
Evelyn and Elli sat on their knees in front of Bu One as he explained the suits into details."Those suits are energy powered armors , as long you have sufficient energy , it could withstand almost anything." Elli lifted her hand as she has yet another question. "Then did commander make them run out of energy?" Bu One put his hands behind his back and with a nod , he explained that Nodus power were so strong it drained their energy in a seconds."Does that mean you wear it like a piece of armor?" Evelyn asked as she surely thought she would get first in the ranking. "Yes , it's like a empty.. golem , you are inside of the golem and control it." Bu One used a term that he found from the old book shop.

"And that is why you must train your body first or else you won't be able to handle the golem suits." Bu One sharply turned around and left the 2nd basement floor to buy more materials for the factory cube.

As the sun fall , the twilight darken the skies as the stars slowly became more visible. Pooof , A young magician threw a silver chip on the ground that transformed into a storage box."Luckily I brought dinner!" , the young magician in his gray robe took out a wooden basket filled with bread and meat. "Wow Gab.. I wish I could afford a unit box too.." Another young man who wore leather armor and a iron long sword hung under his belt approached his friend as he helped him carry the food. "Gab is a magician so it's normal , a lot of people want him to join their group." The young girl in yellow hair held out her hand and picked a piece of bread as she sat on a small tree stump.

The group of young adventurer were camping at the edge of the forest , close to the city gate and they decided to have a little meal before returning home. "Don't worry , could be considered as a real group now that we passed the subjugation test." The voice came from a man who sat and leaned against a tree as he held onto a flute. "Jake is right , we can officially take the main mission lines from the guild and earn more money , then everyone can buy a unit box hehehe." Gab sat back down beside Jake as he comforted his friend who were less fortunate than him.

"Excuse me.." The group heard a girly voice that came toward the direction of the road. As the person slowly approached , the camp fire revealed a beautiful and tall elf with silky purple hair that glistered with a hint of light. "Woah.. she's so beautiful.." The young girl quietly murmured to herself as Gab and Jake stood up. "I am sorry , me and my friends were returning to the city and I couldn't help but to hear about those unit?" Behind Lili , Amy and co showed up with Raon missing since he insisted on leaving by himself to return to Azael kingdom. Gab gulped before he answered the beautiful elf with a nervous tone. "A..ehm.. That's right! you can buy it in the Proxi shop just for 10 gold , the unit is a cheap spatial storage tools that is one of many other tools they sell in their shop." The man was so nervous he became a free sale representative for Nodus.

Lili chuckled and said good bye to the young group as she left with Amy and co. "Lili , we have to get one of those! pleaseee!!!" Amy begged Lili while walking toward the gigantic gate. "Fine , but only one for now.. we have to safe the rest of the gold for our living.." The beautiful blonde tomboy elf Amy jumped in joy with her fist up high in the air."Yay!! Lili is the best." With a sigh , Lili looked at her friend."Don't worry , you are making the right decision..Beside , if we had a spatial tool like that.. think of all the missions we could finish quickly." The gentle Cucu reassured Lili who stared at her with logical explanation. "Mhmm ,Cucu is right but it would of been easier if we had that comfortable carriage..I miss the soft bed already." Amy wouldn't give up until she made her daiy light journey a comfortable one.

"Talking about the carriage.. How about we visit them soon? You haven't seen Mimi for a while.." Cucu suggested and as they went through the gate by paying the guard a silver coin , Lili agreed to visit their savior tomorrow. "But first shouldn't we go check out that Proxi store?" Amy who was shorter than Lili seemed like a little sibling trying to drag her sister toward a toy she wanted. "I am not sure if they are still open.. but fine , we have to go to the guild for our rewards anyway." By the times they arrived at the guild , the moon was already rising up from the horizon of the walls. "Thank you , here is 4 gold and 55 silver." The middle aged woman who worked behind the guild front desk took the subjugation papers and along with the proof , she handed out the reward to Lili.

