Intense and Heavy Training! - 0

Looking through the room , he only saw a bed that was surrounded by stacks of worn out books. The old man was living a simple life of a magician who was solely focused on studies. Nodus sat down on the bed and after 5 minutes went by , the old man pushed the door open. "Follow me my disciple." Although the old man was covered in dust , he had a stern expression as he looked at Nodus. Going through the door , Nodus saw a short hall way that led into a spiral stair case that went downward while it went upward on the opposite side of the hall. "I haven't use my training room for a really long times.." The old man was leading Nodus even higher as they went up the stairs until they reached a metal door.

The old man took out a rainbow colored crystal and inserted onto the big hole on the bronze metal door. The door shook as it trembled , causing a layer of bronze fragments falling down onto the ground and dissipated into a dust of cloud. With cracks of light coming from the crystal , the door became gold as it slowly opened inward. "Go on." The old man made way for Nodus and let him go in first before he followed up. Going into the seemingly attic part of the pointy roof that was on top of the academy tower , Nodus found himself standing in a wide white space. The wide space was half the size of his Ether dimension in his White Jade , stretching around 50 meters on each side. "Hehe- Ah you don't look surprised at all!"

The old man reverted back from his mocking grin into his stern and serious expression."Ahem! This is my personal training room! " Pointing on each 6 corner of the room , Lingon explained that he created it himself by placing a medium size spatial rock as the main foundation and hence , created a dimensional room that was bigger than the outside. "This is where I spent most of my times in the past , training my old disciples." The old man felt his heart clenching as he stared at the piles of books that he just stacked up a moment ago. "Where are they now?" Nodus was curious as he noticed hundreds of scrolls , books and blank papers in a corner. "They are grown up now with the youngest being 40 years old.." The old man said that most of his disciple went out of the continent to explore while a few of the remained and made a living by themselves somewhere. With a total of 4 disciple , none of them were close to being a supreme magicians until Nodus arrived. With his kindle re ignited , Lingon was sure that the young man , his main disciple could become the first supreme magician that haven't been seen in millennia or even the youngest one ever in the history.

"I hope that you will never lose the passion and desire that made you who you are today. Never stop until you reached the end of the road!" Not only he was encouraging Nodus , he was also affected by his own words. But unlike many others , Nodus end of the road was really , really far in the distance as his dream was to be strong enough to conquer a universe , a dream bigger than others."Don't worry teacher , I will even surpass the supreme ranks." Lingon was surprised by the young man and asked him curiously, "Nodus , you know about the next rank after a supreme one? " The young man responded with a unsure tone. "The ancient rank?"

The old man laughed at his answer and rubbed his tears with his finger. "Ancient rank? hahaha if that was your goal then , I have no worries at all because I have no idea what is that!!" Looking at the confused young man , the old man explained that after a supreme rank , it was the heavenly rank that required a extreme amount of comprehension of the natures. "So that's why.. I do not doubt you at all , if an ancient rank exist then it must surely be higher than the heavenly ranks." Nodus nodded and after their short little conversation , Lingon had his newest disciple read one of his ten books about his mana comprehension. After passing the knowledge exam first , Lingon would then pass down the mana cultivation to Nodus.

The young man held onto the worn out book that was thicker than his fist and started reading as he sat on the ground. "I will leave these papers here , Answer them when you are done going through all of the volumes." The old man placed the papers on a wooden desk that was in the middle of the wide empty space and left through the golden door. Seeing that the old man left , Nodus pulled out his device and scanned the entire 10 volumes of the mana comprehension. "Compile , set it as Mana Comprehension by Lingon." After the black circle slowly filled up , Nodus sat down with his leg crossed. "Integrate." A small pain went through his head as he felt like a small tiny needle was poking through his brain.

"Fusion complete." The robotic voice woke up Nodus as he opened his eyes. Looking at the wooden desk and chair. The young man slowly made his way there and he recited the books quietly. 'I can feel it , my questions are answered by myself.' As he tested himself by thinking of a question that he read from the paper , the answers came automatically in his mind as if he was the one who wrote the book. "What is elemental mana..Book 3 , page 677.." Nodus even remembered the exact location of the paragraph that contained his answers. As he finished his task under an hour , Nodus walked around the wide space. 'Solid wall..' He was rubbing the white wall with his palm and after a while , he decided to scan through the books in the corner of the space.

Looking at the book titltes one by one , Nodus found one that introduced the fire element. "Fire Magic , elementary level.. All of his disciples must of been young at first." Flipping through the pages , Nodus saw a bunch of magic graph that could be invoked with the fire elements. "These are most likely the basic spells." Looking at the simple diagram , Nodus easily copied with his left hand as he held on the book with his other hand. "Fire shot." Spreading his fingers and with his palm facing straight ahead , a small magic graph appeared and shot a small fire ball that disappeared after reaching 10 meters. "Hmm.. It says on the book that it could only reach 3 to 5 meters depending on the user." He quickly understood that it must be because of his pure mana. "That was easy.. what about the next spell..Fire Strike?" Slowly drawing the magic graph in his mind , Nodus shot out a fire ball from his palm that was faster then the fire ball as it dissipated on the 10 meters mark. 'It's just a faster version of fire ball..'

As the young man flipped the page one by one , he easily learned all of the basic spells on his first try. "Fire arrow.. Decent enough..., Fire spear?.. that's just a better version of fire arrow.. Fire shield.. my suit is better.." After going through half of the book , the young man realized that he had to change his mindset on power level and pretended that he was a rookie magician. "Oh.. Pinnacle Beginner rank highly recommended before starting.." Without a single care , the young man flipped through the page and saw the first magic spell. "Fire Blaze" The magic graph in his palm was bigger than usual as it sprayed out dozen of small fire balls that went over 15 meters. "It's a barrage of fire strikes..Getting better.."

The young man couldn't help to be curious as he flipped through the page once again. Fire claw , Fire blast , etc... Nodus easily finished the other half of the book that was meant for a peak beginner magician and placed the book back onto the stacks. "Hmm.. That was good.. gave me some ideas but did not help me with controls at all." All of the basic spells involved flying straight forward so Nodus didn't even have to bother adjusting the directions. Feeling slightly hungry , Nodus was about to leave through the door but Lingon came in first with two maids that were holding a big plateau that was filled with meat and vegetables.

"Oh? Nodus? Are you bored already?" The old man and the maids were surprised for different reasons. The old man simply thought Nodus was more of a serious child while the maids were shocked by the fact the principal took on another disciple. 'Another disciple.. A cute one at that..' The maids placed the big plate on the table beside the entrance and left the space after bowing to the old man. "Yes , I finished the exam too." The old man eyes were big and round as he ran toward the desk in the middle of the space. 'Ugh.. why did I put the desk so far away' His main goal was to prevent Nodus from being distracted by placing it in the middle but it backfired on his old legs.

"Nodus!... how did you finis- I mean how long did it take you to read all of the books!?" The old man dropped all ten papers onto the desk as he turned his attention back to his disciple. "Hmm..I can read really fast so... around 1 hour?" The young man supported his chin with his fist as he thought of an excuse. "What! You mean.. you finished the books under 30 minutes?!" Nodus was confused as he spent a tleast 50 minutes fusing with the books and with the last 10 min writing down the answers. The old man ran back again and held onto Nodus shoulder while gaping for oxygen. Looking at the serious but dried old man , Nodus inclined his head. "T..This space.. times.. slower.. than outside.." The old man slipped onto the floor and felt unconscious after explaining to Nodus. 'No legs days.. only arms?..."