Elder Xin

The young girl chuckled as she held onto Nodus hand.

"You are not wary at all.. The fact that you were hiding should mean that we were being followed for a while or else I would of spotted you when we arrived here.. And I thought you belonged to a mysterious sect but I was wrong..Could you tell me why are you not afraid even one bit?"

Nodus switched his gaze and stared deeply into her round green eyes.

"I assume that has something to do with your name , it's more like a label , a given title for a particular person therefor , you must be important to your sect and your title must of been well-known is that it?"

Seeing the little girl acting mysteriously , Nodus wasn't afraid by her intelligent as he also came up with his own and well thought answers.

"Mhmm , you are right! It's nice to meet someone so alike.. I think we could be great friends!"

Green was happy as she met someone at her age , of course , judged by the same height.

While Green is 14 years old , all of her friends or acquaintances in the sect were all 6 plus years older than her because she belonged in the core Joyful sect that was founded by her late ancestors.

The young girl didn't hesitate to hold his hand once again and dragged him toward the group.

Nodus was then surrounded by many plump melons in different sizes while Ben couldn't help but to be wary of the young man as he confronted Green.

"Are you sure Green.. I know that you can read people but we nev-..:

"Uncle Ben! I will take full responsibility and beside.. How could you leave here all alone when unknown danger roams in this land!"

The girls who were surrounding Nodus heard the young girl last statement and got all defensive as they glared at Ben.

"You monster!"

"No different than a beast!"

The purple robed girls were holding tightly onto Nodus while the ones in green were laughing out loud as they placed their hands on their stomach.

'Little Green did it again!'

They know full well of the girls evil but yet , smart tactics as they followed her lead.

"Hehe...Ben , you ..ruthless!"

The girls laughed even louder when he became all red from embarrassment.

After calming down , Green and the current leader of the purple group who was called Elder Xin took out a bunch of dried rations from their spatial ring.

While the girls were happily eating together , Green decided to walk away from the group to cheer up Ben with a bag of vegetables.

"Uncle Ben , don't be mad..Come eat with us.. Come on."

The cute girl was gently pulling the back of his shirt as she tries to cheer him up.

"I won't make fun of you again.. For at least a week!"

"A month!"

Ben smiled as he turned around.


As they went back to the group , they could see that some of the girls were trying to feed the young man by putting the food in front of his mouth.

"Say ahhh."

One of the purple robed girl blushed as she held onto a green fluffy vegetable.

"Little Ting , I am sure Nodus would like to feed himself."

The graceful looking Elder Xin voiced out her opinion as she was worried that they would annoy the young man with his unchanging expression which made him cute as a doll.

Seeing the retreating girls , Nodus wanted to thank Elder Xin and as he turned his head around , his vision was stuck onto her spatial ring that she wore on her right hand.

Elder Xin noticed the gaze and thought that he was looking at the grapes that she was holding.

"Uhm.. Here.."

Elder Xin barely interacted with the opposite gender but she upon seeing his stare , she decided to share her fruits as she extended the grape that was pinched by two fingers.

Nodus held onto her hand with both of his and stared closely at the ring that had a visible engraving.

He took the grape with his mouth as it was a distraction and rotated her hand around with his soft touch.

'A crystal that act as a cataclyst , the engraving should be like a conduct.. Then it must be a-..'

Before he could come into a conclusion , Nodus noticed the shaking hand and stared at the red cheeks of Elder Xin.

"I am sorry and thank you."

Elder Xin hurriedly pulled back her hand and gently stroked it with her left hand.

'So soft..'

"Hehehe Nodus.. Do you like sister Xin? She isn't that old , plus she is single and beautiful right!"

Green sat beside him and rubbed her shoulder against his.


Even though he didn't respond , Green's eyebrows were still going up and down as she stared at him while Elder Xin face became even redder.


"Elder Xin?!"

Seeing their eldest fainting , the girls hurriedly and supported her as they waved their hands around to fan some breeze onto her face.

"Sister Xin is so shy.."

Green pouted at the weak lady.

"Green! How could you.."

Ben placed his hand on the hips as he reprimanded the young girl and apologized in her stead to the Aqua Lotus disciples.

"It's alright senior Ben , little Green didn't mean it , right?"

Green nodded as she mocked Ben with her tongue.

"Bleh uncle Ben is always serious.. silly uncle!"

After a while , the group that tried to undo the barrier returned and sighed in defeat while Green mocked them.

"What did you say?!"

"I said that you are dummies! You wouldn't be able to beat the golem even if you managed to break the barrier."

One of the Howling Sect took a step forward and was stopped by his current leader.

"Stop it.."

"Shut up Quan I won't listen to you just because master said so..And I have to teach this little shrimp a lesson or else!"

The man with a long white hair gazed at the macho disciple with his white eyes.

Seeing the red glint across the white eyes , the macho disciple clenched his fist and walk away from the group.

"Bleh! He can't even back up his words!"

Green pulled out her tongue and Ben apologized once again in her stead.

"It's fine.. I am sorry little Green , I hope you don't take any offense from little Tao.."

Green chuckled as the tall slender man called a bald macho guy little.

"It's fine , you actually did him a favor instead."

Green resumed her stern expression as she gazed at the tall man who was kind on the outside but vicious on the inside.

"Ahem.. And who may this be?"

Quan waved his sleeve as he pointed at a main direction toward Nodus.

"This is.. My fri- cousin , his name is Nodus... Aiyo.. He changed his mind as soon we left and ran after us can you believe it.."

Although Green was making up excuse , Quan could directly see through her lies and acting but those were within her calculation because he wasn't the only one here.

"I see.. I am Quan from the Howling sect , pleased to meet you Nodus."

Nodus simply nodded at him before switching his attention to the barrier.

"Hey you! Senior Quan is talki-"

Another handsome disciple took a step forward as he yelled at Nodus but was stopped by Quan.

"Kekeke.. You were played by two child."

A tall blonde man who was adorned by dozen of earrings and rings laughed at Quan as he mocked him openly.

Quan ignored him and took out a short hair pin from his long white hair.

"I assume we are ready to go.. Right?"

Quan looked at Green and Nodus before throwing the pin in front of him.

The white pin extended and grew in size as it became a long thin sword.

"Of course , let's go Nodus!"

Green threw a green pin that extended into a beautifully decorated dagger that looked like a flower.

Nodus hesitated as he look at the short size of the flying artifact.

"It's fine! Just hold onto me closely!"

With a sigh , Nodus decided to go along with her but before he could take a step forward , he felt a hand on his shoulder.