School - 1

Already knowing the way thanks to Kathrina , Nodus simply ignored new comer who were slightly taller than him and went past them. "Wait for us Nodus!" Lulu ignored the boys and ran after the young man , followed by Ali and Mimi. "Hahaha Kenny , you've been ignored by new school kids." The group of boys had a little name tag on their wizard robe that had a lightning and a cloud drawn onto it. Seeing the pissed young man , a older senior held onto his shoulder and shook his head. "Don't worry , you just started so you have plenty of times and I doubt they know about the ThunderStruck group."

It turns out that some family with connections have already been recruited to these magician group that held a esteem reputation throughout the academy and some group even led to a big or ancient sects. "Yea , you can hit on them later kekeke." A shrewd looking boy who was around the same age as Kenny chuckled as he turned around toward the school doors. Kenny knew a little bit about Lulu from eavesdropping on his parents who were talking to some seniors from the Blue Deer kingdom. 'I must inform my parents!'

'Lead me to them.' Nodus who sneakily placed a pin on his hologram map could perfectly see where Kenny is. "Meet here at lunch and after classes?" Standing on the 4 way halls , Nodus and the girls decided to meet up at this popular spot at every break. "Then shall we go?" After saying their farewell to Ali and Mimi , Lulu went ahead as she excited to resume school.

Arriving early , Lulu decided to pick the furthest back row as her seat with Nodus while more and more students were slowly arriving through the classroom door. As the bell rang , a attractive young teacher came into the class room and closed the door behind her. "Welcome to A4 , my name is Miku and I will be your main teacher of this year , any questions?" By looking around , Miku easily spotted Lulu and Nodus at the back of the class since they were the youngest. 'They must be from some royal family..' The teacher did not know that both of them only attended school for fun as she seriously engraved their looks into her mind.

"Yes! Teacher Miku , are you single?" A tall and lean teenager who was around 17 years old stood up as he asked seriously. "No private matter , sit down." The teacher told him off as she scanned her entire class room once again. "What is teacher Miku main element?" A female student asked the teacher this times. "My main element is wind and fire for secondary." Seeing that there was no more questions , the teacher placed her stack of books onto the front desk and took out a white chalk. As she turned around to write on the gigantic black board that took over the entire front wall of the class room , many boys stared at her plump bosom while shaking their friends. "Holy sh*t dude! look at that!" The excited boys were whispering and pointing at the teacher while the girls were looking at them with a pathetic gaze.

'Boys are such perverts..' All of them thought of the same thing and soon switched their attention to the front as they heard the chalk hitting the board. "Since you are in the 4th grade , it means that you are either a peak beginner or a enlightened rank so therefore , starting from today , I will be in charge of helping you master your basic element level." Pointing at the blackboard that she just drew on , the students could see the five main elements placed beside each other with many arrows going down to nothing. "Who can tell me what is the highest point of the fire element?" A girl student raised her hand and answered confidently with , "Lightning."

The teacher revealed a smirk as she shook her head. "You are half correct , lightning is known as the absolute fire element but the reality is that there is something even more powerful above it." The teacher explained that the mysterious elements from the legend were in fact real and most of the information were dug out from ancestral tombs or cave. "So in theory , if you are strong enough to reach at that point , the power of the sun should be after lightning." The teacher instantly hooked all of the students attention as she kept going on about the ancient knowledge.

'This teacher seems to be focus in theories..' Lulu already knew most of it since her parents already told her that there is something always above our knowledge. "This continent of ours is limiting our knowledge , that is why when one reaches a supreme rank , they would go out and adventure in the otherworld." The students nodded in unison as they all knew about it. Everyone who became a supreme rank in the past millennia were old monsters who lived long enough to get bored of this continent and left to find a new goal. "Knowing every element is the key of success , if you were against a fire element , as a water user you would be in the advantage but if the fire magician knew more about water elements than you then you will most likely lose."

With her logical reasons , the student started to write down everything that Miku said and all of the drawing on the blackboard. "We shall start with the fire element , fire element magicians focuses mainly on burning , exploding and purifying , the fire elements is a very dangerous element to everyone , even to the user , handle it wrong and it could backfire on you severely more than any other elements." Nodus registered everything that the teacher said with his perfected mind while everyone else was taking notes.

Seeing the calm young man in the back upper corner , the teacher couldn't help but be disappointed. 'Is my teaching not interesting?..' Confused by the poker face of the young man , Miku still didn't give up and continued her speech. " When a fire magician reaches the peak of the enlightened rank , he or she will have to gain a spiritual fire before he or she can advance to the next rank. Every spiritual fire has their own advantage , some can make the user more destructive , help the user become a fine magic crafter or can even allow them to become a fire cleric , the attribute of every spiritual fire is limitless based on our knowledge , we found over a thousand different types."

As soon she finished the main introduction , Miku decided to move onto the water element next. "Is there any questions before we move onto the water element?" Another female student raised her hand and asked. "Yes teacher , what is a fire cleric?" Although everyone knew what was a cleric , almost every students in this class room did not know if the mysterious title as they all nodded in unison. "A fire cleric is someone who can harness a pure light attribute to cure every illness and curses , in the legend it was said a high ranked fire cleric could even ignite the soul and revive a dead person!"

The students were shocked upon hearing that the fire cleric could control the life of the decease. "But we will keep that for later , let's move on to the water element if there is no more questions.." Seeing that everyone remained quiet and attentive , Miku smiled as she drew something under the water droplet element.

After a short 2 hours , the first bell rang which meant a 30 minute break for everyone. "After the break is over , meet me at the closest courtyard!" The teacher even wrote her instruction down before she went back to her desk and sat down. Because the class room door was down at the front , Lulu and Nodus were few last ones to leave. "Lulu and Nodus correct..? What did you think about the class , was teacher too fast or boring?" The attractive teacher with a mole under her left eyes gazed at the two children who came in front of her. "No teacher! It's really interesting , especially about the ancient theories of the past elements!" Lulu was overly stimulated by the new knowledge she learnt today as she was also extremely interested in the old past magicians.

With a bright smile , the teacher adjusted her black framed glasses as she switched her vision to Nodus. 'Odd.. I can't see through this student..' Seeing Nodus unchanged face staring at her , the teacher coughed awkwardly and asked the same question. "I am enlightened." Hearing Nodus usual short answer , Lulu panicked as she thought it would offend the teacher . "Ah! Nodus is a fire magician and he just started learning so he doesn't really know about the ancient magicians." Miku laughed as she held herself back from stroking the head of the cute little blue girl. "Hahaha silly , if my classes are boring then it would be my fault , don't worry and enjoy your break."

Copying Lulu , Nodus slightly bowed at the teacher and left the room to meet up with the girls. 'They are both so cute...What a perfect pair.' The teacher smiled as she closed the door after them and sat back on her chair.

"How was yours?" After describing the 4th grade to Ali and Mimi , Lulu returned the question to the two girls. "Mhmm it's really fun! The teacher said as the first year , we will spend most of our times outside of the class room!" Since the first year focused on mediation for foundation , the teacher would usually bring the entire class room to a calm room with a silence array that would prevent noises from coming through as they gently give out a instructional speech. "Mhmm , the first class about getting to know every body else in the class room!"

Apparently because of Mimi reputation , most of the commoners were afraid of talking to her but thanks to Ali carefree attitude who was always with her , both of the girls made plenty of friends on their first day. "That's good and don't worry Mimi , take it slowly." Mimi nodded as she felt her mood getting better by being around her closest friends.