Any Objections?

Master Xue Yuan's mouth curled into a sneer. This young man had overestimated his damn abilities. Did he think that he could be that lady's savior? That son of a b*tch was really ignorant!

Master Xue Yuan wanted to kill Luo Yunyang to set an example. Although Luo Yunyang had surprised everyone, he had made the wrong choice this time.

Due to that choice, he had forced himself into quite the predicament.

The Ocean-Suppressing Guardian was an ancient secret technique that gathered the 18 Guardians' source power and formed a guardian so unimaginably powerful that even the Guardian Deity would not face it head-on!

Anyone who chose to face the Ocean-Suppressing Guardian would most definitely die.

Luo Yunyang had to be killed in one move. This way, everyone around would be intimidated into letting Master Xue Yuan have this unknown treasure.

A murderous glint appeared in Master Xue Yuan's eyes as the giant guardian's palms pressed down.