Why did you overwork?

Chapter 12: Why did you overwork?

Lyricie check her work twice and her paper works are in order so she can easily find it."Our partner boss had a heart attack?" She frowns after hearing his explanation.

"Yes boss,so it was canceled." A heart attack? Maybe something happens to his family again.

"Okay. Let's move it and wait until he is ready to work again."

"Yes boss." He smiled at her and he left in the office.

She continues to work and finish the files she need to finish.

She was still in the office drinking coffee to wake her up while still working. It was hard especially if she do not have a personal assistant to work with her. She interview but not of them fits the criteria. She endured furthermore she still work hard. For the sake of her future.

Ring! Ring!

She answered the call.

"Hello. Who is it?"

[It's me. Are you not going home? It's midnight. Where are you? I'll pick you up.]

Oh, it's just him.

"No thanks. I need to finish this. *yawn*"

Oh no, I am indeed sleepy.

[Where are you? Is it work again?]

"I'm at my office. Yes."

[I'll come. Wait for me.]

toot. toot. toot.

He hanged up and she continue to work. She doesn't care if he will come or not.

She stands up to get a snacks. She opened the door however she felt dizzy.

"No not now. Not now." Lyricie hold her head and she fell down and her eyes black out.

Zier just arrived at her company in the entrance. He hurriedly went to the top floor. He search the CEO's office, her wife's office. He opened the door and he found his wife lying on the floor.

"Lyricie!" He run towards her and carry her. He put her at the sofa and hold at her head.

"Hot. Why did you overwork? *sigh* well done. You need to rest."

He arranged the paper works and close the laptop. He carried her and leave at the office. They reach at his car and he lay her at the back seat. He put her a jacket so that she will not feel cold. He drove and went to the drug store. He buy a medicine for fever and a fever patch.

Until they reach home, he call his personal assistant to cancel all his appointment tomorrow.

"Yes boss." he hangs up and carry her to their bedroom.

She hug him tight and says "Don't leave. Please, do.. not.. leave... me alone. I'm scared." and her tears fell. His heart ache after hearing her words and tears. He wipe it down and says "I am here. I will never going to leave your side. I'm here. I'm here."

Lyricie is having a nightmare. Her darkest memory of her past.

He was mad at the people who make her suffer. He always watch her but he always lost sight of her. He can't do anything because he was super busy everyday and he cannot watch her closely.


'hey! Look at him! He will confess to her!'

' Yeah! She is the transfer student!'

'I heard she is so hot and sexy!'

'Every man said that on first one look you will fall!'

'Let's check it out!'

"Zier! Come on! Let's check that chick!" he grabbed him and went there. He was also once interested at the transfer student.

"Look look! He is here!" I wonder who she is. Is it her? Zier thought.

"There! She's here!"

'Shh!! Quiet.'

'She is indeed hot'

I look at the girl and it was really her. She had changed. She was only cute and skinny before but now, she was an angel with an extremely hot.

da-dumb. da-dumb. da-dumb.

My heart beats so fast by looking at her... I fell in love at her, again.

It looks like I can't love any woman except for her. He chuckled.

"Uhm... Ms. Bermudes. I guess you already know me...You are really beautiful and hot. I got really interested at you. We will be a great couple. Will you be my girlfriend? I'll give you everything you want. Every girl loves me, I guess you are one of them. Am I right?" He went closer to her and he was planning to kiss her, however she kicked her balls.

'Ooh! That's hurt.'

'That girl is... wow.'

"Shut your damm mouth. I am not interested. Stop battering me. wait, I already saw you somewhere." she thinks and says "Ahh!!! I know you!"

"You!... Urgh!" the man said who confess to her while still holding his own.

She went closer and she whispered something at his ear.

The man was shocked and his yes got bigger...

'What did she said?'

'I don't know.'


"You!!! You are also one of us! Wow, so it means you are... NO WAY! I can't believe this!" he shouted in shocked. "No way!" he continued.

She raised her left eyebrow and says "Join my team or else..."

"Fine!!! I'll join. This should be my confession, how come?"

"Because your not worth it." And she left.

'Ooh! That's hurt. Not worth it?!'

'What are they talking about? I can't understand it!'

'me too.'

"Let's go." I said and leave.

What did they meant by that? What one of us? What did he meant by that? Lyricie, what happen to you after your mother died?

~End of flashback~

Lyricie wakes up and she saw her husband in a deep thought.


"You're awake. Wait for me." I said and I hurry bring the soup.

Zier feed her slowly.

"Sorry." she bow her head and bit her lower lips.

I sigh and hug her. "Don't overwork again. Promise me that."

"Yes. I'll promise."