Hacking The Mothership

With the quiet steps that echoed through the space ship , Nodus could feel the slight vibration that came from White Jade herself as he made his way toward the pilot seat.

"We shall see how well they can handle us."

Fully rested on the seat , the windshield screen blinked after hearing Nodus sentences as it slowly displayed a hologram of the Annihilator class mother-ship.

Fuel gauge , traveled distance , names , a dozen of small rectangle stretched out from the foreign spaceship as White Jade easily hacked her way through.

Nodus rotated his seat toward the main room and stared at the bigger hologram instead since the miniature one on the windshield was too small to contain all of the information.

Approaching the mother-ship was practically impossible , with around 200 000 sentry turrets and lasers , 4 layers of shield and one deflector on top if it.

If the cultivators from this world knew what they were truly up against , it would totally destroy their morale even before fighting against the foreign enemy scouts.

But Nodus , on the other hand saw an opportunity.

"Hmm.. It just came out from a hyper travel so it needs to charge.. I see , so they had this planned all along and were ready to leave on notice , that means!"

Nodus revealed a evil grin as he turned back and held onto the dual control stick on each hands.

"Calculate the estimation!"

"9000 minutes until fully charge."

Nodus knew that he could break the shield in person since the mother-ship was running from left over energy after using the hyper travel drive to arrive at this system.

Although it was reckless to travel that way , it was also the fastest way.

'Either their conquest was timed or it was a sudden one.. Maybe they already took over the neighbor planets.'

Although Nodus had many questions in his mind , most of it was answered by the fact that they rushed here , and so , it was times for him to move as well.

"Around 5-6 days.. Should be enough."

He would leave the scouts to the cultivators while he analyzed the minerals and core of the planet.

Since he was so close to break open a whole new gate , Nodus immediately rushed White Jade to space and used an orbital scan.

With billions of dots appearing on the hologram globe , Nodus filtered it until he had only a couple of millions nodes left.

Solid materials were the name of the leftovers nodes and with his hands tilting down , White Jade teleported on top of a small hill.

"Metallic , Massive Biotic type , Density... 202.30"

"Mine it , absorb everything and meet up with me."

White Jade disappeared and left Nodus behind who was floating in mid air before appearing underneath the entire southern land.

Ruby-like crystals were towering toward the gigantic burning core of the planet.

The crystals looked like roots that came from the earth of the southern land.

White Jade positioned in between a dozen of roots as it slowly moved a paper thin stick toward one of the crystal tower.

As soon the stick made contact with the crystal , the space ship began to glow brightly , almost as bright as the core of the planet itself.

The red crystals were slowly losing it's color as a black substance traveled through the entire vines of the crystal mineral.

"Now it's my turn."


The clouds shook as Nodus flew toward the same direction as Green.

Looking at the horizon , Nodus could see the scouts quickly approaching and estimated that it would be only a matter of minutes before they enter through the thin atmosphere.

With a white aura coming out from the young man , Nodus flew even faster with his psychic power covering his entire body like a layer of shield.

He quickly arrived at a grey stone tablet that had a white engraving on it.

"Look! Who's that?!"

One of the two guards who wasn't paying attention to the sky noticed a black dot that was surrounded by a white aura landing on the other side of the bridge array.


The guards squinted their eyes and suddenly screamed.


Nodus didn't bother studying it any longer and flew straight toward the two brown armored guards who were both carrying a sharp looking spear.

"Madman! Doesn't he know that the flames will pull him down?!"

It was just suicide to cross the planes without using the bridge or some kind of solid support these days , especially now since the core is stronger than the past.

As soon Nodus reached midway of the distance between the lands, the guards shook their head as they sighed.

"Another reckless fellow..We could use every possible help with the imminent dangers upon us."

One of the sadden guard felt a strong hand on his shoulder that shook him side to side.

"What! Why are-"

He opened his eyes and saw his friend who had a shocked expression with big round eyes that almost came out of the sockets.

The guard looked at the same direction of his friend and was also bewildered at the young man who was way past the danger zone.

"Where is the most important city?"

The guards gulped as they stared at the black armored young man who only revealed his face through the visor.

"T..that way senior.."

One of the guard lifted his quivering arm as he pointed toward the ocean.

Nodus nodded and slowly floated up the sky before flying at full speed toward the direction that the guard was pointing at.


If Nodus flew past them , the guards would be sent flying by the shock-wave for sure.

"Phew.. Who was that..?"

Nodus already knew the answer after scanning the entire planet but he still wanted to make sure that he was going to the right place.

'Many people are assembling there.. The main fight must be above that city in the middle of the ocean.'

The water split as Nodus flew past the enormous ocean and even though he was around 50 meters above the ocean , he still created a huge wave whenever he passed by the surfaces.