School - 0

At a clean and quiet inn beside the giant gate , a young man and two couple sat around the table as they slowly sipped some tea. "Kathrina ensured us that she would take care of you all but I also hope you can protect Lulu when the time comes." Naire had a stern look as he talked to Nodus about his situation. "I know you are a very strong warrior , you resembles of those ancient cultivator from the desolate times , so please , I beg of you , protect Lulu no matter what." With a nod from the young man , Naire felt a sense of relief as he sighed.

"Don't worry Nodus , we won't take long and I doubt something will actually happen so just enjoy your times in school." Lati was trying to cheer up the mood as she comforted both of them with words. "It's fine , I have a trump card , even if those so called supreme ranked comes , I can still escape while killing some of them." Shocked by the young man's words , the couple didn't doubt him one bit or how else would a 16 years old be as strong as a advance warrior who was a step away from being a ultimate warrior. 'A big sect must be behind the young man so.. it should be fine.' Naire and Lati held their hands together as they thanked the young man.

"Im sorry if you encounter any small trouble hahahaha" Calling small was a joke from Naire as he explained to the young man about their disaster. "Lati here.. she is from a royal bloodline family of the legendary ice fairy while I came from a old ancient cultivator sect.." The family had it all good until their kingdom's emperor felt ill and the blame was put on Naire , the last person to officially met the emperor. The person who framed him was also the one who caused the disaster upon their family. During one night , that person even hired some assassins from every organization to eradicated Naire and the rest.

"Even though no one believed him , they couldn't do anything about it because he was the next in line anyway.. So that's why.. If I can find my old ancestor tomb , not only I will become stronger , I will also have a treasure he left behind to cure my uncle." That person turned out to be one of his brother who got jealous of him because he couldn't get married to Lati. "Betraying a family is unforgivable." Naire slammed onto the table as he furiously nodded along his words. "Right! That bastard will get his *ss kicked when I get back!" The wife stroked his back to calm him down while Nodus suggested something. "That treasure , is it a cure for the poison or illness..?"

Naire took a deep breath and decided to reveal the secret artifact of his ancestor. "It's not a cure but..It's a alternative way to help him live.." The artifact was a supreme ranked treasure that was called the Monolith Shield , it fuses with the owner and negates every bad effect that could affect the owner's health. "It can also be used to protect the owner from any supreme ranked magic and lower!" So far , that was the only two functions that he knew and they were possibly not even true , but it was better than nothing. "You are willing to sacrifice such treasure?" Naire nodded without hesitation as he truly cared for his family.

"You should keep the treasure , I am confident on curing any illness or poison if I can get their blood sample." Naire stood up with a happy expression. "Really!? That's great! I can totally give him a good beating for sure with the Monolith even if I am still a advance warrior!" Nodus revealed a faint smile as he slid something on the table. "This is for the both of you , come back soon and don't make her too worried by sending some messages." Lati took the black chip and gave him a confused look. "Messages?" Nodus nodded as he stood up from his chair. "I left the instruction in there , thank you for the tea."

His priority was to make sure the couple received the unit chip before they left so that he could be assured of their safety , after all , he wouldn't want to look after a child for his entire life. 'Ah.. maybe elder sister would like to have a little sister.' The thought of his sister made him smile as he walked along the streets during the night. "Commander , the SpellSlingerV0 and DeathCastV1 has been finished." Reading the message from the android , Nodus hurriedly made his way to the shop with his magician robe fluttering with the winds.

*Booom!* "Good , the switch and casting is faster , the consumption is regular , product is fine , adjust the SSv0 and add the signature." With a black revolver spinning around his finger , Nodus smoothly threw it up the air and walked forward as it landed into the leather holster underneath his armpit. 'Hmm.. Maybe I shoud put it somewhere else.' Thinking of the fact that he had to open his magic robe sideways before pulling out the DeathCast , Nodus decided to turn it into a chip and place it on his wrist instead. 'Hmm , it look less cool but it's more efficient.' With a flick from his hand , the chip quickly transformed into the revolver in his grip.

