A job I did not choose

Before I even got a chance to realize what was currently happening to me, I already had become the object of many questioning gazes by my future coworkers. It did feel strange, to be looked at, as if my entire existence was an insult to them.

But I decided to swallow my pride and still show my best behaviour. It would be unwise to let my emotions run wild without knowing anything about my new job that was forced upon me. The information that had been given to me, where a bit too unspecific to understand what my job is truly about.

If it was just about telling humans to place their hands above the ball, which was used in my judgement, then the requirements would have been a lot laxer. Do you speak Human and can you tell them what to do? Welcome aboard.

Instructions like this do not need any qualified personnel. The mysterious karmic ties are another topic, which implications are something I absolutely have no idea about. I understand the principle behind it, but the criteria for the evaluation and what exactly it defines as good or bad are above my expertise at the moment.

Besides leaving a good impression, I did not have the time to think about everything. So far my idea about the afterlife could not have been any more wrong. With neither heaven or hell waiting for me I was unsure exactly what was planned for me.

I was hardly looking forward to being forced to evaluate humans for all eternity. How many lifetimes would it take to judge every human being, that will come in front of me? How many humans do exist and will exist in the future?

The realisation of the absurdity of my new task made me feel even worse. The average human life span is around 80 years and coming close to its end most of them look forward to the sweet salvation known as death.

I did not want to imagine what eternity must feel like. I was not very keen on actually finding out, but just like the moon, it was looming over my head. Facing such an inescapable fate, just means that I will have to make sure to enjoy my work.

Finding a positive even in the deepest pit of despair is something I should do to keep my sanity. Who knows, maybe my job has very nice terms and conditions. A nice salary and sick days on top would be a dream come true.

Although most of my coworkers do not seem to do this out of obligation. They treat this as the highest honour and duty. While I can not agree with their point of view, I hope I do not have to follow their noble behaviour.

How am I even supposed to judge if anyone is good or bad? Evaluating someone based on my limited perspective of what I deem good or bad is too shallow. With the advancement of civilisation and technology, a new set of morals will evolve.

What was most vile and evil act yesterday can turn into a mild nuisance, while something good can become something sinister as well. And do not get me started on religion since heaven truly exists which interpretation was right?

Is everyone already condemned to hell just because of believing and praying to the wrong kind of God? It is truly a headache to figure out how I should act. Is someone bad just because he does something others perceive to be wrong if he has noble intentions? What about someone who commits a crime because he has no other choice?

Right and wrong are nothing more than 2 different interpretations of an act. It is highly subjective and not something such an important choice should be based on.

I decided to stop this train of thought right there because I still lacked crucial information on what my job really was about. Being objectified and hearing them talking about me behind my back certainly was convincing enough to not feed them any more topics.

After being lead around and introduced to so many different species I did not even know the name of I had finally arrived in front of a small door, with my name on it. Every other door seemed noble and contained a feeling of aloofness and serenity.

Mine was a door made out of wood painted black and that was it. It was obvious that the general opinion about humans was far from stellar but treatment like this was just downright cruel. just why did it have to stick out like a sore thumb with its cheap design and ominous colour?

Looking at the door, made me feel like starting a career as a grim reaper. I just hope that the interior is better than this cheap door. But the faint hope died as fast as it came up, after opening the door, I was greeted by a dust mop and other cleaning utensils.

Where is your common decency, I am the first of my kind why do I have to advise peoples future in a broom closet. Now I know why my so-called office was at the end of this corridor. In the middle of cobwebs and dust was a small table and chairs used in camping.

If that does not say professionalism I do not know.

Oh, what have I got myself into this time around?