Annihilator Class

Nodus saw the tall beautiful Elder Xin who was shyly poking his shoulder as she pointed at her broad flying sword that was carrying all of her fellow disciples.

"Is it alright?"

Seeing the Elder Xin nodding in confirmation , Nodus smile at Green and went on the big flying sword.

"Nodus! Come here , this sister will hold you tightly and make sure you won't fall!"

The young woman who stood at the front was waving her hands at Nodus while her melons trembled in frenzy.


After sitting in front of the girl , Elder Xin who sat infront of Nodus lifted two fingers and the sword gently flew toward the empty skies.

"I wonder if those beast actually exist.."

Green who flew beside her sect was quietly pondering because they couldn't still find any trace after flying for many hours.

"Green... I doubt our disciples would lie to the elders.."

Ben overheard the young girl and whispered his thoughts as he looked below.

"But.. Senior Ben , what if they found a treasure realm and.-"

"They weren't strong enough and decided to lie to buy some times until they get stronger in the future?"

The young girl nodded and continued to explain.

"They were fighting among the clouds since no one from the other sect saw them , which make it more suspicious but.. Enough of that , It won't matter even if we don't find any beast , we can always just go hunt for treasures or spirit fruits."

Ben nodded and soared higher into the skies with Green.

"What are you looking for?"

Even though he knew what they came for , he still wanted to ask just incase after witnessing them turning their heads everywhere.

"We are looking for a group of mysterious beast.."

The girl who had her arms wrapped around Nodus answered his question with a sigh.

" Just as Zhenya said.. But it seems like It might be a lie , we can't even find a trace of them."

The other female who was behind them answered as she stopped looking around.

"What if they dug a cave?"

"It's possible but most unlikely.. The hills here are not simple earth mountains , they are made with a special minerals that even our sect master can't cut through."

'Then the fat turtle got lucky when he chose the hill closest to the portal..'

Nodus wanted nothing more than to jump down and scan the hills as he was extremely curious about the hard minerals.

One of the boy who were below the clouds came up to sneak a peek and noticed something odd on a hill instead.

"What is that?!"

The young man shouted loud enough for everyone to hear him.

"Let's go see!"

Green flew down really fast with Ben and the girls but were still a step too late as the young man already stood in front of the silver capsule.

"I never seen anything like it.."

"What is this..?"

The young disciples surrounded the 2 meter tall , rounded device that had many black lines on the surface.

'Hmm? A technological device , it resembl-'

The back lines on the device suddenly changed into a bright blue color as the upper part that was facing the sky extended.

Seeing a small metallic pole extending from the capsule with a silver flat circle on top , Nodus could easilyguess that it was a beacon device or a transmitter.


"What happened?"

The boys who were closest to the device all whipped out their weapons by reflex as they stared at the flat circle slowly spinning.


Green flew beside Nodus and tugged his sleeve as she noticed his aura that changed for a moment.

After staring at Green , Nodus thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to let them know about the beacon since he could simply leave whenever he wanted.

"It might be a beacon or some kind of transmitter device , I need to get a closer inspection to be sure."

Quan ears twitched as he heard the quiet words of Nodus.

"Everyone , please make space for miss Green's cousin as he might have an idea of what this is."

'Dangerous or not.. The boy can test it for us.'

Even though he didn't know what it was , Quan was still sure that it was some kind of valuable treasure and as he wanted to keep it for himself , he was still afraid of the possible hidden dangers.

After all , nothing is truly free in the world.

The boys laughed and widen their circle.

"You b-"

Nodus already appeared beside the beacon before Green could finish her sentences as he surprised everyone.

'So fast!'

Seeing the boys shocked expression , Green and the girls revealed a mocking smile as they pulled out their tongue.

Nodus ignored everyone because he needed to focus his hearing as he leaned his head toward the device.

*Beeeeep... beeeep.. beeep..*

As soon as he heard the echoing beeping , Nodus quickly stood up and punched the silver device.


The beacon broke in half and hissing sound as the electric circuit sparkled around the metal wires.

"What did you do!?"

Other than Quan , the rest of the boys angrily surrounded Nodus.

"Hmmp , I wanna see who dares to lay a hand on my cousin!"

Green struck her dagger onto the ground as she stood with one foot on the flying artifact hilt.

Elder Xin nodded as she floated right above them with the broad sword.

"It's a beacon , someone from space has marked this location."

As soon Nodus finished his explanation , he stared at the vast space that was filled with countless of stars.

"You mean... Someone from a foreign world?"

Seeing that the young man was still staring at the sky , Green bit her lips as she thought of an old prophecy that was passed down in her family.

"What? How does that even make any sense.."

"Yeah , isn't it just an excuse?!"

"Shut up , Nodus is right , I must report this to my master before it's too late!"

Green shouted angrily at the boys and as she was about to fly away , "It's too late."

Everyone looked at Nodus and turned their head toward the sky.

"I can't see anything.."

While most of the boys and girls couldn't see it , Elder Xin , Quan and Green were the only ones who saw something in the dark space.

"What is that..?"

"Oh no... It's too late.. I must return now to prepare!"

Green flew straight to the bridge without waiting for anyone while Quan was still puzzled at the white object.


Elder Xin landed beside Nodus , pinched his sleeve and made a noise from her mouth.

"It's a.. Enormous space artifact , around 30 000 meters long."

'Annihilator Class Ship , 30 000 meters in length , 8 000 meters in height , 20 main engines , heavily armed with 4 000 00-...Disconnected.'

Nodus could see the rough information that his eye was relaying to him until he was cut off from the ship computers.

"What! That's... How can something be so big!"

Zhenya and the girls believed Nodus as they worriedly look at Elder Xin.

"What should we do..?"

Elder Xin had a stern expression and held onto Nodus hand before jumping onto the sword.

"I will bring you to the Joyful Lake city.."

Nodus shook his head , jumped backward and stood in mid air.

"You must be in a hurry , don't worry about me."

Nodus knew that she probably thought he needed a ride but he also knew that she was in a hurry to report to her sect since it was a world related emergency after all.

"Mhmm.. Please stay safe."

With a flick of her fingers , the sword transformed into a streak of light as it flew toward the same direction as Green.

"We have to go too."

The blonde and the quiet blue robed fellow flew first into the skies as they followed up the two sect that went ahead.

"Go now."

After the Howling sect disciples left , Quan turned back and looked at Nodus before following his sect , 'I will remember you.'

Quan who had a secret plan that involved Green was greatly disturbed when he saw Nodus being close to her and as he flew away to the horizon , the young man trembled as he held onto his shoulders.