The Ants

Right after school , Nodus led the girls and went home directly. "This is C1 , it will clean , do the laundry and cook for us from now on." Pointing at a round looking metallic object that had two round circle on the top , the girls were slightly confused by it. "C1 , you can resume your duties." The two circle blinking and rolled toward the kitchen. Metal arms extended from a hidden panel and it picked up the plates one by one before heading to the dish washing machine.

"Is it one of your tools?" Lulu and the girls were staring at the robot that moved in a orderly manner. "Yes , It will be in charge of the security too , I have somewhere to go for now and if you are going out , make sure to let it know." Before Lulu could even reply , Nodus already turned around and went down with the elevator.

Within first level basement , Nodus sat down beside his ship as he focused on his inner world. 'So in the end , instead of filling my millions outer acupoints with star energy , I also need to merge it with fire elements..' The stars around his galaxy were slowly turning from white to a fiery orange colors. 'This isn't enough.' Seeing the slow change , Nodus had to come up with a way to cultivate fire based mana faster.

"The Five Gathering allows one to directly absorb specific element from the sources.." After just one class , Nodus finally understood that everything in this mysterious world slowly developed a awareness after being birthed by the goddess in the old times.

"Z1 , Adjust my suit with Pyrokinesis nano scales." After the watch blinked twice , his magic robe linens began to change abstracts and glowed in red. Examining his new robe , Nodus decided to set his entire arm in fire. "Perfect , it enhances my element." Seeing the size of the flames bigger than usual , Nodus nodded in content and stood up from his little seat pillow. "Commander , many suspicious people came by and I left a tracker on them."

Bu One came by and let him know that there were cloaked people around the shop that hid all around for the entire day before retreating. "Good , they finally came but didn't had the guts." Looking at his holographic map , Nodus zoomed out and saw around 18 red dots outside of the city walls. 'They have a base outside too huh.'

"White Jade , protect them for me." The space ship slowly levitated and disappeared into the void as a black portal appeared beside it. "Accelerate the ship blue print and then go study the inscription barrier as soon you are done." The android bowed as his eyes started sparkling.

"Reporting to leader , the shop does have a magical beast and a mysterious person in it." A men wearing a black coat with a white spider web emblem on his cape was standing straight with his fist on his chest. "Reporting to leader , it is rumored that the beast flew down without any wings." Hearing the news , Eleven slowly began to regret setting up his base here. 'A strong magical beast and a mysterious person that absolutely reveals no aura and yet can kill a advance warrior easily..'

Easily making his way up the barrier that protected the city , Nodus stood on the highest point of the walls as he stared down at the forest. "Oh my , what do we have here?" With lightning reflex , Nodus pointed the DeathCast toward the direction of the voice. "Ah please wait cutie! I don't mean any harm." The person came out from the shadow as she held her hands above her head. "I came to visit a friend but then I saw you on top of here , say cutie , what are you doing here all alone? Aren't you cold?" The female wore a black leather suit that revealed her pale twin peaks. Even though she wore a small eye mask , anyone could tell that she was a beautiful woman with her beautiful red eyes.

Losing his interest , Nodus turned his vision back to the forest as he focused on the tracker drone vision. 'They have a tunnel huh.. Why aren't they the ants instead of spiders.' One of the minion pushed a tree and went inside of the small hole. Seeing the little maze that was dug underneath the hole , Nodus was memorizing the path that he would have to take to plan something out.

"Ai... Cutie you are ignoring me? Is big sister not pretty enough?" Behind his hologram vision , Nodus saw two breast close to his face. "Who are you." Seeing that the young man didn't even bother looking at her , the masked female began to pout. "Hehehe , I am someone who knows alot about everything! I also know that you are after those people under the forest right?" Feeling a wave of heat , the female jumped side ways and landed further away on the walls. "Wait cutie , big sister is not with them and I can tell you the maze structure!"

Switching his focus on her , the female revealed a smile as she threw a scroll over to the young man. "What do you want?" Seeing that it was the map that resembled to the maze , Nodus could tell that this person was honest but also scary since seeing her all the way up here means that she has a way to pass through this ultimate barrier. "Nothing for now.. ah! How about playing with big sister?" The female appeared behind Nodus as she gently stroked his chin.

The young man nodded and jumped off the walls. "We will talk about it later then." Seeing Nodus directly jumping down 100 meters from the wall , the female was slightly surprised as she turned around. 'So cute and interesting! I hope you suffer.. Eleven.' The female who's zip couldn't make it past her big breast threw a ancient stone onto the barrier. "Hopefully this city will be worth my barrier stone!" The stone melted and opened up a gap in the barrier. 'But with this.. I am sure Two or anyone else could find my trace here hehehe.'

