A Powerhouse With Extreme Boundaries

This robust young man was so quick that he rushed before Luo Yunyang in the blink of an eye.

The instant he reached Luo Yunyang, his fist flew in a strange manner towards him.

The reason his fist seemed strange was because when he struck, a black hole actually appeared within the void,

Black holes absorbed and broke down everything. Thus, when this black hole got bigger, Luo Yunyang felt like his body was being sucked in.

However, by the time this sucking force wrapped around Luo Yunyang, Yunxi had already acted. When she brandished the green sword in her hand, a green phoenix surged towards the black hole.

Li Qingyun also acted the instant she saw Yunxi make her move. Her two hands rapidly formed a seal. Although she didn't rush over, a five-colored glow congealed and formed a large seal as her hands came crashing down.

Her speed seemed to scare everyone else.