10th On The Sky List

Two people were seated inside a spacious, empty room with only two seats.

One of them was Lu Qubing, who was wearing casual clothes, and the other was a middle-aged man in a traditional robe.

Although traditional robes had been a rare sight ever since the apocalypse, the man didn't look out of place in the room.

The pot of water next to the two men had already turned cold and the chess pieces before them were inextricably locked in battle.

"The vice-chairman has already dispatched nine golden emblems!" the man in the traditional robes lamented. "It must be a really grand occasion!"

Lu Qubing chuckled as he clutched his cup and sipped the jade green tea.

"He's currently got people searching frantically for you all over the place. I've had a few of them ask around here three times already. Are you really not going to show up personally?" the man in the traditional robe asked softly.