The female who had a big ambitious plan for the city snuck in during the night and caused a blood bath all over the city.

Arriving at the hidden entrance in the forest , Nodus pulled out his DeathCast and pulled the trigger toward the top of the trees. "Hey , how long do w-" Before he could even finish his sentence , the cloaked man that was hidden within the leaves suddenly combusted into flames. "Ahhhh!" He screamed in agony as the flame came out from within his body. "Intruder?!" Seeing his partner who was on the tree beside him in flames , he dashed onto the ground and ran toward the entrance. "Ale-!" Fire came out from his ears and nose as it slowly melt his eye balls into a black charcoal.

'Hmm , my fire grade isn't strong enough to kill them instantly.' Shaking his head , Nodus slowly made his way toward the tree and with a gentle kick , the entire tree flew away. 'Even if my fire is weak , I still have my physical strength.' With a confident look , Nodus jumped into the hole without any hesitation. 'Flame Sentries.' *Click* With a pull of the trigger , 3 small fire ball appeared above his shoulders , yet another self created spell.

With the fire balls illuminating the small halls , Nodus did not bother to turn on his night vision as he made his way to the main lobby. Everytimes he encountered a assassin , the fire balls would shoot three flaming bullet at who ever came into his vision. "What is that spell!?" "How can a enlightened magician sustain it for so long.. Ugh!" 5 cloaked men were shot down by the lightning fast fire bullet before they could even turn around. 'Right , I have to mask my new mana after this , mhmm.' Thinking about how carefree the female was , Nodus came into conclusion that she could of seen his rank based on his mana output.

'Without my limiter I could just kill him from the walls..' With a sigh , the young man walked over the bodies and arrived at the main entrance that was blocked by two metal doors. *Click* A short red glow came out from the barrel of the gun. *Ziiiiing* "What is that noise?!" The annoying melting sound interrupted the leader's night pleasure business as he hurriedly stood up and wore his leather armor. With hundreds of assassins around the lobby with the tall leader standing in front of the throne , they could see that the metal doors had a shiny hole that was caused by the laser beam that Nodus used to made his way through.

'It seems useful .. I think.' The young magician was staring at his DeathCast as he ponder if he should switch the spell slot with something else or not. 'Later when I come up with a spell, Mhmm.' Seeing a young magician standing in front of the metal gap staring at his hand while ignoring everyone , the leader patience ran out as he shouted at Nodus. "You little bast*rd! You came to the wrong place. Kill him!" The assassins began to cast their martial art as their aura covered them.

Although the report mentioned a young magician in black that could fight like a warrior , Eleven wasn't sure if it was the same as this one had a red glowing linens all over his robe. 'Still , his supreme magic tool is enough to buy a big city!!' The leader thought that Nodus was simply relying on a tool and with his low mana quantity that should be dry soon , the man was confident.

"Die!" One of the many assassin who dropped from the ceiling slashed his dagger at the back of the young man and missed. "Wha-" With a quiet clicking sound , the assassin combusted into flame and transformed into a pile of sand. 'After image! It's that warrior magician!' The leader raised his hand and signaled for everyone to attack. With the same result , everyone who attacked Nodus turned into dust as he left after images everywhere he went. "Leader , he is too fast!" Seeing that the young man was no where to be found , the scared assassins were twisting their necks everywhere to find him.

"He is up there!" Seeing the young man standing upside down pointing his gun toward them , the leader shouted loudly. "Use everything you have! Scrolls , poison smoke ! 100 000 gold for anyone who gets him!" Eleven himself was only a peak advance warrior while most of his minion ranged from the peak enlightened to the mid advance ranks. 'This should be far enough' Standing on the tall 20 meters ceiling , Nodus gently pulled his trigger while directing his mana to DeathCast. 'Solar Flame' A small fire ball appeared infront of the barrel and it slowly made it down.

"Hahaha , what is that?!" , "He is probably out of mana!" , "That's what you get for relying on a magic tool twerp!" Suddenly , 4 red magic array appeared in mid air with all difference sizes from small to big. "Oh no!" Feeling that something bad will happen , some of the assassins ran behind the leader as they made their way to the other exit. "You-!" Before he could finish , he felt a intense surge of heat. *Boom!* As soon the tiny flame dot passed through the smallest array , it suddenly expanded in size by twice , *Boom , booom!* Ten , twenty five , fifty , the fire ball now resembled to a miniature sun as the flaming dragons and wave swam around the humongous fire ball that took over half of the lobby.