Cursing Someone Mentally

The atmosphere of mutual hostility dissipated after Luo Yunyang put away his spear. The majority of spectators that hadn't been able to retreat far enough let out a collective sigh of relief.

This matter could be considered settled now!

A painful groan was suddenly heard, making most people remember one of the protagonists of this incident.

Nie Xin, the young master of the Nie Family, was currently whimpering on the ground like a dog with a broken tail.

"You must help me take revenge, Uncle. He… he did this intentionally. He attacked me intentionally!" Nie Xin looked at the Tiger King emotionally.

The Tiger King's face had darkened when Luo Yunyang had spoken, yet when he heard Nie Xin's cry for help, his face flushed with fury. "This matter has been settled!" he bellowed at Luo Yunyang. "What you are doing to Nie Xin is basically going against the entire..."