The Mythical Southern Phoenix

Jing Xinghe was silent. The Eight Pole King was silent. Practically everyone present chose to remain silent, even though they were very unwilling to do so.

The countless Buddha Disks made Jing Xinghe and the others feel really afraid, so they naturally didn't dare make a move against Luo Yunyang.

There was silence all over the area. After some time, the deadlock was broken. "The Iron Blood Mercenary Group respects the master's wishes. We will leave immediately," someone said.

The person who had spoken was a burly fellow. Behind him stood over 30 equally robust martial masters.

Although 30 martial masters were a formidable power, they currently stood beneath the Buddha Disks, so they had no chance of retaliating.

"The Venomous Snake Mercenary Group will leave now!"

"Combat Master Ling Yun will depart. Congratulations on obtaining the treasure."