Returning Atlantis Where It Came From

Yunxi left as soon as she said that. She didn't wait for Luo Yunyang to reply. Instead, she transformed into a streak of blue light and shot up to the sky.

She didn't even give Luo Yunyang a chance to speak. She left with determination, leaving no room to retreat.

Based on her attitude, Luo Yunyang could understand Yunxi's predicament. He stared at her trail of light, which was shooting rapidly towards the sky, with a resolute look.

"Yunyang, this mission was successful because of you. Otherwise, we would all have become a laughing stock!" the Ice Fire Divine Sparrow exclaimed as he gazed at Luo Yunyang with respect.

As Luo Yunyang turned and looked at the nine Heaven-Grade source beasts behind the Ice Fire Divine Sparrow, he suddenly thought of something. He knew that it wouldn't be difficult for him to kill off the Heaven-Grade source beasts given his current power.