A Discription of the Final Picture

There would be a picture of the end result for Jaspare's final battle if pictures could be posted.

The battle was bloody. Jaspare had several cuts. He'd lost his left-hand sword about 5 feet to the right of him, at a slight diagonal from where Tenor and he had died. His right sword broke, do to sabotage, about an inch from the handle. It was dropped to the left of where they died, about 7ft from them. This happened after Jaspare lost his left sword.

Just moments from the end of the battle the tip of Jaspare's wing was cut off. The length severed was approximately a foot long. Immediately following this Jaspare stabbed Tenor through the heart with the dagger from his right boot.

Just seconds later he passed out from blood loss. While the audience and arena officials were in shock from the bloody battle Jaspare died due to lack of action and blood loss. But not before he inspired another.