The Edge Of The Sky

Yunxi felt the wind and sound get left far behind her. Huge mountains completely disappeared from her field of vision in the blink of an eye!

She was flying! Although Yunxi had flown before, this time she felt completely astounded. It seemed as though she had suddenly flown up into a sky as tender as water. She felt like a diver that had split apart layer after layer of warm waves.

All around her, things blossomed and appeared. Her heart felt like it was diving down rapidly from a high altitude and then suddenly soaring high up again. Then, it would dive down and soar up again. This feeling was too wonderful for words to describe, so all the repressed thoughts in her mind were cleaned out in an instant.

Yunxi's family clan matters and any objects like the Soul Cultivation Liquid no longer mattered! Love could cure all wounds deep in one's heart and create the greatest miracles in the human world.