Still Not Enough

Most of these hedonistic young people had heard the elders of their clans talk about the 13 golden emblems before.

During these conversations, they had been warned repeatedly by the clan elders that, regardless of who displayed these emblems, if one of them was presented, they would have to comply obediently and not resist in any way.

If they put up any resistance, they would place their entire families in danger!

Although the 13 golden emblems that represented the 13 Eastern Cities' strongest powers had always been considered a myth, they had actually emerged.

Even though only one emblem had been presented, this was enough to instill fear in everyone's hearts.

Practically all these rich young people felt pity for Luo Yunyang. If he had known that things would turn out this way, he would surely have retreated earlier.

Instead, he would now be driven away without any rewards. Wasn't this like a hard slap across the face?