Rescue - 2

'ZZzzzz' A futuristic sound came from the bike as Nodus right hand slightly twisted on the throttle. Sitting on the big soft seat , Nodus tilted his upper body forward as he rested his feet on the sides of the bike's body and with his left thumb , he pressed a big red button on the handle. The black windshield on the back stretched forward until it connected to the short windshield on the front. With his helmet morphing around his head , he tapped on a switch with his left foot and the hovering bike shot forth like a bullet into the tunnel. Nodus was spinning around the icy tunnel as the bike levitated on any kind of platform , even if it was upside down. ZZZZZZZZ! The screen meters went from green to orange as he reached 400 MP/H.

Seeing that the hole was covered in ice and snow , Nodus increased the speed of the bike and crashed straight into the frosted exit. Boom , the black bike easily went through the pile of ice as it flew toward the sky. With his left index , pressing a small button on the back of the throttle , a black sharp wing appeared on each side of the bike , allowing Nodus to glide down from the sky and land safely. Within the blizzard storm , Nodus could barely see anything with his eyes so he decided to simply follow back the route he used when he was riding on Sasha. ZZZz the black shadow flashed through the storm and suddenly the bike digitize screen flashed in red as it showed a looping radar map."Unknown Explosion wave detected" Within the black sonar map , a red dot could be seen 10 kilometers from his west direction. Turning slightly to the right , Nodus revolved the throttle as far as he could. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ! With 1000 MP/H I should quickly arrive at the scene.

The quiet engine roared as it drove on top of the fragile snow pile like a flying bullet.

"Are they close?" The middle aged man who sat on the back of Sasha was getting more and more psyched as he haven't been in a real fight in a long times , especially against dozen of warriors and a magician. After 10 minutes of silences , the white leopard lowered it's altitude and plunged into a pile of snow that was almost as high at her."They are close." Said Lati as she held onto a glowing wooden staff that she took from her spatial ring. The husband nodded as he stood up on top of Sasha. Knowing her husband intention , she pointed toward the direction of the enemies. " Don't worry , they are in fact , coming towards us right now at a quick pace , it seems like they weren't a match for those wild beast after all."

As the evil people approaches , Lili who is quietly sitting at the back was trembling in fear. "Don't worry , me and sister Lili will wait here and rescue them when we can!" Luru was confident that the tall pile of snow could hide them while her parents and Sasha take care of the enemies. Lati and Naire nodded as they quickly disappeared with Sasha , leaving the two young girls in the snow. Lili gazed at Luru as she felt a warm sensation going through her heart. "Thank you Luru." Lili took the little girls hand and waited for the fight to start.

"I will go through the front and you will be covering my back as usual! And Sasha , could you please take care of anyone that tries to escape?" The white leopard nodded as it landed on the far edge of the battle while Naire ran toward the moving carriage as Lati stood where she landed.

"Gahahaha , Mr.mage , it was good that we captured a few more elves , they were good baits for the wild beast!" A middle aged man in clad white armor was eating a dry piece of jerky while he was sitting on a wooden bench beside a red robed person who wore a silver mask. "Two stop it , you are bothering sir mage." The person was wearing an identical white armor was walking back and forth as the carriage shook violently. The front carriage was a small and normal carriage with leather roof , while the one behind looked like it was rammed by a rolling rock as one of side wooden wall had a broken gap with holes in the cloth roof. The carriage had 4 human sized cage with 3 female and 1 male elves in them. The elves piercing gaze were fixed at the surrounding men in white armor that were holding onto what ever they could during the bumpy ride.

The yetis that pulled the carriage were trying to follow the road as they dodge the big hill of snow since some of them were big rocks , not wanting to crash onto them , the driver who was sitting at the front was paying a close attention to the road." One , we escaped far enough , don't you think we should rest here?!" Said the driver as he whipped the black furry yetis. Before the mercenary who was walking in the first carriage could reply , the red robbed mage stood up and pulled a wand from his long sleeve."Enemies straight ahead!" Naire who was covered in qi , was flying hundreds of meters with every step he took as he dashed toward the carriages. "Hmmp you just noticed now. Fierce Swing!" Holding the greatsword in his hands , Naire transformed into a bolt of light and pierced through the carriage , half crouched with the greatsword in one hand , Naire reappeared in front of the second carriage.

