I don't want them to know...yet

Chapter 11: I don't want them to know...yet.

Lyricie and Jiaxyn, the sisters are in the computer room. Lyricie was playing online games called 'Shroud of the Avatar, forsaken virtues' while Jiaxyn is watching a Korean drama, however the computer seems to corrupt. "Sis, what is wrong with this computer? Can you help me solve this?'' She pause the game and look at her sister's computer. ''Your connection is not private. This one is basic.'' And she easily fixed the problem. ''Done" she said and her sister was happy that she have an incredible sister.


It was cold night and Zier went home.

Depositing my bad on the couch, I kissed her hello and she move away. At a loss as to what to do next, I sat down beside her on the sofa and tried to work out to what she is playing in her computer. She seemed to be doing more listening than talking, which was odd or her but that is one I love about her. I waited a few minutes for her to finish, but it soon became obvious that wouldn't be happening for a quite a while so I disappeared and went upstairs.

''Wait.'' I stops, I look at her waiting for her to say something. ''My company was planning to open a new jewelry store in Sydney and I need to go with them. I will leave next week and comeback after we finish having a showcase."

"I go with you."

"No need. They don't know our marriage and I don't want to expose it."

"Why you don't want them to know?"

''You are the first one you want to keep it a secret.''

''Is it me? Then let's tell them right now.''

''No way!''

"Why?" He leans closer to her like he was going to kiss her. ''Tell me if not I will kisses you.'' He smirked. She blushed like a tomato. ''I don't want them to know...yet.'' She nervously said to him not facing in his eyes and he kisses him in her cheeks. She kicked him and says ''Liar.'' And she went upstairs to get changed. He chortled. She went to the kitchen after changing and sits in the sofa. She brings out her phone and call for someone.

It's already more than one hour— still not talking to each other—

doing their own stuff while Zier look at her, secretly complaining at himself.

So Zier stood up, as if heading towards the window that overlooked our street and pretended to faint before he got there. Lying still on the carpet, barely breathing, he waited patiently or her to respond to her dutiful husband's lack of consciousness. After what felt like several minutes, in which she'd failed to pause for breath let alone the conversation. He carefully opened an eye but she spotted me immediately and laughed.

"That action of yours looks real but you can't fool me by pretending to faint.'' She laughed, and her grin faded to a smile her eyes seemed to sparkle and he could see on what's on her mind for a second. She help me stands up and he grinned.

"Don't do that again, ever.'' She seriously said and he was really shocked. He grin ear to ear and say ''Yes my dear wife. I promise.''

''Then, I'll take my leave.'' And she left hurriedly, avoiding the good bye kiss.

* * *

Lyricie headed to her company. Her driver open the door for her and she went out the car. She headed straight to the front door and the guards bow to her— showing respect to their Boss even if they are young or old.

A woman who wears fitted clothes and it most look like she needs cloth to cover up some of her parts that are widely showing to the public. She even look proud to show it even i it's a jerk. Lyricie knows who she is cause she made a research of her, some but not all. She do not want to know more about her. She only wanted to know what's her relationship with Zier. She walk straight— not minding the people's stare as they greeted when she passes by. The woman saw Lyricie. She stands up and she block her way—standing proudly saying that she is beautiful and no one should ever compare to it. In fact, she is miles away to Lyricie. Lyricie is more natural and her charisma is overflow. No one can compare to that— even herself, the woman.

''Hey, Ms. Bermudes. I want to talk to you...in private.'' The woman said and she follows her behind and went to her office.

''Speak'' She look at her head to toe and she remembered, it was the woman who call her slut.

''I am Amella Werllis, future wife of Zier Mo, the CEO of MO Empire and I want you to leave Zier's side. Leave us alone! We love each other and don't be a third wheel. You are not beautiful and you are nothing compared to me, I am smart and beautiful. Mo family wants me and wanted to marry Zier. I am the second daugther of Werllis Association.'' I lift my left eyebrow and look at her emotionless.

''I thought you're here for business, I guess not. Now please leave.'' She was irritated and she shouted ''You will regret this! If you don't leave MY Zier side, the MO FAMILY will hate you!'' and she raise her middle finger and show it to me before she left. I smirk, good thing I have a security cam in my table and can clearly see on what she said every word. I can even show it to the Mo Family.

She have the contacts to the Mo Family —she get it from Zier's email account. She knows his Email Account and there is no problem with it. She can use it anytime but in one condition. No framing and she can't send any message to anyone.

She open her unknown email she had just made yesterday. She edited her video—covering her face and blink Lyricie's name. Of course, she do not want gossips about her with this b!tch.

After the final touch of the video, she send it to them—Mo Family and it includes Zier but the message she send has a time limit. It will be officially send next 2 months.

Whenever she thinks of the way she's been called slut. Slut? Me? I've been almost rape when i was young, you call me slut? What a shame! Look at yourself, Amella.

Next day, she came over again.

" Come on! Give me a price and i'll name it!" Amella egostically said—slam Lyricie's table.

"Dimwit." She calmly said. Amella burst out of anger and hatred towards her.

"What.did.you.say?" Why ask. Lyricie smirked as she say it again. "Dimwit." Amella raise her hand—wanting to slap her face hard but she need to calm down. She needs to.

"Stop saying those words again in front of me! Just said the price and i'll name it! Any amount can!" She yell and it is also heard outside the office. Some of them whispered—gossiping and trying to guess what's going on.

"I do not want your money, Dimwit. You can't also ordered me around especially i am not your servant." Lyricie smoothly said. "Fine! Then what do you want?" Amella said.

"I want you to not show up again in my face." She coolly said. "Ha?! Don't want to show up? Just hell! I only wanted you to keep away from him and bring me back to him. He even banned me to go to his Company or elsewhere whenever he is around!!!" Amella said and she kneel down before her.

"Please. Help me." Amella teary said. Her tears fall little by little. Lyricie laugh.

"Sorry but i can't help you. You may leave or i call the guards to force you to leave." Lyricie coldly said—icey glare at Amella made her shiver to dead.

She stands up biting her lower lips in anger. "And also, stop acting. It's obvious. Such a pity." Lyricie added. Amella got tongue-tied and stopping her feet as she went outside.

But before she went out. "You slut! Remember this. You will experience hell!" and she left laughing.

"Sorry but i already experience thousands of hell and you're one of my hell." She whispered.

Because she am curious how she manage to say such words and she want to get rid of that girl in her face, she search the Werllis Association.

This is not complete. This information is limit, there should be very important fact. No, there something more. +

She also even search Mo Empire and it's family.

''So... Mysterious family.''