Chapter 5 The Headmaster and The First Class

"You look familiar" says Mr. Gagliano, "I believe there was a parent who asked me to look after their child, quite a smart parent you have there".

"Yes, sir", says Marconi, "My name's Marconi, and my dad asked you, the janitor, and the librarian to look after me".

"And I will" said the Headmaster,

"Here's a map with the buildings, subjects, and teachers. Do take care to pick your teachers wisely because although you have a set schedule, you decide which teachers you get assigned to and for which classes.

Nice job by the way on exiting into my office, whether it was a coincidence or not makes no difference to me. Sometimes luck is an ability. You better get a move on as the other students will be starting to figure this out".

"Thanks Headmaster", says Marconi, he makes an internal note to thank his dad, otherwise he might be stuck in a classroom with an old boring geezer teaching him math.

Marconi rushes towards the math building across campus on the map, he's starting to see the groups of students exiting the auditorium and he tries to keep a low profile as he heads to the classrooms.

The other students are running blindly wondering what their schedule is about. They know they need to head to class but the lack of time or teachers confuses them. However, at the bottom of the schedule it says first come, first serve. All the students are off to the races.

Marconi sees stars next to certain teachers on his map and decides to enter an advanced math classroom with a star on it. Already there are a few students, most of them are 7th and 8th graders who already know the drill, but there are some sixth graders who got some maps as well. 2 minutes later a few more 6th graders enter the room and the teacher comes in and locks the door. He sees a lot of students running by as they can't seem to find a classroom that is unlocked.

The P.A system turn on and says, "all students who didn't find a classroom report to the auditorium, remedial and general classes will be commenced in 2 minutes".

A large teacher with sunken eyes sits at a desk. Although his eyes are wide and cold, there lies a spark of intelligence behind those eyes. He has a short bland crew cut and side burns with a decently large chin. He then proceeds to gets out of his seat and walks up to the front of the classroom

"Welcome all, most of you 7th and 8th graders are stuck with me because of unfortunate circumstances of last year. To you lucky 6th graders, congratulations you found a class to teach you. I'll quickly go over orientation and some information about this school.

My name is Mr. Munch, I am a previous university teacher whose been brought here by the headmaster. This is a wonderful school is where you can take hold of many opportunities, however resources are scarce. If you look at the schedule, notice the lack of time and teachers.

In this school you get to pick which teachers and for how long you want to learn. But be careful at certain times if you've been out of a classroom for too long or the classes are filled up you'll have to go to the auditorium where they teach general classes. Learning is ok over there but it's still slow. It's best to get a classroom and the quality of professors differ.

I'm well liked by all grades, however don't make me cross otherwise you'll be stuck in here just like some of the 7th and 8th graders. Our school graduation requirements for both your current grade and school are based on a final exam followed by the total amount of time spent in a classroom and basic courses taken.

You can take more classes, but don't go under otherwise you'll be held back. The requirements change every year based on the headmaster, and you'll get an email about this later.

Anyway that's it for the basic info about the school. You sixth graders are lucky to get this information, so hold onto it, because information is power".

Then Mr. Munch proceeded to go over the class syllabus, how we'll be using the textbook he assigned, expectations, grading, and supplies.

"I'll be letting you out early so you can find your next class, but remember you are dictating your own classes, teachers and time. You may decide to switch teachers, classes, shorten or lengthen time, but the decision is all in your hands except for the order. If you wish to change the order, you'll have to give a reasonable excuse to the school counselor, get it signed by the headmaster, and fulfill their tasks.

My advice is just don't, unless your stuck in a group of monsters and it's your last and final option. Anyway class dismissed, 7th and 8th graders stay here."

Marconi hears a simultaneous groan and heads off to his next class.