'I guess I can give it to her instead.' With the area filled with black burnt marks and fire , Nodus didn't bother about it as he left the lowest basement floor. "Focus on the ship from now , I will handle the training." The android bowed and followed Nodus to the first basement level. "It's quiet now.." Erica who was shivering under her blanket released a breath of relief. "The random noise was truly startling." Irvin and the little girl flinched almost every times whenever Nodus shot a spell from his new toy in the edge of the forest. "Hehehe , you two should sleep now or else... you won't get to live in the outside." Irvin and Erica stopped complaining and went to sleep as Lanny scary words affected them.

'These two children complained so much about not seeing the sun or sky and yet they are so lazy..' Thinking of a new way to convince these silly people , Lanny was thinking that she talk about it to Evelyn early in the morning.

*Ring ring!* The alarm went off twice before shutting it down by itself as the girls slowly made their way off the bed. "*Yawn* This digital clock sure is useful.." Looking at the green numbers *6:30* displayed on the small black box , Ali got off the bed and went to take a shower that was installed in every room. "Ahh! I can control the temperature.. is so nice!" As she happily got used to the fancy life , she noticed that she was actually the last one out of her room. "Good morning Ali!" Mimi approached Ali as she greeted her with a big smile. "Let's go down and eat." Nodus said in a quiet voice before turning around and pressed the elevator door open. "Coming!" Lulu and the girls followed right behind as they were sent down to the second floor by the magical elevator.

"Wow! It smells so good!" Seeing the many different dishes on the big and long smooth wooden table , the girls happily sat around Nodus and dove into the meals right away. "Thank you Nodus." Lulu smiled at Nodus as she knew that he left early in the morning to get the food for them. "Mhmm , I have something to show you before we leave." Lulu nodded as she enjoyed the warm meal.

After 30 minutes went by , the girls finished half of the dishes and before they could even grab on the plates to wash them , Nodus told them it would be fine to leave it there since a new house maid would arrive today. "Here , you can communicate with your parents with this." Nodus gave her a device that looked like a square phone. "This is..?" Rotating the thin device around , Lulu was slightly puzzled about the use of the tool. "It's called a cellular phone from the old era , I used my .. satellite to connect it with your parent's cellular phone." Nodus couldn't tell her that he used White Jade has the transmitting point because she wouldn't understand anyway.

"You use it like this.. and it charges by the outlet I showed you in the walls." Lulu nodded as she toggled the phone open with a small button on the side. "You should be able to call them before school starts." As the group made their way to school , Ali and Mimi were at the front as they were the most excited for school. "Mom , dad!? Is it really you?" Hearing Lulu's voice , Ali and Mimi turned around and surrounded her. "Ah! I can hear aunty voice!" The little brown haired girl shouted in surprise as she heard the quiet voice from the phone.

'She's really intelligent.' Nodus complimented the little girl who he only taught once before she could use the phone. Although it was modified and only had single function for now , Nodus wanted to know of her opinion before printing out more of them for the shop. 'It will consume the pure energy so I have to find another way.. like an actual satellite around the mesosphere..' Discarding the idea , he knew that it would be too much work for now and especially with those huge floating continent above the clouds.

After the short call , Lulu went beside Nodus who was at the back and smiled at him without saying anything. "We're here!" Although they came early , they could see hundreds of students passing through the gates. ' The school didn't start until the sun rise which was around 7:30 in the morning with the first bell alerting every students. Going through the gates with his friends , Nodus could see that most of them were from the rich family who bought or has a house in the city while the commoner used the old school dorms. "Hello ladies , you must be new students! Would you allow me to show you around?" A group of boys who wore fancy magician robes approached Lulu and co. '....' With their thought in sync , the girls turned their around and looked at Nodus.