What Will You Do If I Tear It Down?

"Did you hear? Shen Yulang flipped out and beat up Zheng Yunwei. Dang, I heard that he's going to pick a fight with Qin Shang as well!"

"Did you knock your head or something? How could that be possible? How could Shen Yulang beat up Zheng Yunwei?" a boy in Qitian Martial Academy training attire asked his companion in disbelief. Suddenly, he stopped talking with a grunt.

He had just seen that impossible scenario unfold before him.

Shen Yulang and an unfamiliar boy were heading straight for the practice room where Qin Shang was. The fatty kicked the door to Qin Shang's practice room open.

Although practice rooms were public at the Qitian Martial Academy, nobody used the best, most luxurious practice room for cultivation purposes.

That practice room belonged only to Qin Shang.