You Can Beat Him Till You Are Satisfied

Shen Yulang still had fat cheeks and a big belly, but his eyes no longer had that spirited glow they used to. On the contrary, his face now seemed haggard and sallow.

"You ruined my clothes, kid. When will you pay me back? Unless you plan on avoiding it?" A young man who looked like a hooligan pinched Shen Yulang's cheek as he mocked him.

"Backing out of a debt isn't a good idea, Shen Yulang. You wouldn't even be safe at school anymore. Even if you left Qitian Martial Academy, you still wouldn't be able to run. I have already made inquiries about your home address."

The guy's eyes were glowing like an eagle's watching its prey. "You are from Donglu Town. He he… That place is nothing like Chang'an. Nobody would be surprised if it was destroyed by a dire beast."

"You… You are all too much. I'm not someone who is easily bullied. I… I also have people to back me up!"