
"A warrior must advance courageously!" Lu Qubing met Luo Yunyang's gaze before he said in an extremely tranquil tone, "This might sound easy, but it's difficult to do! That's why you shouldn't have any psychological barriers!"

Luo Yunyang nodded. "My wood-based life source core can now reverse vitality. I already absorbed most of Nie Xin's vital energy. I only left a little. I reckoned that he's already at death's doorstep, so he won't live long!"

Although Lu Qubing had already speculated that Luo Yunyang had reached an exceptional stage, when he heard Luo Yunyang's words, he turned pale and nearly stepped on his own foot.

"Is that why you didn't kill him right away?"

"Partly. Another reason was because I felt that, although killing someone openly is extremely valiant, doing so might cause you and the Rising Dragon Army quite a bit of trouble. I used this vitality-reversing method to make things simpler!"