The small elegant carriage was finely cut into 2 as blood flushed out like a fountain , leaving the man who was eating the jerky in half from head to toe. The driver was also not lucky has both of his hand was laying on the frozen floor and with his loud painful scream , the mercenaries from the 2nd carriage came down and surrounded Naire."Hmmp a advance warrior.. I would of recruited you and you can enjoy a lifetimes worth of wealth but alas.. you are about to die." The so called number one , who stood perfectly behind Naire with the red mage behind him. " Please Mr.mage , we will hold him while you prepare." The number one was extremely polite toward the mage as he was also a advance magician who love to torture people with fire.

"Hahaha! Even if you kissed my feet , I would never join you degenerate scums!" Naire did not pay attention to his back as he know his wife was about to launch an attack and he has to follow up with a cleanup against the mercenaries in front of him. "What did you say!" One of the mercenary slashed toward Naire with his sword while the mage chanted a red magic graph. Hmmp idiot. With a flash of red light through the mercenary , he froze in front of Naire. Why is my body not listening to m-Gahhh!"His body split in half from the stomach as the upper body slid onto the ground , covering the snow in red. The swing was so fast that no one noticed that their accomplice was already dead before he could even get close to the middle aged man. Naire stood with his greatsword in one hand as he swept the 6 remaining mercenaries. "Ah..! You must be a advance warrior!" The mercenary slip onto the snow as he tried to slowly retreat.

The confident of the mercenaries vanished instantly while two of them already made the run for their life. " W..Why one! Why are you not helping us!" Said one of the accomplices that was struggling to stand in front of the presence of a advance warrior. Seeing that their temporarily crime leader did not reply , they realized that one and the mage wanted the wealth for themselves . Naire slowly walked to the side to watch the drama unfold as he held no sympathy for these vile creatures. "Y-..You bastard one! I will find you an---" Before he could finish , the warrior felt onto the ground as he remain frozen on the ground with a dagger embedded in his forehead. "You bastard!" The three remaining accomplices were easily slain by one even when they fought together. Looking to the side , he smiled at Naire. "Thank you , I could not find it in my heart to kill these useless idiots off without a reason as it would make me feel extremely guilty." One had a mocking expression as he held 2 daggers on each hands. "Hmmp , shut up and fight me you trash"

The assassin one and the warrior Naire darted from their position and clashed in the middle of the run , one was parrying with his dagger as he made the greatsword's blade slip past his weapon , deflecting it into different directions."Not bad , you are well versed in the Fluid technique." Naire was slowly being pushed back as the assassin parried his attack while throwing his hidden daggers."Your Fury is nothing against my Fluid hmmp!" Naire who was focusing on the attack was now busy defending as he dodged some daggers while blocking the rest with his greatsword. As the fight gotten more intense with their qi increasing , the fire mage felt something amiss as he turned around and saw a stream of frozen spears flying towards him. The red mage wand danced into and instantly surrounded by a ball of flame. Pssssssss , the icy spears that landed on the flame barrier rapidly melted and transformed into snowflakes as it fly with the storm. Easily blocking the barrage of spears the red mage lifted his wand as the last icy spike flew toward him. I know where you are now! Before he could cash a spell , the spear punctured his heart. "" The mage staggered and felt onto his knees as he watch a shadow slowly approaching through the blizzard.

With his hand on his heart , the red wizard sunk into the snow. " I saw you preparing your spells a long times ago." Thinking you can block my Zero Ice type magic... What a joke. Said Lati as she made her way towards the second carriage. One was only paying attention to Naire because whenever he would slowly retreat , Naire would increase his tempo to keep the assassin attention , but after noticing a blue haired woman walk past them , he could not help but to look at the red mage. Seeing that his strongest accomplice was dead , the assassin was prepared to escape but before he could do anything , Naire was already infront of it. "Piss off warrior!" Naire gave him a mocking smile , his qi exploded forth as his greatsword descended toward the assassin. FURY! One also increased his qi to the peak. Good , a fast strike , I will slide his sword and make a quick escape before he can recover from his own speed. One though he could simply parry the sword and return the opponent speed against his own for his advantage. The greatsword landed on his daggers , the two men were standing still as they put all of their strength onto their blades. The assassin was trying to tilt his wrist to the side to make the greatsword slip but the sword pressure quickly increased , making it impossible for the assassin to hold any longer. "Yo-You are a peak ad-" Before he could finish his shocking revelation , Naire sliced his daggers into two and severed his entire shoulder." So weak , beside , what kind of assassin fights head on." Taking off the fake face from the assassin , one was actually an wrinkly old man with white hair while the magician was around his 50's.

"Don't worry , we have come to save you on behave of Lili." As soon she mentioned their friends name , the elves started to cry as they were finally free from the cage and held onto each other. Looking at her husband , Lati signaled him to bring Lili here.