The First Step

My name is Jaspare. I'm not the Sky who started this, but I thought I could leave a message here for others trying to prove our people are worthy of receiving the same treatment as other races.

When in the arena I made the mistake of killing my opponent, I'm not sure what to do that can fix others views of me, or if it can even happen. Just know this, don't kill your opponent unless there really is no choice. Also look for other ways out even if you don't think there is one.

I have pondered what happened to me more and have come to the conclusion that how you are perceived by others can be important. Especially when trying to change the way things are. When we care or come to care about how others perceive us. We changes how we perceive ourselves. When we see ourselves as wrong, we change what we do and how we act. I'm am trying to do this, but fear I have little time left in which to do so.

With that note I can't think of something more to write now, so I'll write something more if I survive my next match. Hopefully you found and read this before you followed me down a similar path of killing in the arena. I hope this thought proves useful to you.

P.S All ways stay proud and don't give up.