
Seeing the young man slow gesture , everyone but Kathrina was puzzled as she ran toward Nodus.

"No! Nodu-"

Kathrina held out her hand and before she could touch the young man , she was blown away by a intense gust of wind that suddenly bursted out from Nodus.



The girls who were further away were covering their eyes with their arm while the beast who were closer all flew away like the teacher.

The crows who were nested up the cliff had it easier and just as Kathrina gently landed on top of the water surface , the strong wind settled down and everyone was surprised by the young man new appearance.

After releasing his seal , Nodus felt his a new surge of power that was quickly settling down into his galactic dantian and with a quick inspection , he noticed that out of 2 millions stars , 99% of them were filled up with a bright light.

'Just 20 thousand more..'

With natural fusion of his new mana that surprised him , Nodus noticed that his hair spread like a waterfall as it went past his shoulders and down until his waist.

'I am not at the age yet..'

While Nodus was comforting himself about his lack of height increase , the beast and girls stood behind him.

"Are... You going to participate in that fight..?"

Ry'va slowly inquired Nodus with a gentler tone as she was afraid of his heavy aura.

Seeing Nodus nodding , Kathrina and the girls ran to him and wrapped their arms around him.

"You can't go Nodus! That is a war.. And not a regular battle!"

Lulu and Mimi were nodding with their watery eyes as they remained silent.

Even though they couldn't stop it one bit , Nodus still felt a little tiny weight in his heart that came from an old emotion that he hasn't felt for a while.

"I will be fine."

Nodus gently released his power that slightly pushed them a step backward.

"Nothing will happen to me , just wait for your brother yo be back."

Nodus turned around and caressed the two little girls cheeks before walking toward the portal.

'Don't worry teacher , I have been through many wars , some were even a thousand times bigger than this.'

Even with her ultimate rank , Kathrina could stop Nodus as she heard his voice in her head.

'I will be back , for now just explore around with them.'

Ry'ia who stood behind the girls nodded slowly as she held onto her sister's hand.


Before Torta could talk to the young man , Nodus stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"Let's go White Jade."

The beast and girls tilted their heads as they were puzzled by to whom Nodus was talking to.

Suddenly a black hole slowly opened from the sky as it cast a shadow over the ground as white smooth object emerged through the void.

The beast couldn't help but to tremble as they ran away from White Jade that gently landed beside Nodus.

With the white steps coming down toward Nodus , he turned back to glance at the girls once more before he left.

"Please stay safe.."

Lulu felt like choking as she muttered while Mimi was already crying as she was filled with worries.

"Neve , you know what to do."

Nodus made himself the safeguard or one could say , as the last card for Lulu's parents in case something happened to them and now that he wouldn't be here , he had to pass down the task to the ice dragon who was as strong as a supreme ranked magician when it flew in the air.

Blinded by the strong bright light , the girls and magical beast could only feel a strong gust of freezing wind that was followed up by a loud thunderous roar that shook the entire mountain.

With the flashing opportunity , Nodus quickly disappeared as the White Jade went into the portal.

"Leave it to me commander!"

Neve landed in front of the portal as everyone else stared at the blue crystal dragon with a shocked expression.

"Hmmp , what are you staring at , should I put an egg in your jaws?"

Neve closed his eyes and nodded to himself as he was impressed by his own jokes.

The beast held their jaws closed with their feet or paws before gulping down a huge ball of saliva.

'It's a dragon!'

Scanning around the bewildered tiny humans , Neve eye shined after his vision landed on Lulu.

The dragon took one step and arrived in front of Lulu with a big smile hung onto his face.

"You must be.. Miss Lulu , beautiful! Just like what commander Nodus described."

Before Nodus left , he told Neve to take care of the young blue haired girl and told him to follow her orders , of course , it was all temporally until he returned.

"Huh..? Really..?"

Lulu was surprised at first until she realized the meaning of Neve last sentences as her face became red like a tomato.

"Of course! Commander Nodus talked only but praise for you! I am Neve , under commander Nodus arrangement , I shall follow miss Lulu's order."

Lulu eyes twinkled as she stared at the beautiful dragon that was almost translucent.

"But.. Won't it be bad if everyone saw Mr Neve..?"

Lulu turned her head toward her aunt and noticed that Kathrina was still frozen by the dragon.


Lulu shook her aunt until she woke up from her trance and looked at the eyes of the dragon who was almost 20 meters tall.

"Euh... You are right..Everyone..-Everything would be frightened by the presence of a dragon.."

Kathrina tried to word it in a better way so that the dragon wouldn't be upset as she slowly held onto Lulu's hand.

"Hmm, why would anyone be scared of me...But! My size can be adjusted!"

The ice dragon glowed with a bright blue color and transformed into a small creature that looked like a lizard with wings.

"Is this better?"

Neve flew in front of Lulu and waited for her approval.

"Oh my.. Of course!"

Lulu held out her palms together as she stared at the cute and defenseless looking creature.

Neve scaled down to a even smaller size than Shishi and with his scaled translucent skin gone , he now had a paler leather skin on the surface.

"Miss Lulu , you can just simply address me as Neve , just like the commander!"

Neve landed on her hands and spoke with a small voice as he thought of the young man's mysterious space device that cured most of his wounds.

'Not only I am at my peak , I now have a opportunity to get stronger in the outside world!'

Being out of the prison once again , Neve was looking forward to the future where he could release all of his friends who had the same dreams as him , to be free and seek revenge against the Mitiscis.

"Are you sure..?"

While Kathrina and Mimi were drooling beside her , Lulu was pondering whether it was right to address him normally because she knew that dragons were haughty and were a superior beings even above the heavens.

"Of course!..Unless miss Lulu isn't content about me?"

Lulu shook her head and smiled as she called out his name.

"Ah.. Right.. This is my aunt Kathrina and this is my friend Mimi.. This is Shishi."

Shishi stood on two legs as he waved his paw at Neve.

"I am also under boss Nodus!"

Neve nodded repeatedly , flew onto Lulu's shoulder and replied to Shishi telepathically.

"I see so you are also like me ... Since I am older you can call me older brother Neve!"

Shishi ran around in circle with a smile before climbing onto a tree and returned back with a fruit in his jaw.

"For you big brother Neve!"

Shishi spun his face and threw the fruit toward the small winged lizard.

"Oh! A fruit that I have never seen!"

Seeing the size difference between the juicy fruit and Neve , the girls couldn't help but to chuckle before witnessing the lizard's jaw stretching out to swallow the fruit in one bit.