the blue dragon sitting infront of the ship as he went further down the steps. "G=..Greetings Mr Savior!" Said the dragon as it straightened up even more like a ruler while Nodus walked toward him with his butler."Call me Nodus , and what do you want? Another fight?" The dragon felt sweat dripping on his icy scales as it stared at the ceiling. "Mr Nodus , please bring me outside with you , I can help you with many things!" Nodus looked through the dark waters and saw nothing but darkness. Understanding that it must of been that giant beast , the young man inspected the blue dragon as he walk around it.

Hmm.. I could have it guard my future company while Bu One take care of the store.. The young man nodded and took out the silver ball from his pocket. " I can bring you with me , but you have to follow my orders." The dragon did a funny motion has he nodded at the ceiling. " Good ,I will put you in my dimensional net , I'll release you when I have a task for you , now , don't resist or you'll get hurt." Nodus poked the leg of the dragon with the silver ball and suddenly , the ball glowed in white. The white light wrapped around the entire dragon like a coat ,turning the dragon fully white as it shrunk into the silver ball. On the round silver ball , a number *1* appeared , indicating the amount of living being inside the dimensional net.

"I will take care of him and keep my promise , rest well." The young man walked toward the exit with the butler and as they reached the tunnel , Nodus looked at Bu One. "Waver." The android crouched on four as it's body began to changes from pieces to pieces like a puzzle. After a quick 3 seconds , the android was replaced by a floating bike , the bike had a metallic black color to it with a small windshield on the front while at the rear end of the seat , it was a big dark windshield .