Missions had many categories with subjugation being one of the most stable source of income and to prove that you have completed the mission , you simply need to bring back the left ear of your target. "Thank you Mr Lime , we will be back tomorrow." Lili and co waved at the woman and left the guild building. "We have 18 gold now!! Let's go!" Amy led the group down the street to look for the shop and easily spotted the bright purple neon sign that was on the wooden board. "Wow.. It wasn't hard at all and it seem like they are still open!" Seeing other people going into the shop , Amy happily ran first while her friend walked normally. "She's such a child at heart.." Cucu chuckled as she admired her friend's personality. "You are just too old for your age Cucu." Lili added the oil on the fire as she laughed with the quiet Neih.

Before they could even walk up the steps , Amy opened the door and shouted at them."Guys! I see Nodus butler here!!" The girls were surprised and quickly ran into the store like Amy. Looking around , they could see a short line of people that were waiting for their turn to operate the big glass machine and they could also see some people sitting at the long bench on their right side. "Where is Nodus?" Lili asked curiously as she look around for a short person. "Look over there." Amy pointed at the left side , where the counter was and they all recognized the butler who followed the carriage in the blizzard by foot. "You are right! Let's go ask him." Cucu sounded more excited than the rest walked up to Bu One first.

"Hello Mr Butler.. Artifact?.. Do you remember us?" Bu One who was paying close attentions to the line of customer heard a gentle voice and switched his attention onto the big breasted Cucu. With a quick analyze , her basic details appeared mid air inside of his vision. "Yes , Miss Cucu , you can call me Bu One , how can I help you?" Cucu and her friends were surprised as the artifact could talk flawlessly. "I am wondering since you are here.. does it mean Nodus is also here?" Bu One shook his head. The group of elves were sadden by the respond." But I can bring you to the room and have you rest there because the commander is arriving soon." The girls nodded and happily followed Bu One into the back of the counter. Pulling a string that was coming down from the ceiling , a hidden staircase landed on the floor. "Upstairs please and make yourself at home as for I have a important mission to keep order in the shop."

Upon climbing the room , they saw Sasha who somehow magically in the upstairs hidden room with Shishi sleeping soundly on a bed. The room was the same size as the first one but with the ceiling going upward like a pyramid. Recognizing the beds and sofa , Amy ran and jumped into a bed. "Ah soft bed!" The blonde warrior was rolling on the bed and totally forgotten about the unit box she came here for. The big leopard just opened one eyes and went back to sleep as she saw it was just them.

"Amy! Shhh , Miss Sasha and Shishi is sleeping" Lili shushed her friend as she sat on the soft couch while Cucu was more curious about the Sasha. 'Is there a hidden door..? There is no way a big magical beast could fit through the stairs.' The girl was closely observing each walls and saw that one of them had a big squared line. 'This must be the hidden door!' After playing detective , Cucu rested on the bed as she enjoyed the softness of the pillow."Wait a minute! This is exactly the same as the carriage.." Lili stood up from her sofa as she processed the fact that this store owner might be Nodus. "That means... We can ask Nodus for a lot of storage unit!" Amy shouted in joy as she jumped on the bed. "Silly.. We have to a tleast pay for them.." Cucu felt bad about taking advantage of Nodus and so did Lili. "Mhmm she's right.. we are trying to make a living , so is Nodus."

Amy pouted as she sat on the bed."You were looking for me?" The group heard a voice that was coming from the stairs , turning their head around , they saw a young man in a black magician robe. "Wahh Nodus! I missed you!" Amy who held nothing back jumped and tackled the young man who just arrived on the floor. Not wanting to hurt Amy , Nodus let himself go and felt onto the ground. "It's alright , I am here now.." Having spent the entire afternoon with a caring grandpa figure who was his instructor , Nodus felt a sense of familiarity again, 'Feel like home..' Ever since he was a child , Nodus was always serious as he always felt a big burden on his shoulders and unless he was with his sister , Nodus would rarely smile or have a long conversation with anyone. 'I miss them.'