Chapter 6 Skipping Class Already!

Marconi looks at his map and decides to take a picture of it just in case he loses it. When he takes a picture the map changed slightly. However before Marconi could think about that mysterious puzzle he gets swept away by the sea of students pushing him forward.

They push him all the way past the history sections outlined on the classroom. Marconi just decides to cut his losses and enter a classroom, it's still better than the auditorium.

He's stepped into a weird storage closet. On one hand there are your regular janitorial supplies and what not (mops, soap bucket, detergent, sponges, chemicals Marconi can't understand), however there's a top of the line workstation and gaming computer that Marconi just can't help himself and he approaches the computer.

He attempts to turn on the computer, as always its locked. Marconi knows technology, he notices there's only two users the main account (given admin rights) and the guest account. So Marconi does what any student can do and enters the guest account.

He just decides to skip his history class and searches up 3 things, how to get the password to the connected network (most computers record passwords for wifi. Pretty cool right?), get admin privileges (we call this the root user, its considered the super admin), and how to log in from other computers (create a network).

[AN: took me 2 hours to figure out how to do this, its actually not that hard, just need to know some command line codes, copy paste, voila it can be done].

Instantly Marconi obtains the administrative wifi password but the wifi is monitored by the school, Edgar's dad, so he's worried of being caught if they find his device on the secure wifi.

Next he creates a hidden root user, (generally they can be created very quickly, they just need to be established) and he gains access to the whole computer and files.

Finally he uses the root admin to link his computer to this one and erases the history log in the cmd. Triumphant Marconi Logs out of the superroot (it becomes hidden, superroot can be activated and logging out turns it in active).

Then he logs into the guest account, he notices an old turn based strategy game that builds cities and a chess game. Marconi picks the building game and when he does the door opens.

In walks a stern faced and smiling man. He has deep blue eyes and a few wrinkles, but overall a very handsome and friendly stature. On his breast pocket is a nicely folded handkerchief and a name tag that has the title card of the Janitor. Marconi gets nervous and stammers out a hello. The janitor kindly replies back, "Hi my names James are ya lost?".

Marconi goes along and says "I couldn't find the history classrooms and I got swept by the students, I just entered the first door that I could get into".

"I must have forgotten to lock the door" replied James.

"Anyway I'm known as the Janitor around here, but feel free to call me what you want", said James.

The Janitor looked over his shoulder and was excited for a moment and asked, "what level are you?"

"sorry?" Marconi returned a confused look.

"The game, what difficulty?", the janitor calmly responded.

"I'm around level 6-7", Marconi admitted.

"A fellow turn-based builder I see, I'm level 8. Anyway I'll let you off, but lets play a match first". James was anxiously staring at Marconi.

"Sorry about using the computer, but shouldn't I be headed to the auditorium for the general classes?" Marconi hesitantly replied.

"I'm technically a remedial teacher for class skippers, but I know a few guys who can teach history and catch you up this block after school." the Janitor said, "lets just play, I'll make it easy on you, if you can beat me I won't report you to the system and you can silently catch up."

"You're on" Marconi confidently replied, he may have only been on the level 6-7 difficulty but he's simulated so many games and way to much free time. Marconi may look like a studious student, but he knows some video games like the back of his hand. He's finally going to get to show off his 600+ hr playing time.

50 minutes later James the Janitor conceded defeat.

"I've never seen these strategies before, where did you find these glitches. Worker scumming, surrounding territory, heck I even played as the Shoshone" the Janitor exclaimed.

"If you honor the bet, I'll tell you" Marconi said mischievously.

"Better, skip history every day to teach me and I'll get you a two star history teacher after class", The Janitor eagerly replied.

"Two star history teacher what's that?" Marconi asked. "I've already said too much, but you get to skip class how does that sound".

"Deal", then Marconi proceeded to extend his hand and James the Janitor shook it.

"By the way, I never got your name", the Janitor said.

"I'm Marconi Philips, average student, above average video gamer", Marconi proudly boasted.

"Don't get to ahead of yourself, the Headmaster also likes to play and I always lose, help me beat him and I'll show you around the school. The proper school", James hinted.

"By the way, Marconi Philips.... Marconi Philips. Marconi. Philips. Sounds familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it".

"I believe my father asked you to help me out during school, his name's Landon Philips", Marconi remembered.

"Ahh yes, the computer technician, he requested me to help you on the first day of school. I believe I've adequately helped you out. He even approached me yesterday during work to secure my promise. You see I always keep my promises".

"The computer technician?", Marconi probed. "I believe you're mistaken, my father is an electrical engineer".

"Yes he's the lead engineer on our school system, but he has a hobby of tinkering around with computers. He even salvaged one of these bad boys and we have dual ownership. As long as he's here he can use this as a personal computer and I get a really strong gaming computer. I'm keeping it of course, but I do owe him three favors. Looks like I got the better end of the deal too. I got a computer technician and a gaming mentor. I'm definitely going to beat the Headmaster in the annual bowl this year".

"The annual bowl?", Marconi asked.

"That's a secret so hold onto to it for me. Loose lips and all, I'd get into a lot of trouble if they find out. Plus I'll let you use the computer because its already your father's anyway. I'll set up an account for you. Your father uses the other account and I the guest. I don't really need an account and I keep all my sensitive information up here", the janitor points to his head.

"He doesn't look really computer savvy, but he's a decent gamer. Hopefully my father doesn't find my logs, but wow that explains why he's practically drooling when I talk about building a computer. Heh, I think I know what I'm getting him for his birthday", thought Marconi.

"Anyway, follow me and I'll get you to class, and make sure no one except a few trusted friends or two know about us, the computer, and what I'm about to show you." James was quite grave with this warning.

He pulls out his set of keys and yells "computer!", and a computer monitor pops up from the ceiling. "Voice recognized, Identification Please."

James yells "physical lock", and two keyholes pops up and then inserts a red key and blue key into the keyholes

"Give Marconi Alexander Philips, Level 2 guest access, authorize 3-5 friends Level 1 guest access. Administrator, James the Janitor."

"Access Granted".

"Wow", Marconi exclaims!

James turns to Marconi and looks him in the eye.

"Remember our secret and keep this away from Randall "the skunk" Monroe. I don't know what's his relationship with a few people, but he's a notorious snitch that offers nice benefits. He leads an underground snitch ring that the teachers have kept trying to clean up and shut down. If he gets his hands on the tunnels I'm about to give you who knows what'll happen. I think he may know something already".

"The tunnels, Randall?" Marconi, then writes it down on his notes app.

"Just do it, you'll probably find out about him later, an information dealer, informant, a teachers pet, and a dangerous trickster. Just stay away and you won't get burned" James replied. "Thanks for the info, I gotta get to class".