Transports - 0

With the dirt and dust sliding off his magic robe , Nodus made his way toward the other exit. "What the! How is that a early enlightened magician!" The leader was tumbling all over the hall with half of his face skin melted off. "Arg!" Tripping on a rock on the sand floor , the leader felt a even more intense surge of pain when the sand splashed on his face after he felt.

Looking around the lobby that was originally brown and made out of hard dirt , Nodus couldn't find anything in this blackened room and turned on his night vision before chasing the leader through the hall. Leaving the hard floor that was now piled up with dust and white particles , Nodus revealed a evil smirk as he thought how strong his spells would be with a higher grade of flames.

Making his way out of the forest , the sand covered leader leaned against the tree as he slowly took out a talisman paper from his chest pocket. "I have to call-AHH!" With a agony scream , the hand that held onto the paper was sliced off from his wrist. "Wh..why!" Looking at the two red eyes within the shadow , he could easily tell that it was that damn woman. "Pfft , why bother asking the obvious? You are too weak and this city is now mine hehehe , I killed all of your spies and bribed people so you won't be alone in hell!" With her last word , she swung her short dagger that shot out a crescent light toward Eleven.

'What kind of backer does the cutie have..' Not wanting to pry any further , Three shrugged her shoulders and disappeared from the forest.

"Hmm?" Nodus didn't care where the leader would of ran off to as he already marked him with his hologram but when he arrived at the dot , he only saw a headless body. 'Someone took his head.. For what?' Without a single care since he could just ask the woman , Nodus made his way onto the dirt road and walked along the path to the city gates. 'It was slightly exhausting tonight.' With his mind full with thoughts of improvement , Nodus didn't realized that a carriage halted right after passing by.

"Excuse me.. do you need a ride?" Hearing a gentle voice , Nodus looked at the carriage and saw a brown robed lady sitting at the front. 'A small merchant?' Looking at the back of the carriage , he could see that she covered her merchandise with a thin blanket. "Thank you." Sitting beside her at the front which was pretty much the only empty space , the lady gently whipped the reins that was made out of tied ropes. "Here." Seeing that the young magician took out a gold coin , the lady shook her head as she replied with a smile. "Don't worry about it.. Besides , we are going the same way! My name is Kana , what about you?"

Talking to the honest looking Kana , Nodus found out that she was from a farmer family that lived by the outskirt of the mountains. She would personally make the 8 hours trip every end of the month just to trade or sell some stuff before returning to the village with clothes and such. "Is it not dangerous alone?" Kana nodded slightly. "I chose to do this by my own and I do not want to endanger anyone else."

Although Kana was only 18 years old , she was already so mature as she risked her life just to bring learning manuals and books to the children in the village so that hopefully one day , they could come and live in the safe city. "I admire you , would you drop me off at my shop? I have some manuals." The girl revealed a big smile as she heard that Nodus would sell her some manual for cheap. "Of course! Thank you so much Mr Nodus!"

Every commoner subconsciously saw magician as nobles or rich people so they would always address them like a senior. "Just call me Nodus , I am only 16." The girl nodded as she stared at the short young man beside her. '16..? Nodus looks more like he is 14 hehehe.'

Arriving at the gates , Nodus threw a gold coin to the guard and told him to remember her face. "Yes Mr Magician , she comes here every month so we know her face so please don't worry!" Seeing that the young man did not hesitate to pay and even went as far as paying for tens of years worth , Kana had a tearful expression that bursted out after they went through the gates.

"Wahhh , thank you so much M.. Nodus , I will repay y-" , "Don't worry , I respect you and you deserve it." Seeing the stern face of the young man , Kana nodded as she wipe away her tears. She had a little sister and with no parents , Kana always had it hard since young as she slowly built back up her parents house and farm with the help of the villagers. 'Always help the kind people in need!' The voice of his sister echoed in his mind as he pictured a lady waving her index finger with a serious expression.

"Wow! Is this yours?" Looking at the bright letters , Kana was amazed. 'Not only it's in the guild district , it also has a fancy sign!' Kana simply believed that Nodus had a rich family but it turns out that he made his own income through the shop as he gave her a short tour. "Here is for you , I put the books inside." Before arriving at the shop , Nodus already told Bu One to print out some basic books and put them in a silver storage unit.

"But..but.." Nodus closed her hands and simply told her that it was for the villagers. "Thank you Nodus! I will visit your shop by the end of this month!" Sending her on her way , Nodus came up with a new plan that he could initiate after the transport blue print is finish. " Z1 , Remember her , she could be the manager of a branch store." The wristwatch blinked as Nodus made his way down to the basement.

'So that is the shop.. Why do I feel a dreadful aura from it..' Within the dark alley in between the closed shops , Three legs trembled as she quietly walked further away from the shop. 'If I antagonize this shop.. I am sure even One couldn't help me out..'

"Send the nano bugs back on standby." Nodus went down with Shishi beside him as a swarm of metallic bugs that were the size of a flea made their way into the ceiling of the shop. "Boss! I am stronger now so bring me out with you!" After feeding this small fellow with a huge amount of pure energy , it finally managed to breakthrough from rank 1 into a rank 2 magical beast.

Shishi was now too big to stand on the small shoulders of Nodus with the size of a fully grown golden retriever. "You can stay at our new home but you have to be obedient if you wanna follow me to school alright?" The little leopard nodded as it happily followed Nodus down the steps.

"Commander , the flights and alleviation level has been adjusted , the ship can be piloted even without an AI pad." Nodus nodded as Bu One sent the blue print to his wristwatch. "Good , assemble it right now , White Jade , take care of the shop for now." With the space ship coming out from a void hole and Bu One resuming his work , Nodus made his way to the training room.

"Commander?" Evelyn woke up with her acute sense and smell as she stared at the young man with a surprised expression. "How was their training?" Standing in the middle of the field with Evelyn , she told him that everyone was ready but she wasn't sure why the magicians would need the suit. "I am sorry commander.. I am not questioning is just that it would be a waste-" , "It's fine , I also went through the same thoughts before and now , I don't regret it." With a gulp , the demi demon stood behind the young man as he stared at the ceiling. "Go wake up Amy , Lulu and Elli , we are leaving in 1 minute."

Evelyn nodded and rushed back to the wooden houses. "Nodus..?" Lulu who came out while rubbing her eyes was startled as soon she saw Nodus standing in the field. "Let's go." Lulu was confused but as soon she saw him walk away , the girls hurriedly followed up with him.

"Choose one of these rooms." Standing on the 4th floor with the dim lights , the girls hesitated before opening one of the doors that Nodus was pointing at. "I left the key on the blanket and when sun rises , someone will show you around the house , you may rest now." Turning back , Nodus took the elevator and went up to the roof and spotted another person on it. "Nodus! You are back." Lulu was sitting on the edge of the roof as she stared at the center of the city. "Woke up early?" The young man sat beside her and the little girl began to express her feelings.

"Mhmm.. I slept early and now I can't fall asleep anymore.. I am just thinking about how the other worlds would look like and also.. My parents.." Seeing the young girl missing her parents , Nodus couldn't help it and gently stroked her head. "Don't worry.. They will be fine because if anything happens , I will be the first one to know." Lulu's face reddened as she looked down with a nod. "Can..Can I also call you big brother?.." Lulu covered her face with her hands as she quietly murmured those words. "You can , little sister." Lulu revealed her white teeth as she smiled behind those hands.