The soul judgement bureau

A room full of white awaited me as I walked through the iron door. I walked straight to the chair and sat down. The table in front of me was quite massive yet it had a distinctive feeling of elegance. There was not much else to the room. It was a small place without any pictures or ornaments on the walls.

There were just 2 chairs separated by a table. As I sat down I began to ponder what kind of "test" they referred to. Is it a test to see my moral alignment or are they reviewing my life and letting me defend myself to decide the fate of my soul?

The moment of truth was drawing closer and closer yet it did not feel special at all. It was not a grand spectacle no god reading all of your sins and allowing you into heaven or sending you straight to hell.

The door behind me opened and I saw a goatlike creature coming towards my direction and taking place on the opposite of me. It did not show any indication giving me its hoof to shake hands. It might just be a human custom to greet each other that way.

"Name?", said the goat acting like it was displeasure to just be in my close vicinity.

" Aaron Bleak" My lips had not even closed before the next question came.

" Species?"

" Homo Sapiens"

" Human it is" Why does the term sound so negative when it comes out of its mouth?

The goat did not even bother to look at me before a white ball appeared in front of me.

" Please put your hands on top of this to start your judgement process."

I did as I was asked to and placed my hand on the white ball, While I did not feel anything at all up on making contact, there has to be something going on with it

" This ball of light rewatches your life and values all your did whether good or bad. Ultimately its judgement decides your fate. It is free of emotion so its judgement cannot be swayed by pesky thoughts."

Time passed slowly and I wondered what the result might be. I could not remember much about my life as all those memories had turned fuzzy. What are the parameters that determine the results? Is killing a human much worse than killing a bug, or is every life equal in its eyes?

As I was deep in my thoughts a zero appeared over the ball.

" How can a human reach this level of karmic ties" It was the first time the voice contained a different emotion in it.

This sudden change caught my interest so I raised my voice a little and asked a question.

" Is a zero something special? It just means that I am neither good nor evil. I do not see any great merit in getting this outcome."

The goat nearly screamed back at me.

" You do not get it. Zero is not just a number, it represents balance. Most creatures are either totally good or totally evil. Especially your human race, known for its merciless exploitation of whatever suits their needs. How could such a specimen achieve balance in karmic ties?"

I did not lose my courtesy towards the goat even though it made me feel like it talked to an idiot.

" I do not know the extent and the weight of such a result, but what I do know is that I am neither good enough for heaven nor bad enough for hell. So what is left for me? What am I supposed to do?"

The goat looked at me as if it could not fathom what words had just left my mouth. It mumbled something I could not understand, but it had to be something about the idiocracy of the human race.

After taking a few deep breathes the goat tried to use a different tone of voice to talk to me.

" Look, karmic ties are the end result. After factoring every action you ever did into its judgement it evaluation ends up with the karmic ties, that describe your nature. The universe strives for balance, that is why there has to be the exact amount of positivity to negativity. Out of billions of souls, there were only a few specimens able to accomplish true balance. A human being has never reached it before and it was thought to be impossible given their inherent nature."

" But all of a sudden there is an exception to this rule and it is sitting right in front of you. So what is the price for this achievement." I asked with high expectations.

" Your price is the biggest honour any lifeform could ever get. You will become a judge as well. You will be responsible for the entire human race. Is it not a glorious feeling?"

" I think I will pass."

" You do not have much choice in that matter as the laws dictate it that way. So welcome to Soul Judgement Bureau. Mister Bleak I am looking forward to your work."

And that marked the beginning of a career I did not choose.